King of the Whale Sharks
Both of your maps are really nice though, much better than the crappy one I did for myself
Maybe I should somehow trick Kerfuffle into making me one...
You only need to leave a trail of fried chicken leading to a computer with photoshop open and everything will fall into place
Though, I'm quite busy atm but I could get around to such requests in maybe a month (or two)
Eh - yours looks a heck of a lot better than mine anyway. When I had the idea of using YnAEMP, I didn't consider the fact that I'd have to snipping tool the map in the bottom right...
I actually never considered placing the civs and their cities in the actual YnAEMP map in-game and basing the world map off it, so nice idea! (Would have made placing them hexes a lot easier ). I didn't think of it before but what if you based the map off of the end-game replays instead of the minimap? You could get a good resolution with it as well