Chronicles [modmod]

yes i was talking about the modular modmod Chronicles (what was linked from the rise of man launcher in the modular ).. i had no knowledge of the standalone, found it and downloading now

thank you
i got the standalone Chronicles but been having problems playing a full game.. at some point in ad (1000ad the furthest i got) the game just crashes while between turns.
i notice every time i tired to build a "free city" the game would crash just from clicking on it to start building it. i think that when an A.I tires to build one on its turn is making the game crash.. on one game i only had 1 AI that had the right civ to build that in which i removed a few cities to stop him from able to have that option to build and was able to keep going, not knowing if that was the case just how i connected the dotes i seem.

2 other bugs i notice, when a fishing community gets destroyed you cant build a new one or repair it, second bandits will not get on a boat

i notice the launcher does look new and says Chronicles ( launcher 1.24 mod rev 1079 is what i got) but seems to really only effect dawn of man, like when you select the auto-start option it just loads dawn of man and when you check files in the menu fix installation it keeps the name but changes the mod to the dawn of man which forced me to reinstall chronicles. doing that also did 1 big change i no longer needed to change 2 civs in order to build a second city,

even downloaded it again no other changes, iv also deleted all saved files since that often causes problems in the past
It's still actively developed. I am just coding new stuff at the moment.
...however it is no longer an ADD-ON but a STANDALONE MOD on its on :)
Just check my signature for all the new stuff added ;)
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