Cities are only supposed to be 2 tiles apart at least, how did this happen?

Chronos I

Aug 5, 2009
Just to give some background, this is BTS, no mods, no WB. Is this just a bug or is there some caveats to this rule?
The first one I thought maybe could be a tribal village joining their civ as a city, I know this happened in Civ 3 but don't remember it happening in Civ 4 ever.

The second one is a city I built I and didn't even realize at the time that it was 1 tile away from that other city until after I noticed the cities in the first pic.

That rule only applies to cities on the same continent.
Washington can't work those copper and corn. Not a bad site actually. But Caesar should really push on or that city will flip right back... which does not come into AI's peacemaking considerations I guess.
Washington can't work those copper and corn. Not a bad site actually. But Caesar should really push on or that city will flip right back... which does not come into AI's peacemaking considerations I guess.
Washington couldn't work those anyway, they are out of the BFC.
The civ can still get trade credit for them as long as they have open borders with the Romans...
Washington couldn't work those anyway, they are out of the BFC.

That's my point: that is the reason the AI built those cities. AI is a sucker for resources anyway... if all the other tiles were desert there'd be an AI city just for those two tiles.
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