Cities listed in wrong order


Jan 2, 2009
Rome, Italy
Hello all, here's something funny (and annoying)

In my original, 16-bit CIV2 game (I have the original CDROM) cities are listed in the order they are built.
This means that if I build a wonder in one of the initial 2-3 cities, they are up there in the first 1-3 places in the list of cities; I tell a caravan "go to..." and the destination city is up there at the top of the list.
In the patched version made compatible for 64-bit OS, however, cities are listed in alphabetical order, so that often the earlier cities are "down there, somewhere" in the list of cities.
This is most annoying.

Is there anything I can do?
Ignore the custom graphics, I'm finishing up final tests on the Heroes of Might & Magic scenario and don't want to unload all the dlls just to make it look normal lol.

If you've got the latest version of FoxAhead's Civ2UIA Patch tool then you should see some little drop down arrows above everything. The one above the names sorts in alphabetical order. However the far left one (circled) sorts by when the city was created I think

Oh wait nope.. that arrow sorts it by the city size.. my bad
@FoxAhead is it possible to add another little arrow so people can sort by order of when they were built like in original Civ2?
In CIV2UIA you can right-click arrow to unsort cities list in the City Status Advisor. This brings back original sorting order by city array index, thus by city foundation order (the game has no information about the year of the city's foundation).
But I believe @mpescatori was talking about the Go-To list. It does have all the reachable cities sorted alphabetically. But you can press the key of the first letter of the city name to move the cursor in the list.
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