Citizen Group: The Legal Institute of Fanatica

Octavian X

is not a pipe.
Jan 11, 2002
deceiving people with images
The Legal Institute of Fanatica is not a group concerned with actions within the save game itself. It is a group wholly for the study of Fanatican law.

The goals of this group:
  • Encouragement of activity of all things legal: The game itself can draw away interest in matters involving the law when they arise. We want to encourage these discussions.
  • Constant review of current laws: We wish to continually review our current laws, ensuring that they are still effective.
  • Advocacy for the Rule of Law: Laws were created by the group as a whole to be followed, not disobeyed. We pledge to look out for wrongdoing, to attempt to correct previous mistakes with as little litigation in a court as possible.
  • Advice: We wish to answer questions that arise over the law, from newbies and vets alike.
  • Legal defense: While we wish to pursue prosecution when necessary, we also wish to defend people in court whom we view as innocent.
  • Judicial Advocacy: We, lastly, wish to voice our opinions when judicial reviews arise.

Please note that we do not require that all members be of the same political views. We want to encourage discussion between opposing factions, so that the best solution may eventually be found.

Disclaimer: Name will change if we decide to take any name other than 'Fanatica.'

  • Octavian X
  • Bootstoots
  • Cyc
  • Vander
  • CivGeneral
  • donsig
  • Eklekikos
  • Donovan Zoi
  • TerminalMan90
  • Grandmaster
  • ravensfire
Me too. And I proclaim this Citizen's Group to be perfectly legal and hope that it proceeds by the outline set forth above. ;)
Hell, I'm pre-law. I'm a shoe in. I'd like to be, as well.
I would like to be in as well
Finally, a citizen's group I can identify with. May I please be allowed to join?
This one looks genuinely promising so I'll sign up as well.

Although I'm also half-tempted to start up a "Guild of Outlaws" just to see if CG could find a way to reconcile membership of both this group and that... :mischief:
Originally posted by Eklektikos
Although I'm also half-tempted to start up a "Guild of Outlaws" just to see if CG could find a way to reconcile membership of both this group and that... :mischief:

I heard that Eklektikos :p.
Originally posted by Eklektikos
Although I'm also half-tempted to start up a "Guild of Outlaws" just to see if CG could find a way to reconcile membership of both this group and that... :mischief:

With Mara Jade and the Jade Commandos in tow, no doubt..... :D

I too would like to join this group, as I fully intend to see our ruleset to completion, even if(and it most likely will) it takes us into Term 1 of the game.

After that, I would be more than willing to discuss any needed changes that may prove necessary in the future. I don't really speak fluent Legalese, but I have a good idea of what our laws should provide to the people of, um, Fanatica.
Ok, can we stop it with poking fun at me now :p.
Poke Poke.

I might be tempted to lurk this group but I am much more interested in joining the outlaw group.

I just hope the outlaws won't have to work on THEIR constitution, `cause the constitutional accords talks would get really bloody.

So are you going to form a group Eklektikos? :)
I'll join this group, too. Hell, it has the same purpose as mine, 'cept without the litigation. Maybe Octavian is on to a better way.... :ponders:
As others have mentioned, this is a group I would be proud to be a member of!

Oct, I would be honored if you would allow me become a member.

-- Ravensfire
I would like to see the fine members of this organization take action to rectify the issues outlined in Demogame Rules - Bug Reports thread. Are you up to the task?
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