Citizen Group: The Philosophers

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King of all Kings
Dec 17, 2002
NYC to Connectcut...
The Philosophers

Welcome to the Philosopher Group! This clan puts outright pride in the expansion of knowledge and the world around us.

What is the Philosophers Group?
As a group of citizens we are commited to learning and expanding the way we think to make us the smartest in the world. We are commited to building a pillar of books and learning from it and spreading our smartness throughout the world.

Plans and Aims:
-Put more money in Science to get the upper hand of other nations.
-Expand the mind of not only ourselves but the world by building Libraries and Universities.
-Build a large structure that will stand the test of time for a world wide reference for books.
-Win other civilizations through clever tricks and better minds than by attacking them with warriors.

Who We Are
1. Amirsan (President)
2. Fier Canadien
3. Rik Meleet
4. CivGeneral
5. Bootstoots
6. Bacon King

-Childrens of Peace
-Defenders of the Free Republic

Honorery Members
Term One:
I wish to sign up for this citizens group. This would fit perfictly to my interest in Psychology in RL :).
Our First AIM or Goal
To research the secrets of Literature before anyone else and use its powers to consolidate the way our nation thinks and looks for information.

First Matter of Business
What shall we expand our knowledge to first? (this will have to wait until Civ Traits are decided)

Group Announcement
I am in interest of running for Science Minister, I hope I have your support. :)

Also I think the member of this group in which wins the elections for Science Minister should become an Official of this group for the term, though this makes it hopefully that the group supports those who are running for the same office out of this group. (something like that, I would like to be nice and allow others to have a chance to moderate the group, its like a Republican President which is usually the head of the Republicans and are supported by the Republicans and represent them, something like that) Wel will see how this will actually work...
As President of the Defenders of the Free Republic, I would like to extend the hand of friendship to this group. We support education, as an educated populace can better govern itself. So long as work for your agenda within the system of laws, you have our support. :)
Is it just me or was that a singularly nonsensical combination of statements?
I wish to join. After all, the ignorant get crushed more often than the technologically advanced in this game. I would like to mention though that excelling scientifically requires a large enough civilization to generate significant research, not just building scientific improvements in a puny nation and having a high portion of our revenues going to science. Perhaps, the crafty use of military forces and an occasional temporary decrease in scientific support can lead to greater support of science in the long run.
I'm a warmonger at heart, but I know the necessity of an educated populace. I thus express my support to the philosophers for we can better win our wars with superior guns and swords.
I will Join
This works well with NOW: culture/science prevents flipping and science gives us advanced units.

I join.
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