Citizens Group: National Order of Warmongers

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High Elven ISB Capt & Ghost Agent
Jun 17, 2002
Night Haven, Vekta, United Systems of Korpulu
National Order of Warmongers

For the continuation of the proud tradition of militarism of The War Church and others.
Welcome to the NOW a collection of like minded citizens concerned with the goings-on in our empire.

What is the NOW Group?
As a group of citizens, we are concerned about our military and our ability to wage defensive and offensive wars with hostile nations. Our group seeks to inform the government of our military needs, including unit production, upgrading, and militaristic improvements. We Do not seek to be a voting bloc, we instead are a group of concerned citizens sharing goals of glory on the battlefield and sharing stories of our nations victories.

Aims and Beliefs

  • War is a legitimate form of foreign policy, aggressive and defensive.
  • Strike first, strike fast, strike hard. Wage sucessful campaigns.
    The maintenance of a strong army, in peacetime and in conflict.
  • A Home for militarists within the empire to have reasonable debate.
  • Our aims may evolve over time, depending on our sucesses.

Who We Are
CivGeneral (Volunteer Ambassador To The Children of Peace)
Bacon King
Karsten Strauss

Children of Peace (I am hoping to get our two groups to get along)
Put on your caps guys :viking:
We're going to war!
(Count me in)
FC - We are not a violent and irrational group. In fact I myself am a Peacefull Warmonger. I only wage an open war if I know I can win it. Which is why I have appointed myself as Ambassador to the COP.

After talks with Bacon King. He gave me a little test and that I have discovered that I myself I am a peacemonger. I wish to remain in this group since I do support a Standing Army but I am not a supporter for Agressive War that has no point.
I'm sorry to interrupt, but am I the only one who sees something wrong with the understanding NOW is showing towards "The Children of Peace"?
Just to remind you, their fundamental beliefs are:
1.No aggressive war is legitimate, may it be for tiles, cities or ressources.

2.We support heavy trading to access ressources and techs we do not own.

3.We support any war declared by the AI, but it must end as soon as possible(as soon as the AI wants to talk with us).
How can NOW possibly agree with such standards, not to mention support them. If CivGeneral is joining the Children of Peace then something is wrong with one or both of the factions.

No agressive war is legitimate? Sealing a peace treaty as soon as the enemy is even willing to talk? How does that settle with any of the thing we preach?
Agressive war is the best kind of war, it is the war we have most chances to benefit from.
Perhaps I misunderstood the aims of NOW, in such a case, please clarify this issue for me.
I'll join this group. I may be pacifist in RL, but theres no reason why that should restrain me from going to war in Civ. Any war that has a positive outcome for us is a good war.
@Charon - I am interested in joining. Since there seems to be a problem with founders of another oposing faction joining another Faction. Then I wish to hearby step down and let Peri be in charge.

Here is an explanation, While talking with Bacon King, He told me that my ideals are more twards a Peacemonger. I do Support heavy trading, and I also support a swift end to a war.
Count Me In. :)

In real life I'm a full peace supporter, but this is CIV! We have to expand somehow..
The problem I see with being a membmer of both groups is that while they may agree on certain cases, and during the first turns nither will suggest totally different way to run things is that the actual fundaments of beliefs are opposite.

They way I see it, at least, it's not that warmongers are against trade, and being a warmonger doesn't mean you necesserily want to achieve conquest victory. What it means is that you fundamentally believe it is the right of our people to take that which will further the goals of our nation, by force if needed, from other nations. If you rather put it otherwise, it means you believe the true democracy is superior and it is our duty, our moral duty even, to aspire to fold as many lands as possible under our wings.

As I meantioned before, in the peacemonger's thread, there are some factors that will sometimes make a truce the best choice, make peace more beneficial for our people. But the basic agenda is to gain as many provinces for our governors as possible.

The children of peace preach peace as the state we need to aspire to at all times, and was is the necessity. I preach (I'd like to say "we", but I no longer know where anyone really stands on this) the exact opposite.

I suppose this debate will come to it's height during the middle ages, in the ears of the knights and later the cavalry- that's the real time for crusades across the continent.

I will note that I mix a bit of roleplaying in the actual civing :), I'm talking ideals more than I'm talking game terms, well, don't confuse "Citizen Charon" the politician with me as a gamer or a person, and like everyone said here- my opinions on the civ game are not anywhere near my opinions on the state my country is in.
i'll join, this is my first democracy game (i feel like i'm really close to doing something wrong or screwing up) i originally was about to turn away from this thread, but after reading a bit on, this seems to fit me, i usually play builder/warmonger games with a heavy focus on war in the late (tanks and onward) game. i am usually not allt hat fond of war before the mid-late industrial age, but i am very confident that under other players guidence, we can wage sucessful war, and i see it in a democracy game to be one area where we should excell, my best wishes to all who join
Originally posted by amirsan
I love war! Count me in! :D

I am looking foward to a position in military defense and science for this game.

I have dibs on the Military :p
charon, i must agree with you, there is very little chance NOW and COP will ever agree on any major issue, aside from early expansion. The COP seems to me a group to counter the NOW, as thier only major issue is that they oppose war, we can not run a game simply by oppsoing war, we must have a set goal, the NOW's goal is clear, aggresive diplomacy, including war, to expand our empire. The only real view the COP holds is quote "2.We support heavy trading to access ressources and techs we do not own." that is not something we can center a game around, okay, so we have techs, now what? they mainly exist so we don't get to powerful, if those people want to suport heavy trading, join the philosaphers, which we can center a game around, and would be at least semi-helpful to us (less culture flips) if you are part of NOW and "support heavy trading to access ressources and techs we do not own." join the philosphers, not a group that believes war is bad

no offense is intended to anyone, if i have offended you in any way, i'm sorry
I'll join!
I'm a warmonger in all my games so this sounds like my kind of group. I hope the group's aims are only to wage war if :
- there is certainty of a succesful war
- of a short war
- against enemies who won't bring larger enemies in
- if the war will cripple a foe and will allow us to profit (receive tech from agreements for example).
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