City Expansion

irrigation helps cities get more food and grow faster, however in the early game you can only get more than 2 food from a tile if it's a tile with bonus resources on it, due to the despotic tile penalty.
Welcome hepperterry,
the term 'expansion' (especially when it comes along as 'city expansion') is mostly associated with cultural border expansions of a city.
If you refer to such expansion definition, mining or irrigation does not help, but any cultur point producing city improvement ('building') does, e.g. temple, library.

Now mining would generally help to complete such a building faster, plus irrigation in the early game suffers from the despotism tile penalty (irrigating a grassland tile w/o bonus food is totally useless, for example), so you could say that mining would lead to an earlier border expansion. OTOH, growth is very important, so you would want to irrigate when you could harvest more food in the process for faster growth (bigger city -> more working tiles -> more production).
Hi Terry, there is one big thing you have to take into consideration during early game development and while you are still under a despotism government;

it will all depend on whether to irrigate or mine a certain terrain, due to a Despotism penalty early game. In other other words...say you find a fish resource inside your city radius on the coast. Ok now the fish resource is supposed to generate 3food and 3commerce (correct me if I'm wrong) But when you're under a despotism EVERY square that produces more than 2 of each resource gets reduced by 1, making the fish produce 2f and 2c. So therefore when you come across a grassland tile that produces 2f, you are going to want to MINE it making it produce 2food + 1 shield, and then of course make sure theres a road to it, giving it 1 commerence. all in all it will be 2f + 1s + 1c. Not bad eh?

but on the other hand if you're thinking on irrigating that grassland tile, it will just keep you at 2 food UNTIL you get to at least a Monarch government.

hope that helps Terry, otherwise, I'm there's someone else can explain it a little better if I failed to.
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