City Flipping


Hater of Babylonians
Jan 23, 2002
Manassas, VA
I have a question regarding the flipping of cities.

In the game I am playing now, I am the Russian and had MMP treaty with the English. The Brits were attacked by those warmonging Babs and I quickly came to my ally's defense. During hte course of the war, I recaptured some original English cities which were occupied by the Babs. After the war ended and the English were eliminated I found my self alone on the continent with the Babs when 2 of my recaptured English cities deposed my govenors and went to the Babs.

I do not mind cities flipping as that is part of the game but the 2 cities in question where a) well inside my territory and b) closer to my capitol than the Bab. In fact the closest Bab city was at least 20 tiles to the west and through a mountain range.

Any ideas?
Check for Babylonian population in your cities, or possibly for a mole (yeah, I know, good luck with that).

Not to mention that the Babylonians are culture machines.
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