We have seen that when a Settlement gets enough Growth (food) it has a Growth event with a population that needs to be placed.
in a blank tile to Improve it and make it a Rural District
in an Urban District with Buildings up to the City Specialist Limit
What happens if there is nowhere to place the population?
If all tiles in the city radius are filled and all the Urban Districts have the Max number of Specialists … does
it get placed as an inactive specialist (doing nothing until the limit increases)
get lost?
crash the game? (can’t go to next turn)
not add that pop?
in a blank tile to Improve it and make it a Rural District
in an Urban District with Buildings up to the City Specialist Limit
What happens if there is nowhere to place the population?
If all tiles in the city radius are filled and all the Urban Districts have the Max number of Specialists … does
it get placed as an inactive specialist (doing nothing until the limit increases)
get lost?
crash the game? (can’t go to next turn)
not add that pop?