City limits


Jul 15, 2009
Russia, Pskov province
No city limits © sYn

Conquests.exe + Gamecopyworld no-cd + removed 512 cities limit (unlimited cities count from now) in one: or attachment.
Helps with 360x360 map and 31 nations.
Cheating savefile in RAR is for test: theres 512 cities exactly. Build one more and youll get 513th without "Too many cities" message. AI building cities properly.
P.S. greetings to civrucom members reading this one

Known issues:
1) dont go to gamemenu/options (CTRL+P) from the game - it crashes. Do it from start game menu.

Upd 16.07.2009. Attachment with no-razing exe + no city limits added (second link)
Upd 18.07.2009. Attachment with "no city limits for mapeditor en/ru versions" added (third link)
Upd 29.11.2010. Attachment with "no raze, no city limits, no unit limits" exe added (fourth link)


Could you please apply this hack to the noraze version of Conquests.exe as well?



It's nothing crazy, and it is very useful. There have been many created for Civ, including the NoRaze, patch to avoid resource civilopedia error message, among a host of others.

It can be used very well in Epic mods on the largest of maps. Of course, for scenarios with pre-placed cities, it would have some value if settler's are allowed. If scenarios do not allow settlers, then it cannot be used unless there is a way to make the editor allow placement of more than 512 cities (anyone know if this is possible?)

Much thanks to the creator!

Having a larger limit is great. What is the upper boundary now -1024? 2048?

If somebody want to make unlimited units or unlimited cities in mapeditor scenario-file - post here scenario-file wheres city/units limit is exhausted (put maxlimit of cities or units, let editor show message 'too many cities' or somehow else and post this file here). I hope this hacker would help us with that too, hes high-principled person, no kidding.

Could you please apply this hack to the noraze version of Conquests.exe as well?
Ill send him this file. If it works with savefile with 512 cities which have putted in archieve from 1st post - it gonna be done, I guess.

Anyway it works, we (31 countries) have 545 cities atm and end of turn takes up to 4 mins on my 5-year-old pc.

Known issue. Dont try to CTRL+P or choosing first button in game and clicking Options - it crashes game. So go to Options menu through main menu only.
Considering how slow the game runs with a larger than huge map, I am sure that I would never be interested in a map with more than 512 cities. I think that the largest map size is 362 X 326, which would give you 118,012 tiles. If the city limit is in the range of 10,000, that would be one city for every 12 tiles, approximately, assuming that you have no water area. With 60% water, you would be looking at one city per 5 tiles. For a 160 X 160 map with 25,600 tiles, you would have a city every 2 to 3 tiles, assuming no water. With any kind of water coverage at all, you will have the potential for more cities than you have tiles. How are you going to pay maintenance on your city's buildings when it has all of 2 or 3 tiles to support it?

Add in the amount of time the computer spends computing trade routes, both air and water, and I can see the inbetween turn taking a couple of hours simply for that. Anyone care to compute the number of possible trade routes between 10,000 or so cities? I think that it would come out to about 10,000 squared or so, maybe 100,000,000, once you discover Flight and start building airports, and that does not include water trade routes or land trade routes. With that many cities, you would probably crash into the 8192 unit limit fairly fast, and I do not even want to think how long a domination or conquest game would last.

It will be interesting to see how many people try this out what their experience is. As for me, I will happily keep the 512 city limit, since I do not even come close to it the way that I play. At least I will not spend hours waiting for a turn to complete.
Personally I have no interest in this as well, even with bigger maps I'll limit AI expantion my making settlers unbuildable in the standard way. But its good to see a hacker trying to fix some of civ3's limitations, there's a bunch of such problems that would be nice to see a way around them.
I have waited to this limitation to fall like forever, because a friend and me use to play huge maps in Hotseat mode. We usually hit the limit easily in the middle ages, and then have to rely on colonies which can be annoying. This is now history. Thanks Knuckles!
Considering how slow the game runs with a larger than huge map, I am sure that I would never be interested in a map with more than 512 cities.
How are you going to pay maintenance on your city's buildings when it has all of 2 or 3 tiles to support it?
632 cities. 4-6 mins for turns switching, 4-6 mins spending after when you specified whats building and units will cities build in next turns, and 4-6 mins to play. Every part takes up to 10 minutes, depends on events. Currently its like 3 turns per 1 hour and 10 minutes, not much.
Playing with 20 countries on 360x360 map is much funnier than on huge map. And it gives you 5 turns in 1 hour and 20 minutes for 592 cities.
It should depends on PC specs too. My pc is too old to play new games, but its quad-core and runs "Conquests" good enough. My brothers pc, built in 2007, works kinda faster and takes ~60 mins for 3 turns.

Anyway, its really fun for me, and when we play hot-seat on such huge map as 360x360 with 6 enemies, we reached cities limit really fast. At least this helped 2 people.
... (unlimited cities count from now)
Having a larger limit is great. What is the upper boundary now -1024? 2048?
Mmh... Call me paranoïac, but when the first post from somebody is to give a file with a "hack"...
That makes me suspicious, but it makes me even more suspicious when someone makes claims that show a lack of practical knowledge of both hardware and software limitations. I'm not going to bother giving an elementary lesson in tables, bytes, etc. Anyone who "hacks" without understanding loses my interest.
lol it was fixed exe maded by my friend for me only, I just posted it here cause I saw this thread, wanted to help and now you are... suspicious.
And Im not "somebody". I have an account on russian Civilization forum, was there from 2004.
@Ares: Isn't it the 2nd file in the first post you're after? :)

Oh yes, stupid me. Thanks!

Anyone who "hacks" without understanding loses my interest.

He didn't do it himself, BM. :)

I just posted it here cause I saw this thread, wanted to help and now you are... suspicious.

Don't be angry, this happened with the person that gave us the noraze patch as well. I guess some people are just cautious when it comes to exe files. Don't let yourself get scared away like the noraze genius did. :)


@ all:


I tested it in a scenario I made and it works (yes, I also scanned it with several antivir and antimalware programs first).

The limit is gone!

This is another milestone, thank you Knuckles and your friend.
I think that the largest map size is 362 X 326, which would give you 118,012 tiles. If the city limit is in the range of 10,000, that would be one city for every 12 tiles, approximately, assuming that you have no water area. With 60% water, you would be looking at one city per 5 tiles. For a 160 X 160 map with 25,600 tiles, you would have a city every 2 to 3 tiles, assuming no water.

I don't know how you are figuring your values there, but it's not even possible to have a city every 2 tiles :) EDIT: take that back, you are indeed correct :hammer2: (I learn something new everyday). A city usually has 9 tiles that no other city can be in. This is not perfect across the board (I don't think) so I simply divided total tiles by 10/11 for a rough average value. So a 160x160 could fit perhaps 2400 or more (all land). 160x160 with 60% water could fit maybe 950-1000. Of course cities directly on this 9 tile border would increase this amount, but I wasn't getting all technical on it.

It was just a theoretical limit BTW (as you stated, massive game slowdowns).

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