City modifiers - how did I get these boosts?


Apr 29, 2006
Idly passing my cursor over the Production panel in one of my cities, I noticed the following "+ 15% modifier for unit domain". None of my other cities had this, what is it and how did I get it?

Actually, thats not the only one. Loading the game back in I notice odd "city modifiers" for science (either 33% or 83%), while each city has a city modifier for gold of 50%.

Can someone explain this?
Ah - got it.

The modifiers show the totals for the building bonus's. Market and bank = 50%, seems the same works for production.
these modifiers only show up, when they actually are being applied (when they apply to whatever is in production).

+15% for domain (melee, cavalry, naval, ranged) --> forge (melee) / cavalry (stable) / seaport (naval) / temple of artemis (ranged)
+xx% for domain(?)/wonders --> being egypt (15%) / having Aristocracy social policy (20%) / having a quarry on Marble in city range (20%) [these all stack with each other]
+10% when constructing buildings --> windmill
+10% --> workshop
+20% --> during a golden age
+15% --> nuclear plant / solar plant

+33% --> university
+50% --> observatory
+17% --> free thoughts social policy
+15% --> sovereignty social policy
+50% --> research lab

25% --> market
25% --> bank
33% --> stock market
25% (in capital) --> commerce social policy opener

That should be all...
There's also the honor policy which gives +15% production for melee units.
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