Hello all! Yet again I need help, but this time it is to do with city names. At the mo I'm making my own little Europe mod (I wont be publishing it due to it being my first ever CIV IV mod, so its just practice! ) and I've hit a snag! Basiclly I've been messing around with city names, such as, instead of classical Roman city names I've changed them too 'modern' Italian city names eg. Turin and Milan. Now in game, when I've been testing it, more often than not the city name appears as such; TXT_KEY_CITY_NAME_MILAN, just as its set out in the XML....?!?!? I'd normally put it down to my own error but then some cities are being named as normal, without the XML before hand. Now I've checked the XML over and over and there doesnt seem to be anything wrong with what I've typed, so if anyone has an idea...PLEASE TELL ME WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG!!!