City of Tara -Term 1 Mayor's Hut


Nov 14, 2008
Ontario, Canada
Mayor: billybones27

My Duties: To implement the will of the Assembly and higher offices through the build queue, to insure the most productive locations are put in to work, and to insure the citizens remain stable.

Citizen Status:
The attachment below shows the Laborer Placement Order
Citizen 1- Male, Content, Laborer working mined Bonus Grassland
Citizen 2- Male, Content, Laborer working Grassland on river

Improvements and Wonders:

Production Queue:
1. Settler
2. Warrior
3. Granary (Temple)
4. Temple (Worker)
5. Empty
6. Empty
7. Empty
8. Empty
9. Empty
10. Empty

Needed Things:
None, we are all happy.

Important links:
Go and help decide our city's build queue.

City Status:

Productive Status:
Commerce per Turn: 5 (5 to science, 0 to treasury, 0 to luxury, 0 corruption)
Shields per Turn: 3 (6 turns until completion of build project (Settler), 0 waste)
Food per Turn: 5 (5 turns until growth, 2 consumed, 3 stored)
Culture per Turn: 1 (1 turn until cultural growth, 9 total)

Note that all figures do not take in to consideration future growth, improvement, or micromanagement

Resource Access:
Strategic: None
Luxury: None
Bonus in Territory (BIT): None

City founded


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Unsure if a nomination is necessary, but I would naturally think of the other candidates as "adviser/ secretary" material. civplayah is already deputy of science IIRC, but what about you, truckingpete?
i'll only do that if lots of people want the job, which i am doubting. as for already being deputy, that's fine, as long as civplayah has the time, after all I am also the deputy of defense.
Mayor billybones27, I'm not sure if this correction is possible or not, but can you please make a request in the "Needed Things" thread (Main Forum below Citizen's Registry) for a Mod to attempt a change to the Title of this thread? Tara would look so much nicer than what's its face. Thanks.
Can somebody please post a screenshot of a newly founded city, but not ours?
My disk drive has been messing up, and I am not totally sure what the central city production and other matters like that are for sure.
Thanks for getting the title changed. :) Much better.

Did the screenshots in this thread - GSIT #2 help at all? Or do you need a City Screen from another game? Are you trying to tell me you don't/can't run Civ3?
yes, those helped. i just couldn't remember number of food for growth in a town and city centre production, stuff like that. btw could you put a screenie up of the city on the last turn of the chat?
Yes, it has been very hard to run civ, my disk drive messes up about 1/6 of the time.
Hreya go ~
Looks like we can get a settler in 9 turns. Then a Warrior, then another Settler in nine turns. I don't really think we're going to need a Granary this early. Just exploring Warriors and Settlers. I'm not opposed to a Temple early, but it won't be needed in the Capital right away because of Settler building. And I would suggest a Temple before a Granary.

With two Settlers a week, will we be able to stay ahead of the city location planning? Will we naturally grow too fast for our own good?
If we are building that many Settlers we won't need a Temple as our population will stay so small. We will also need more Workers making more demands on our population. Unless we find a food rich site Tara will need to keep producing this so the Granary will be needed if our city is to grow. Personally I would prefer a Barracks to Temple so that the troops we produce will be better trained, and we will need more troops. The population will grow when a building is built, so interspersing buildings with Settlers or Workers may be a good idea rather than one building followed by another.
Mr. Mayor, can I have updated instructions for Tara for tomorrow's game play session?
Tara is currently building a granary. It has 3 shields in the bin and is producing 3spt. It is size 1 and will grow in two turns. It is working a mined bg tile for +3fpt (needs 5 to grow). There's no point in switching this tile. Our worker is roading another mined bg (doe in one turn). I recommend this be the tile worked when Tara grows to size 2. Worker should then mine and road the adjacent bg. which can then be worked when Tara reaches size 3.

The granary should be close to completion after the ten turn session - what should be in the build queue next?
A couple warriors would be nice, or a Barracks. Even with a Granary and the AG trait, we'll need to alternate builds to keep Tara from shrinking too much. The ol' girl needs to keep some meat on her bones. I'd go Barracks> Settler> Archer> Settler> Archer from now until we get about 10-15 cities up or get a better Settler factory going(which may never happen). A Temple could be slipped in somewher too.
I still feel either Military or a Barracks would be better than a Temple. Tara already has culture with the Palace, but we do need to keep our citizens happy to keep them working. To do that we can use Military Police which would also help city defence (hence more Military) and the slider rather than a Temple. Moira will also start producing Military soon, but we do need another Settler and with it's Granary Tara will be in best position to do that. If we build Military next how quickly could Moira grow to a decent size so that we could build another Settler and not have our capitol drop right back to size one again?


I've had a look at Tara and with some luxury slider to get the worker back to work we can complete the Granary in 2 and grow in 7, that will give us 5 turns after the Granary is completed before the city grows to size 4. 5 turns is just what is needed to build a Settler which will complete as the city grows leaving Tara at size 2, with a full Granary, able to grow in 4 turns back to size 3 and in the meantime produce 2 Warriors at 2 turns each or start on a Barracks. This would give a Settler after 7 turns and the city would be back to size 3 in 11 turns.

A Temple after the Granary would also take 5 turns (with the appropriate city management) completing as the city grows to size 4, with city management etc the city could then be set to grow in 4 and produce a Settler in 4 as the city grows to size 5, leaving the city at size 3. This would give a Settler after 13 turns.

A Barracks doesn't quite fit in with growth at 6 turns.

So with the need for a Settler pretty quickly I think I would go for Granary>Settler>Warrior>Warrior at this point in time to get a Settler and some military with Tara back to size 3 in 11 turns.

Have you tried CivAssist
2 mps and luxury at 10 or 20% should keep Tara happy between Settlers. IMO, Tara should be Settler=>Archer=>Settler=>Archer for quite some time.
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