Mayor: billybones27
My Duties: To implement the will of the Assembly and higher offices through the build queue, to insure the most productive locations are put in to work, and to insure the citizens remain stable.
Citizen Status:
The attachment below shows the Laborer Placement Order
Citizen 1- Male, Content, Laborer working mined Bonus Grassland
Citizen 2- Male, Content, Laborer working Grassland on river
Improvements and Wonders:
Production Queue:
1. Settler
2. Warrior
3. Granary (Temple)
4. Temple (Worker)
5. Empty
6. Empty
7. Empty
8. Empty
9. Empty
10. Empty
Needed Things:
None, we are all happy.
Important links:
Go and help decide our city's build queue.
City Status:
Productive Status:
Commerce per Turn: 5 (5 to science, 0 to treasury, 0 to luxury, 0 corruption)
Shields per Turn: 3 (6 turns until completion of build project (Settler), 0 waste)
Food per Turn: 5 (5 turns until growth, 2 consumed, 3 stored)
Culture per Turn: 1 (1 turn until cultural growth, 9 total)
Note that all figures do not take in to consideration future growth, improvement, or micromanagement
Resource Access:
Strategic: None
Luxury: None
Bonus in Territory (BIT): None
City founded
My Duties: To implement the will of the Assembly and higher offices through the build queue, to insure the most productive locations are put in to work, and to insure the citizens remain stable.
Citizen Status:
The attachment below shows the Laborer Placement Order
Citizen 1- Male, Content, Laborer working mined Bonus Grassland
Citizen 2- Male, Content, Laborer working Grassland on river
Improvements and Wonders:
Production Queue:
1. Settler
2. Warrior
3. Granary (Temple)
4. Temple (Worker)
5. Empty
6. Empty
7. Empty
8. Empty
9. Empty
10. Empty
Needed Things:
None, we are all happy.
Important links:
Go and help decide our city's build queue.
City Status:
Productive Status:
Commerce per Turn: 5 (5 to science, 0 to treasury, 0 to luxury, 0 corruption)
Shields per Turn: 3 (6 turns until completion of build project (Settler), 0 waste)
Food per Turn: 5 (5 turns until growth, 2 consumed, 3 stored)
Culture per Turn: 1 (1 turn until cultural growth, 9 total)
Note that all figures do not take in to consideration future growth, improvement, or micromanagement
Resource Access:
Strategic: None
Luxury: None
Bonus in Territory (BIT): None
City founded