City Production Automation Question


Aug 21, 2024

I am now at the point where I conquested everything I wanted on the map, my empire is big with many cities, built everything I wanted,
have the strongest army and economy by far etc, and I'm just happy ruling a big empire and superpower, I will continue playing for long this way..I like it.
My problem is that now every turn is 90% choosing production for some of my many cities.., and this has become boring and tiring..
Why does producing gold in the city have to last 1 turn! and not indefinetly..and I must re-choose it every turn..was it so difficult for firaxis programmers
to do it so?..older Civs used to have it producing gold, culture etc. indefinetly until you manually changed it, which is the correct and logical way..

So, is there some kind of automation that I can do, to avoid this constant and boring task?..
It almost makes the late game unplayable! and tiring..
I know about the Production Queue, I use it, but again every turn Production Queues in many cities end, and I have to choose Production Queues again etc..
so basically the same problem..
So, my question is if there is something better and more permanent way
that I failed! to notice..I can't believe they made it like this! almost sabotages continuing a game after some point..

Thank U! for your answers and time.
In the build screen there is a way to turn the screen into a 10 slot queue. 8 or 10. It is near the top somewhere next to the picture of what you are building.

There is a mod for making them repeat.
If I want a city to keep building a project, e.g., Campus Research Grants, Commercial Hub Investment, I can queue up a bunch of them, 7 or 8.

If you're saying that your biggest cities provide SO much productionthat teach of those projects finishes in 1 turn, then Wow!. You would need to go around to each of them every 5 turns or so and keep filling in the queue with projects. I have my doubts that your smaller cities finish a project in a single turn; if you fill up their queue with 7 projects, that should last 10-15 turns before they finish them all. In sum, you can use the queue to avoid choosing production every turn, but you will need to set production for every city every 10 turns or so. Unlike (say) Civ3 or Civ4, where the player can leave a city producing Wealth "forever."

So which victory condition are you pursuing? Culture? For a Science Victory, you will need to change up your production in your cities every few turns. For a Diplomatic victory, the votes come every other meeting, so you may be able to just sit back and wait. For a Religious victory, you will need to send your religious units on their missions, but that won't affect your city build queues. Can't win a domination victory by just sitting still.
If I want a city to keep building a project, e.g., Campus Research Grants, Commercial Hub Investment, I can queue up a bunch of them, 7 or 8.

If you're saying that your biggest cities provide SO much productionthat teach of those projects finishes in 1 turn, then Wow!. You would need to go around to each of them every 5 turns or so and keep filling in the queue with projects. I have my doubts that your smaller cities finish a project in a single turn; if you fill up their queue with 7 projects, that should last 10-15 turns before they finish them all. In sum, you can use the queue to avoid choosing production every turn, but you will need to set production for every city every 10 turns or so. Unlike (say) Civ3 or Civ4, where the player can leave a city producing Wealth "forever."

So which victory condition are you pursuing? Culture? For a Science Victory, you will need to change up your production in your cities every few turns. For a Diplomatic victory, the votes come every other meeting, so you may be able to just sit back and wait. For a Religious victory, you will need to send your religious units on their missions, but that won't affect your city build queues. Can't win a domination victory by just sitting still.

Thanks for your help but yes!..
I have built a very strong empire now, 1/3 of the huge map, and almost all my cities finish a project in 1 turn!
I know about the Production Queue, I queue 7-8 projects in each city. But because my cities are now so many..each turn, queues of many cities end and each turn
I have to make new queues again and so on.., which has become repetitive and boring..kind of destroys..the game after some point..
I wanted to focus on conquering even more of the map.. but this thing with the City Productions has become tiring..

I consider it a MAJOR design flaw of Civ VI, since as I remember and you also mentioned,
in previous Civs you could leave a city producing eg Wealth or Culture forever..until you changed it.
This is the problem with every new version of Civ games, they always go two steps forward and at the same time one step back..,
by changing or removing! useful or nice elements of previous versions..
I don't think they do that by accident..
it may be a marketing/sales strategy.. or something..
If you release something perfect..then there is no need for a new version..or expansion/dlc etc..
Thanks for the explanation. My favorite game in the franchise is probably Civ3, but I enjoy Civ6 for other reasons.
I don't see it as a *major* design flaw, but a design decision. Relatively few players have more than 10 large cities, where they have nothing left to build except projects. One can often lay down a new district; build a wonder; add buildings to a district; build more units.
With that much surplus production, the devs might say, "Go win the game!" Sitting back and building only projects is an unusual / atypical approach to the game. Again, I'm pleasantly surprised that the map you're playing -- and your skill in executing your cities -- supports such a massive amount of production. That wouldn't be possible on most of the maps I play on.

Victory choices: You mentioned conquering even more of the map. IIRC, one needs uranium to sustain GDRs. You could easily drop some aerodrome districts, build planes, and put them on carriers to project power. Build as many GDRs as you can support, then go thrash the AI players
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