City State Elimination Thread

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God of Kings

Ruler of all heads of state
Aug 20, 2012
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
This is a thread where we subtract three points to one city state but add one point to another city state. Note that each user can only hurt and heal once every 24 hours.

Moderator Action: Site standard is 24 hours - Jon

As a friendly reminder, please state a rationale for the addition and subtraction of points.

1. As in other elimination threads, please only post replies that contain votes (wait until your next vote to comment on other votes)
2. Yes, you are allowed to vote the same way any number of times in a row (after the 24 hours has elapsed each time); but please give a reason on each post, even if it's something like "for the same reason as above"

Here goes:

1. :trophy: Zanzibar
2. :trophy2nd: Buenos Aires
3. :trophy3rd: Auckland
4. :trophy2: Muscat
5. :trophy2: Kumasi
6. Stockholm
7. Brussels
8. Carthage
9. Geneva
10. Hattusa
11. Yerevan
12. Valletta
13. Jakarta
14. Mohenjo Daro
15. Kabul
16. Amsterdam
17. Toronto
18. Antananarivo
19. Nan Madol
20. Granada
21. Hong Kong
22. Armagh
23. Palenque
24. Kandy
25. Lisbon
26. La Venta
27. Jerusalem
28. Vilnius
29. Seoul
30. Preslav
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Amsterdam = 20
Antananarivo = 20
Armagh = 20
Auckland = 20
Buenos Aires = 20
Brussels = 20
Carthage = 20
Geneva = 20
Granada = 20
Hattusa = 20
Hong Kong = 20
Jakarta = 20
Jerusalem = 20
Kabul = 20
Kandy = 20
Kumasi = 20
La Venta = 20 - 3 = 17
Lisbon = 20
Mohenjo Daro = 20
Muscat = 20
Nan Madol = 20
Palenque = 20
Preslav = 20
Seoul = 20
Stockholm = 20
Toronto = 20 + 1 = 21
Valletta = 20
Vilnius = 20
Yerevan = 20
Zanzibar = 20

La Venta's suzerain bonus is situational at best, while Toronto, despite being nerfed, is still very powerful (and I'm biased in favour of where I live).
Amsterdam = 20
Antananarivo = 20
Armagh = 20
Auckland = 20
Buenos Aires = 20
Brussels = 20
Carthage = 20
Geneva = 20
Granada = 20
Hattusa = 20
Hong Kong = 20
Jakarta = 20
Jerusalem = 20
Kabul = 20
Kandy = 20
Kumasi = 20
La Venta = 17
Lisbon = 20
Mohenjo Daro = 20
Muscat = 20
Nan Madol = 20
Palenque = 20
Preslav = 20-3=17 I tend not to send envoys to Militaristic City-States...
Seoul = 20
Stockholm = 20
Toronto = 21
Valletta = 20
Vilnius = 20+1=21 It's nice to get inspirations for Civics
Yerevan = 20
Zanzibar = 20
Amsterdam = 20
Antananarivo = 20
Armagh = 20
Auckland = 20
Buenos Aires = 20
Brussels = 20
Carthage = 20 + 1 = 21 (More military, more trade routes.)
Geneva = 20
Granada = 20
Hattusa = 20
Hong Kong = 20
Jakarta = 20
Jerusalem = 20
Kabul = 20
Kandy = 20 - 3 = 17 (The bonus seems nice, until you realize you can't put the Relics anywhere, or have seen all the wonders.)
Kumasi = 20
La Venta = 17
Lisbon = 20
Mohenjo Daro = 20
Muscat = 20
Nan Madol = 20
Palenque = 20
Preslav = 17
Seoul = 20
Stockholm = 20
Toronto = 21
Valletta = 20
Vilnius = 21
Yerevan = 20
Zanzibar = 20
Amsterdam = 20
Antananarivo = 20
Armagh = 20
Auckland = 20
Buenos Aires = 20
Brussels = 20
Carthage = 21 + 1 = 22 (I must have it! I will go out of my way to defend them and drop envoy after envoy here)
Geneva = 20
Granada = 20
Hattusa = 20
Hong Kong = 20
Jakarta = 20
Jerusalem = 20
Kabul = 20
Kandy = 17
Kumasi = 20
La Venta = 17
Lisbon = 20
Mohenjo Daro = 20
Muscat = 20
Nan Madol = 20
Palenque = 20
Preslav = 17 - 3 = 14 (Their bonus is laughable and way too specific. I don't think I've ever suzerained them)
Seoul = 20
Stockholm = 20
Toronto = 21
Valletta = 20
Vilnius = 21
Yerevan = 20
Zanzibar = 20
Amsterdam = 20
Antananarivo = 20
Armagh = 20
Auckland = 20
Buenos Aires = 20
Brussels = 20
Carthage = 22
Geneva = 20
Granada = 20
Hattusa = 20
Hong Kong = 20
Jakarta = 20
Jerusalem = 17 (20 - 3) Passive religious spread is very weak in Civ VI, and the CS's entire ability revolves around it.
Kabul = 20
Kandy = 17
Kumasi = 20
La Venta = 17
Lisbon = 20
Mohenjo Daro = 20
Muscat = 20
Nan Madol = 20
Palenque = 20
Preslav = 14
Seoul = 20
Stockholm = 21 (20 + 1) The largest bonus in the game towards passive great person generation, especially potent in combination with theater squares.
Toronto = 21
Valletta = 20
Vilnius = 21
Yerevan = 20
Zanzibar = 20
Amsterdam = 20
Antananarivo = 20
Armagh = 20
Auckland = 20
Buenos Aires = 20
Brussels = 20
Carthage = 22
Geneva = 20
Granada = 20
Hattusa = 20
Hong Kong = 20
Jakarta = 20
Jerusalem = 17
Kabul = 20
Kandy = 17
Kumasi = 20
La Venta = 17
Lisbon = 20
Mohenjo Daro = 20
Muscat = 20
Nan Madol = 20
Palenque = 20
Preslav = 14
Seoul = 17 (20-3) a single eureka when you enter a new era? Not impressed.
Stockholm = 21
Toronto = 21
Valletta = 20
Vilnius = 21
Yerevan = 20
Zanzibar = 21 (20+1) I'm a sucker for extra amenities, especially if I can kick my cities into ecstatic status
Amsterdam = 20
Antananarivo = 20
Armagh = 20
Auckland = 20
Buenos Aires = 20
Brussels = 20
Carthage = 22
Geneva = 20
Granada = 20
Hattusa = 20
Hong Kong = 20
Jakarta = 20
Jerusalem = 17
Kabul = 20
Kandy = 17
Kumasi = 20
La Venta = 17
Lisbon = 20
Mohenjo Daro = 21 (20 + 1)
Muscat = 20
Nan Madol = 20
Palenque = 20
Preslav = 11 (14 -3)
Seoul = 17
Stockholm = 21
Toronto = 21
Valletta = 20
Vilnius = 21
Yerevan = 20
Zanzibar = 21

Love the ability to settle anywhere, Preslv is easily the worst.
Amsterdam = 20
Antananarivo = 20
Armagh = 20
Auckland = 20
Buenos Aires = 20
Brussels = 20
Carthage = 22
Geneva = 20
Granada = 20
Hattusa = 20
Hong Kong = 20
Jakarta = 20
Jerusalem = 17
Kabul = 20
Kandy = 17
Kumasi = 20
La Venta = 17
Lisbon = 20
Mohenjo Daro = 21 (20 + 1)
Muscat = 20
Nan Madol = 20
Palenque = 20
Preslav = 11 (14 -3)
Seoul = 14 (17-3) = Ability is weak and often give you easily achievable Eureka's that you could get on you own.
Stockholm = 21
Toronto = 21
Valletta = 20
Vilnius = 21
Yerevan = 20
Zanzibar = 22 (21+1) = Extra amenities are usually enough to keep my cities happy along with a few well placed ED's and it is extra gold which is always welcome.
Amsterdam = 17 (20-3) I never send foreign trade routes so this just does nothing for me... still, at least it's a Commercial CS so it has some use.
Antananarivo = 20
Armagh = 20
Auckland = 21 (20+1) Just awesome, particularly if you stack it with the God of the Sea pantheon, also an Industrial CS so it wins by default
Buenos Aires = 20
Brussels = 20
Carthage = 22
Geneva = 20
Granada = 20
Hattusa = 20
Hong Kong = 20
Jakarta = 20
Jerusalem = 17
Kabul = 20
Kandy = 17
Kumasi = 20
La Venta = 17
Lisbon = 20
Mohenjo Daro = 21
Muscat = 20
Nan Madol = 20
Palenque = 20
Preslav = 11
Seoul = 14
Stockholm = 21
Toronto = 21
Valletta = 20
Vilnius = 21
Yerevan = 20
Zanzibar = 22
Amsterdam = 17
Antananarivo = 20
Armagh = 20
Auckland = 21
Buenos Aires = 20
Brussels = 20
Carthage = 22
Geneva = 20
Granada = 20
Hattusa = 20
Hong Kong = 20
Jakarta = 20
Jerusalem = 17
Kabul = 20
Kandy = 17
Kumasi = 20
La Venta = 17
Lisbon = 20
Mohenjo Daro = 21
Muscat = 20
Nan Madol = 20
Palenque = 20
Preslav = 8 (11-3) The most situational suze bonus - devs need to fix this
Seoul = 14
Stockholm = 21
Toronto = 21
Valletta = 20
Vilnius = 21
Yerevan = 21 (20+1) So good for religious victory
Zanzibar = 22
Amsterdam = 17
Antananarivo = 20
Armagh = 20
Auckland = 21
Buenos Aires = 20
Brussels = 20
Carthage = 23 (22+1) ...ever has 50+ trade routes playing on TSL earth? So OP!
Geneva = 20
Granada = 20
Hattusa = 20
Hong Kong = 20
Jakarta = 20
Jerusalem = 14 (17-3)...who care about one more city to exert passive pressure?
Kabul = 20
Kandy = 17
Kumasi = 20
La Venta = 17
Lisbon = 20
Mohenjo Daro = 21
Muscat = 20
Nan Madol = 20
Palenque = 20
Preslav = 8
Seoul = 14
Stockholm = 21
Toronto = 21
Valletta = 20
Vilnius = 21
Yerevan = 21
Zanzibar = 22
Amsterdam = 17
Antananarivo = 20
Armagh = 20
Auckland = 21
Buenos Aires = 20
Brussels = 20
Carthage = 23
Geneva = 20
Granada = 20
Hattusa = 20
Hong Kong = 20
Jakarta = 20
Jerusalem = 14
Kabul = 21 (20+1) Get those renaissance era maxed promotion units going!
Kandy = 17
Kumasi = 20
La Venta = 17
Lisbon = 20
Mohenjo Daro = 21
Muscat = 20
Nan Madol = 20
Palenque = 20
Preslav = 8
Seoul = 11 (14-3) What's the chance I get the eureka I won't get otherwise?
Stockholm = 21
Toronto = 21
Valletta = 20
Vilnius = 21
Yerevan = 21
Zanzibar = 22
Amsterdam = 17
Antananarivo = 20
Armagh = 20
Auckland = 21
Buenos Aires = 20
Brussels = 20
Carthage = 23
Geneva = 20
Granada = 20
Hattusa = 20
Hong Kong = 20
Jakarta = 20
Jerusalem = 14
Kabul = 21
Kandy = 17
Kumasi = 21 (20+1) Great way to get precious culture, especially later w/o building theatre
La Venta = 17
Lisbon = 20
Mohenjo Daro = 21
Muscat = 20
Nan Madol = 20
Palenque = 20
Preslav = 5 (8-3) This needs no explanation sadly.
Seoul = 11
Stockholm = 21
Toronto = 21
Valletta = 20
Vilnius = 21
Yerevan = 21
Zanzibar = 22
Amsterdam = 17
Antananarivo = 20
Armagh = 20
Auckland = 21
Buenos Aires = 20 + 1 = 21 Amenities are always good.
Brussels = 20
Carthage = 23
Geneva = 20
Granada = 20
Hattusa = 20
Hong Kong = 20 - 3 = 17 I very rarely do city projects.
Jakarta = 20
Jerusalem = 14
Kabul = 21
Kandy = 17
Kumasi = 21
La Venta = 17
Lisbon = 20
Mohenjo Daro = 21
Muscat = 20
Nan Madol = 20
Palenque = 20
Preslav = 5
Seoul = 11
Stockholm = 21
Toronto = 21
Valletta = 20
Vilnius = 21
Yerevan = 21
Zanzibar = 22
Amsterdam = 17
Antananarivo = 20
Armagh = 20
Auckland = 21
Buenos Aires = 21
Brussels = 20
Carthage = 23
Geneva = 20
Granada = 20
Hattusa = 20
Hong Kong = 17
Jakarta = 20
Jerusalem = 14
Kabul = 21
Kandy = 17
Kumasi = 21
La Venta = 17
Lisbon = 20
Mohenjo Daro = 21
Muscat = 21 (20 + 1) Given the prevalence of commercial districts, ends up being a significant amenity boost.
Nan Madol = 20
Palenque = 20
Preslav = 2 (5 -3) Agree it's bizarrely specific.
Seoul = 11
Stockholm = 21
Toronto = 21
Valletta = 20
Vilnius = 21
Yerevan = 21
Zanzibar = 22
Amsterdam = 17
Antananarivo = 20
Armagh = 20
Auckland = 21
Buenos Aires = 22 (21+1) Amenities and production: check.
Brussels = 20
Carthage = 23
Geneva = 20
Granada = 20
Hattusa = 20
Hong Kong = 17
Jakarta = 20
Jerusalem = 14
Kabul = 21
Kandy = 17
Kumasi = 21
La Venta = 14 (17-3) religious CS that is not Yerevan
Lisbon = 20
Mohenjo Daro = 21
Muscat = 21
Nan Madol = 20
Palenque = 20
Preslav = 2
Seoul = 11
Stockholm = 21
Toronto = 21
Valletta = 20
Vilnius = 21
Yerevan = 21
Zanzibar = 22
Amsterdam = 17
Antananarivo = 20
Armagh = 20
Auckland = 21
Buenos Aires = 22
Brussels = 20
Carthage = 23
Geneva = 20
Granada = 20
Hattusa = (20+1)=21 Useful if I have no Iron within my borders...
Hong Kong = 17
Jakarta = 20
Jerusalem = 14
Kabul = 21
Kandy = 17
Kumasi = 21
La Venta = 14
Lisbon = 20
Mohenjo Daro = 21
Muscat = 21
Nan Madol = 20
Palenque = 20
Preslav = (2-3)=0 And Preslav has been eliminated, it's a pretty weak and situational bonus
Seoul = 11
Stockholm = 21
Toronto = 21
Valletta = 20
Vilnius = 21
Yerevan = 21
Zanzibar = 22
Amsterdam = 17
Antananarivo = 20
Armagh = 20
Auckland = 21
Buenos Aires = 22
Brussels = 20
Carthage = 23
Geneva = 20
Granada = 20
Hattusa = 21
Hong Kong = 17
Jakarta = 20
Jerusalem = 14
Kabul = 21
Kandy = 17
Kumasi = 21
La Venta = 14
Lisbon = 20
Mohenjo Daro = 21
Muscat = 21
Nan Madol = 20
Palenque = 20
Seoul = 11
Stockholm = 21
Toronto = 21
Valletta = 21 (20 + 1) With a good faith source, this can provide a massive jump start to new cities, and if there's one building type that when you want it, you want it immediately, it's walls.
Vilnius = 18 (21 -3) Like Seoul, this city state's bonus is often redundant, and it also benefits a rarer district type.
Yerevan = 21
Zanzibar = 22
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