Darkness bound
You know, people who post how Civ is poor value for money because it has no multiplayer, or it becomes boring too quickly, got me thinking - does Civ 3 represent good value for your entertainment dollar, compared to some of the alternatives out there.
Appologies for these figures being in Australian dollars, but those are what I know and can work with...
Civ 3: One poster said the game gets boring "after the 4th game". Well, even being conservative, and saying the average game of civ 3 takes only 10 hours to play (I think it takes quite a bit more than this), that's 40 hours of gameplay. At $100 for the game, that's $2.50 an hour.
Movies: Assume the average movie goes for about 2 hours. Some are shorter, and some are longer but it works out to around that figure. At $13 to see a movie, that's $6.50 an hour.
Sporting Events: Even the cheap sporting events (eg Regular season game of football) cost about $15 to get into. For an Australian rules football game, that works out to $15 for 2 1/2 hours, or $6 an hour.
Musical Concert: The cure concert I went to last year was about $75 and it went for 3 hours, which is long for these sorts of things. Still, $25 an hour.
Getting Drunk at the Pub: Well it obviously depends what you drink, but even assuming nice cheep beer, that's still $2.50 a pot in most places, and if you're even halfway serious about it you'll be drinking several an hour. Lets be conservative and say only 2 drinks an hour, which makes it $5 an hour.
Prostitutes: I have no idea what the going rate is, but when I lived in Canberra I saw signs that suggested a 10 minute blow job was $45. So that works out to a massive $270 an hour, ouch.
Well, even by my deliberately conservative estimates, it seems to me that at the least you're going to get great value for money from Civ 3, and if you really like the game, there's not even any competition - Civ 3 beats most other forms of entertainment hands down for value.
So you can quit whining about not getting value for money now, we have actual figures that prove the idea that Civ 3 is poor value has no basis in fact (In fact, even if an expansion costs $50 Australian, which is typical of expansions, it will still be great value!).
Appologies for these figures being in Australian dollars, but those are what I know and can work with...
Civ 3: One poster said the game gets boring "after the 4th game". Well, even being conservative, and saying the average game of civ 3 takes only 10 hours to play (I think it takes quite a bit more than this), that's 40 hours of gameplay. At $100 for the game, that's $2.50 an hour.
Movies: Assume the average movie goes for about 2 hours. Some are shorter, and some are longer but it works out to around that figure. At $13 to see a movie, that's $6.50 an hour.
Sporting Events: Even the cheap sporting events (eg Regular season game of football) cost about $15 to get into. For an Australian rules football game, that works out to $15 for 2 1/2 hours, or $6 an hour.
Musical Concert: The cure concert I went to last year was about $75 and it went for 3 hours, which is long for these sorts of things. Still, $25 an hour.
Getting Drunk at the Pub: Well it obviously depends what you drink, but even assuming nice cheep beer, that's still $2.50 a pot in most places, and if you're even halfway serious about it you'll be drinking several an hour. Lets be conservative and say only 2 drinks an hour, which makes it $5 an hour.
Prostitutes: I have no idea what the going rate is, but when I lived in Canberra I saw signs that suggested a 10 minute blow job was $45. So that works out to a massive $270 an hour, ouch.
Well, even by my deliberately conservative estimates, it seems to me that at the least you're going to get great value for money from Civ 3, and if you really like the game, there's not even any competition - Civ 3 beats most other forms of entertainment hands down for value.
So you can quit whining about not getting value for money now, we have actual figures that prove the idea that Civ 3 is poor value has no basis in fact (In fact, even if an expansion costs $50 Australian, which is typical of expansions, it will still be great value!).