Civ 3 Running on XP 64


Feb 28, 2007
I have loaded Civ 3 on my new PC running XP 64 and it will load fine, I get to the screen where I can select new game or load a previous game, and then it shuts down.

I am running 1.29f and DYP .9

Tried changing the compatibility mode to XP, 2000 and 95. These last 2 will allow me to start a new game, but when the map is generated the game shuts down.

Anyone have any trouble running on XP 64?
Finally got it to work.

According to Microsoft, some programs MUST be installed on the same drive as the 64 bit operating system in order to run. This was the case. Once I uninstalled it from my E partition and installed it on the C partition, it worked fine.

Having to be on the same partion as the OS is a bit odd. This was the first time I had heard of that. Like you, I prefer to have an OS partion (with Windows and all the 'normal' junk like Java, Adobe and Office) and another partion for 'my' stuff (where I install C3C and where I keep all my notes for SGs (screenshots, turnlogs, etc.)).
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