+4 health
+6 happy
24 free units
+2 AI attitude
3 free techs:
Wheel, Agriculture, Mining
20% technology, high gold
10% low gold
10% Settler, Worker, Warrior
5% Scout, experience, healing, maps
no barbarians
research ×0.60
unit cost ×0.20
distance maint. ×0.45
civic upkeep ×0.50
inflation ×0.60
AI costs•• ×1.60
25% animal attack probability
animal strength: –70%
barbarians in 50 turns•••
barb. city creation prob.: 40%
5 free wins vs. barbarians
barbarian strength: –40%
+3 health
+5 happy
18 free units
+1 AI attitude
2 free techs:
Wheel, Agriculture
20% high gold
15% technology
10% low gold
10% Settler, Worker, Warrior
5% Scout, experience, healing, maps
5% barbarians (only weak)
research ×0.75
unit cost ×0.30
distance maint. ×0.55
civic upkeep ×0.60
inflation ×0.70
AI costs ×1.30
50% animal attack probability
animal strength: –60%
barbarians in 45 turns•••
barb. city creation prob.: 50%
4 free wins vs. barbarians
barbarian strength: –30%
+2 health
+4 happy
12 free units
1 free tech: Wheel
15% gold (high or low)
15% technology
10% Warrior, maps
5% Settler, Worker, Scout
5% experience, healing
5% barbarians (strong or weak)
research ×0.90
unit cost ×0.40
distance maint. ×0.65
civic upkeep ×0.70
inflation ×0.80
AI costs ×1.10
75% animal attack probability
animal strength: –50%
barbarians in 40 turns•••
barb. city creation prob.: 50%
3 free wins vs. barbarians
barbarian strength: –20%
+2 health
+4 happy
8 free units
–1 AI attitude
20% low gold
15% high gold
10% Warrior, technology, exp., maps
5% Scout, healing
5% strong barbarians
10% weak barbarians
research ×1.00
unit cost ×0.50
distance maint. ×0.75
civic upkeep ×0.80
inflation ×0.90
AI costs ×1.00
85% animal attack probability
animal strength: –40%
barbarians in 35 turns•••
barb. city creation prob.: 60%
2 free wins vs. barbarians
barbarian strength: –10%
+2 health
+4 happy
6 free units
–1 AI attitude
20% low gold
10% Warrior, technology, experience,
high gold, maps
5% Scout, healing
5% strong barbarians
15% weak barbarians
research ×1.10
unit cost ×0.60
distance maint. ×0.85
civic upkeep ×0.90
inflation ×0.95
AI costs ×0.95
90% animal attack probability
animal strength: –30%
barbarians in 30 turns•••
barb. city creation prob.: 60%
1 free win vs. barbarians
barbarian strength: –5%
+2 health
+4 happy
4 free units
–1 AI attitude
AI starts with 1 Archer extra
20% low gold
10% Warrior, technology,
experience, maps
5% Scout, healing, high gold
10% strong barbarians
15% weak barbarians
research ×1.15
unit cost ×0.70
distance maint. ×0.90
civic upkeep ×0.95
inflation ×1.00
AI costs ×0.90
90% animal attack probability
animal strength: –20%
barbarians in 25 turns•••
barb. city creation prob.: 70%
+2 health
+4 happy
3 free units
–1 AI attitude
AI starts with: 2 Archers,
2 Scouts, and 1 Settler
25% low gold
10% technology, maps
5% Warrior, Scout, experience,
healing, high gold
15% weak barbarians
15% strong barbarians
research ×1.20
unit cost ×0.80
distance maint. ×0.95
civic upkeep ×1.00
inflation ×1.00
AI costs ×0.85
90% animal attack probability
animal strength: –10%
barbarians in 20 turns•••
barb. city creation prob.: 70%
+2 health
+4 happy
2 free units
–1 AI attitude
AI starts with: 3 Archers,
2 Scouts, 1 Worker, 1 Settler
25% low gold
10% technology, maps
5% Warrior, Scout, experience,
15% weak barbarians
20% strong barbarians
research ×1.25
unit cost ×0.90
distance maint. ×1.00
civic upkeep ×1.00
inflation ×1.00
AI costs ×0.80
90% animal attack probability
animal strength: –5%
barbarians in 15 turns•••
barb. city creation prob.: 80%
+2 health
+4 happy
1 free unit
–1 AI attitude
AI starts with: 4 Archers,
2 Scouts, 1 Worker, 2 Settlers
25% low gold
10% technology
5% Warrior, Scout, experience,
healing, maps
10% weak barbarians
30% strong barbarians
research ×1.30
unit cost ×1.00
distance maint. ×1.00
civic upkeep ×1.00
inflation ×1.00
AI costs ×0.60
90% animal attack probability
barbarians in 10 turns•••
barb. city creation prob.: 80%