Civ 4 in Windows 7 Beta?

Sep 4, 2008
I was wondering if anyone was running Civ 4 on Windows 7. It has a litany of problems working with Vista, so I thought it prudent to ask around before I started playing with the Beta. Anyone tried this yet?
I just installed BtS on Win7, and it tells me that my system doesn't meet the minimum requirements, which is wrong. It crashes when I adjust graphics settings.

(e8400+HD4850+4gb ram)
Great, thanks! I'll try that out immediately...

EDIT: Ok, the warning disappeared, but the game still crashes when I try to adjust graphics settings. I get this message:

"Fatal error. Using the MemorySaver option in your configuration does not allow device loss. Exitiing program"
Thanks for your help ori. Your shots in the dark were right on the spot - now it's perfect. I ported my game files from my old rig, so I guess that was what was causing the problems...
I have a brand new HP computer with lots of power and memory. I am running Windows 7 in beta and loaded BTS with all current updates. The game continually crashes, sometimes after 1 min and sometimes after 1 hour. I get this message about the error on rebooting:

Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: BlueScreen
OS Version: 6.1.7100.
Locale ID: 2057

Additional information about the problem:
BCCode: 116
BCP2: FFFFF88003C43CB0
BCP3: 0000000000000000
BCP4: 000000000000000C
OS Version: 6_1_7100
Service Pack: 0_0
Product: 256_1

Can anyone help? many thanks.
I'm running on win7x64(build 7100).

Other than the occasional graphics glitch, cured by just changing my zoom level, its been perfectly stable.
Thanks -- I don't think I have nvidia drivers but will double check again.
i'm on win7 with BtS 3.19 and I haven't seen any crash problems so far.

however, mehmed's leaderhead looks red except for his beard. Only problem there.
instal on win 7 - 32 bit for civ 4 ver 1.09 is running good, i've already played for 1 month with no crash. then update to civ 4 ver 161 then i cant play and enter the game menu - reinstall again the civ ver 1.09 - it cannot be played ether ......? excuse my english
I was wondering if anyone was running Civ 4 on Windows 7. It has a litany of problems working with Vista, so I thought it prudent to ask around before I started playing with the Beta. Anyone tried this yet?

It seems when you try to load gallon in cities where the units to be loaded and the water craft are situated in the same hex the game crashes, it disappears, you get to watch a Win 7 solutions search from your desktop and are than told the solution center cannot solve the problem.
You game has closed out and you need to start the whole thing again. However if you move the water craft out of the hex the land unit occupies, than load the land unit on the water craft the game continues on its merry way.
I went to the patch and update section of this site but no luck there. If you come across a solution let me know
I have another problem, when I start civilization 4 and i select there to be only me and another AI player, 2 more AI players get added in. This happens when I choose 2, 3, & 4 AI players too.

Help please?

EDIT: Now, after I installed the 1.74 patch, whenever I try to start the game, it says

"Error: Cannot load shader libraries"
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