Wealth of Nations would be the fourth DLC for Civ 6, and would focus on improving the economy with Companies, mini civs that act independently, but can be influenced and controlled by countries, a new resource gathering rework, a new class of resource: consumer goods, and general changes to trading and commerce. As a secondary focus, Infrastructure and city management would be improved, with several new districts, and new tier 4 government building if you have rise and fall installed.
The Construction Crew :
The Construction Crew would be a brand new civilian unit that acts as a sort of "Mobile Production". This unit can only be produced with production (has a cost of 500 production). They can than be brought to any district that is either under construction, or is building a building, and can use an ability to transfer 450 production towards completing that building or district. If not all 450 production is used, the unit will remain and can give the rest of the production to another building. If all the production is used, the unit is destroyed. They can also be used on a wonder or national wonder to give 400 production. As a fun gimmick they can also be sent to an allies territory to preform these tasks for them in exchange for alliance points and relationship improvements. They would be unlocked pretty late, with civil engineering.
The whole point of the construction crew is to make production less of an essential aspect to every city. Unless a city is being used as a tactical advantage, cities with low production are rarely of any use. They take far to long to establish, and as you move through the eras settling in hostile conditions becomes more necessary in order to gain plentiful resources, so this should become more possible with construction crews. Plus, it allows you to specialize the roles of cities more often. You can create industrial powerhouse cities in order to fuel your growing empire with construction crews.
Trade of Food:
Once feudalism is unlocked, you gain the ability to send food in between cities with active trade routes. To control this, you can select either a specific quantity of food to be sent, or to send x percent of surplus food.
Food may also be purchased by foreign parties using the "free market", a feature described in detail later.
Resource Gathering Rework:
All resources(besides bonus resources) act like strategic resources (as culminating in a pool in your inventory like gold or faith), and are put into 2 categories: Non-Renewable and Renewable. Non-Renewable resources would be things like Oil, Uranium, and Stone. They spawn in large chunks, where you can harvest them from anywhere in an entire small region. However, as the name suggests, they are not renewable. They draw from a finite pool. All resources generated in that area subtracts from this pool, and if you extract too many the area will run out of this resource. Renewable resources are Crops like Wheat or Tobacco, or Livestock like Truffles or Chickens. They generate similarly to old resources and never run out. They can even be moved using the naturalist unit to a better collection location. However, when moved the collection facilities produce -1 production, -1food, and -1gold from their original form.
Renewable resources would act pretty similar to their vanilla counterparts, but non-renewables are changed drastically. All the resources will be used as either items used to make consumer goods or just provide a yield increase to the tile they are located. The hope with non-renewables is to create interesting military and diplomatic interactions as the resources progressively become more important for for power, products, and military units, but also more and more scarce.
Companies would be brand new entities on the map that would be born by sacrificing a great merchant or engineer(more sources are added to generate great merchant points, more are added, and there are more per era to make up for the fact that they are vital to the economic win condition). When used on a company headquarters district(half price of normal district, 3 can be built per city, don't require certain populations) they would spawn a new entity, a company, with themselves as its leader.
Each civ would have both an influence and a stock holdings in each company. An influence would go up to 200, while stock holdings is out of 100, but everyone controls the same 100 stocks. The stocks represent what percent of the companies profit a civ gets, while a company can own its own stocks, but not other companies stocks.
Companies would have a wealth and level. Their wealth is how much gold they own, while their level is earned through company xp, which moves up as they make profits(xp is gained from profits that go to stock holders as well). As they level up they can unlock upgrades from a skill tree to get things like faster production of consumer goods.
Companies earn their profits by selling consumer goods and giving out loans. Loans would involve giving a lump sum of gold, but they are required to give that much gold back with a percent interest decided by the loan giver after 30 turns. If a civ fails to repay a loan they can return the rest of the gold later at an interest rate 1.25 times higher, or refuse to pay, which will cause a ton of influence loss if the deal is with a company, a ton of grievances if the company is owned by another civ, and in either situation, a small grievance penalty against all other known civs, and all other civs and companies will not likely give you loans for a while.
A companies main income is consumer goods. These are important resources that can only be produced by companies. They can purchase resources from civ’s open market pool at a rate of 3 gold per resource. They can then convert 1 resource into 2 goods, which can be sold at a rate of 3 gold per good on the open market to any civ. However, the price can rise based on competition. When sending trade routes in the open market, you set a maximum price. Whichever civ has a higher maximum price gets the good, and they pay gold equal to the max price of the competing civ+1. Some of the goods are:
-Computers: Costs 1 silicon, gives 1 amenity, gives 0.1 science per citizen in the city, the maximum number of computers that can affect a city is equal to the number of people in that city.
-Furniture: Costs 1 hardwood, gives 1 amenity, +2 production.
-Preserved Meat: Costs 1 salt or 1 cattle, gives 3 food.
-Confections: Costs 1 sugar, 2 wheat, 1 citrus, or 1 banana. Gives 2 amenities and 1 culture.
-Toys: Costs 1 hardwood or 1 silk, gives 2 amenities.
-Luxury Clothes: (Rise and fall): Costs 1 silk or 1 cotton, gives +10% buff to all governor buffs in this city, +2 amenities.
-Manufactured Snacks: Costs 2 maize or 1 salt, gives
In order to gain resources to make their products, a company can either buy the resources from other civs and companies, or send prospectors and private armies to build resource outposts. Prospectors cost 700 gold(can only be bought by companies) and can establish single tile resources collection outposts. these gather resources from the deposit for the company that owns it at double the speed it normally would be collected. Private armies would simply be owned by some companies to defend their resources and fight off barbarians(would never fight in war unless attacked, and in this case they will only defend).
Influence is the second big factor. When a company is based in your country you automatically gain +35 influence over it. Stocks also translate to 1 influence with a company as well. Sending a company gifts or frequently buying their products increases your influence. Also if their headquarters is in your empire you get extra influence over them depending on the tourism output of the city they are stationed in. Additionally, if they have a industrial workshop owned in you country you gain 15 influence over them per industrial workshop(these would be new tile improvements that siphon off 10 production from their parent city, but give any company who owns it another production slot to produce goods).
Mechanized workshops are unlocked with steel. These only siphon off 5 production, but also take 2 power.
To lose influence with a company you can station them in undeveloped cities, not pay their loans back, fail to protect them, or not buy their products for 10 turns. You also lose influence if you do not power the mechanized workshops of the company. If you have a company that you have less than 35 influence over in your empire, or another civ has 50 more influence over a company than the owner, the company will ask the civ with the highest influence over them to build a company headquarters for them, usually in exchange for gold. If this happens and the target civs agrees the company will leave your country and you will lose any influence bonuses from them being in your country.
Influence Translates to a 0.25 % discount on products per influence point you have with the company(in terms of bidding with other civs for goods, it is not affected, you get a quantity of your gold refunded afterwards). Companies will also be more likely to offer you lower interest loans when you have high influence, and will sometimes even temporarily give you control of their private armies for protection in war if you have the highest influence.
The Open Market:
The open market would replace the current traders system to make a trade system that is more logical and realistic. A percentage of your nation’s gold, food, production, and resources are designated to be put on the “open market”. The percent is adjusted in your nation’s new economy menu. The ranges of resources that can be put on the open market is decided by your government, and can be altered using some new policy cards. Traders now use the open market instead of generating gold from thin air by default. When sending a trader to a city, you pick which resources you want to purchase from the open market. When there is no competition, food costs 2 gold, production costs 3 gold, and resources cost 3 gold. However, you may be competing against other civs for scarce resources. Given this, you must set an upper bid for an item that is being fought over. Whichever civ has the highest bid on an item gets it, and they pay a rate equal to the second highest bidder’s bid+1. If the two highest bidders are the same, the civ with the better relationship with the selling civ gets the item.
Currency Minting:
After unlocking the currency technology, you gain the ability to mint a currency. Currency acts as an upgraded form of gold that carries a set of benefits, allowing you to get discounts and gain influence over other economies, but also brings the risk of inflation, causing your economy to crash.
When creating a currency, you may select a host of benefits. When first creating your currency, you may select two. You initially have access to a list of 10 possible bonuses. Through the civics tree there are multiple currency bonuses sprinkled in. After unlocking banking, you get an extra bonus slot for your currency. Additionally, you get an extra bonus slot after researching computers. However, you may also change your bonuses by “reforming the currency”. Reforming your currency allows you to change its bonuses, but also removes 20% of all current influence bonuses you have earned on that currency.
Your currency fluctuates in value based on your economic influence and amount of money created. You have a variable placed on your currency known as value multiplier. A positive value multiplier represents the percent discount on all gold purchases, while a negative one represents an increase in gold prices. The multiplier applies to all civs who use your currency. The actions that can change the multiplier:
+0.1% per turn for each civ you have at least 50 economic influence over
-0.1% per turn for each civ who has at least 50 economic influence over you
-10% for declaring war on another civ
-5% for declaring war on a city state
-5% for using the “print money” project, which doubles your gold income that turn, but applies the malus next turn
+5% for ending a war with a treaty in your favor
+1% for building a stock market(includes when the parent civ does it, or another user of their currency)
+1% for each company living in your civ(includes when the parent civ does it, or another user of their currency)
+1% for each city state you are suzerain of(includes when the parent civ does it, or another user of their currency)
Economic Influence:
Filling a foreign market with your own currency allows you to gain economic influence over them. Economic influence is a value from -100 to 100 which is independent from civ to civ, with -100 meaning the other civ have maximum influence over you, and 100 meaning you have maximum influence over the other civ. Different actions can alter this standing, giving yourself or the other civ more economic abilities over you. The economic influence between civs is the same variable for both parties, just inverse. So, if a Mali player has 70 economic influence over the Maori, the Maori then has -70 economic influence with Mali.
For starters, you earn 1 influence per turn if your contribution to that civs GPT is at least 1/4 of it. You earn 2 additional influence per turn if your contribution is at least ⅓ of it, and 2 additional if your GPT contribution is at least half of their GPT. You also get 1 influence per turn for each company that you own that is selling goods to the other nation.
Other nations may adopt your currency, which also expands your influence. Adopting another currency requires a project which is 5x the normal production cost of a regular project, and may only be performed in a city with a government district. When using another civ’s currency, you get access to all their bonuses, but also give them 20 economic influence over you, and 1 additional influence for every 5 turns you use their currency.
Influence does decay, with the dominate civ losing 0.5 influence per turn, until it reaches 0. Being at war makes this degrade at a rate of 1.5 per turn.
Influence greater than 0 gives the following benefits:
-Discount on purchasing resources on the open market equal to 20%x influence/100.
-All of your cities get a production bonus equal to 2% of the other civs total production x influence/100.
Having an influence greater than 50 gives the following bonuses:
-Banks earn 5 extra gold per turn
-Earn 5xinflunece over 50/50% of the other civs science
Having 75 or greater influence gives the following bonuses:
-May pay a sum of gold to change their government type
-Get the same bonuses they get from companies they have stocks and influence in.
Economic Victory:
The new economic features synthesize into the new economic victory condition. An economic victory is achieved when at least 90% of the gold currently in circulation is currency of your own. You must also have 90 influence over at least 75% of the other civs on the map.
New Districts:
Company Headquarters: Half the price of a normal district, 3 can be placed per city, has no population requirement. Companies can be spawned or have their headquarters moved here for bonuses to the host civ towards the company.
Bridge: Just a simple bridge. Whenever any trader unit crosses this district the city who owns it gets +4 gold. It costs 54 production to produce. Units can pass without embarking and disembarking. Gives a major adjacency to industrial and commercial hubs.
Tier 4 Government Buildings(only useable if you have both this dlc and rise and fall installed):
-Global Strike Command: The tier 4 building intended for a domination victory condition or conquest fueled game. This building would give all recon and light cavalry units in your empire +2 movement, would make armies 25 percent cheaper to produce empire wide, and would apply a +7 CS boost to combat units for each adjacent military unit you own or allied military unit. However, this building causes you to lose 20 percent GPP (besides generals and admirals) gain empire wide.
-Media Control Center: Have 30 percent more religious and tourist pressure over cities that have broadcast stations or the computer or cell phone consumer goods, gain culture equal to half of your science gain, and get +8 loyalty and loyalty pressure in all powered cities, but lose 2 amenities in every city.
-AI Datacenter: The tier 4 building intended for commercial and science win types. This building would give you an additional 15 percent of the science cost a tech when you get a eureka, any company with its headquarters in the same city as or within 9 tiles of this building would get double influence from you, and you complete the next space project you start instantly for free(one time use).
It costs 35 gold per turn of maintenance and 4 power per turn to run a tier 4 government building.