[NFP] Civ 6 Macedon Deity Guide


May 11, 2020
Some tips for playing Macedon and how to win a domination Deity game!
  1. You have powerful unique units but you need to know how to use them. CC are great at taking out units. Especially with a great general they can have up to 46 combat strength making them the undisputed kings of the classical era with only Roman Legions able to put up some sort of resistance. While Hypypist can melt cities down extremely fast especially with a battering ram or two. Learning to use your units effectively is the difference between taking out 1 civ with your UU's or taking out three civs (like I did in the video) .
  2. Early encampments are key to achieving victory. Campuses are not necessary until later on because you can output even more science by building military units in your cities. DONT BUILD CAMPUSES UNTIL THE MEDIEVAL ERA. Plus you can get a few GG's before starting your wars which makes all your units stronger and your cavalry even more so.
  3. The best tech order is animal husbandry, into bronze working, into horseback riding, into iron working. Settle near horses and iron, while hard building warriors until bronze working. Then build your unique encampments while researching horseback riding before hard building horsemen. Finally get iron working and upgrade as many warriors as you can. This strategy allows you to get all your basic techs while preparing an army in the least amount of time possible. If you can play to your civs strengths you can take out at least 2-3 civs giving you an easy 20 cities by turn 110-120.
  4. Finally remember your wonder taking abilities. Go for cities with wonders as your units can heal immediately and you can continue contesting the next cities without healing your units. This helps offset loyalty penalties as if you take cities fast enough you won't have to worry about rebelling cities.
  5. The one weakness you have is that loyalty wise you have no bonuses. What I recommend is to leave cities that are going to rebel and let them rebel if you can't improve loyalty. Take out the enemy civ and then come back and take the rebelling cities. If a city rebels and you take it it loses population thus making it harder for you to keep the city, so just leave cities to rebel and come back for them later (Just like the REAL ALEXANDER Lol).
For a more in depth guide don't forget to check out my video series on Macedon:
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