Lazy sweeper
Mooooo Cra Chirp Fssss Miaouw is a game of words
I'll start. My choices goes along with my top 7 new civs to include.
All civs to include cultural specific traits. Aka Asians Archers looks different from western archers. African swordsmans looks different from Asians, Europeans.
American scouts can move through jungle, woods, or water swamps much faster. African units move faster in deserts. Finns in snowy terrain or tundra.
Tibet - Monk warrior, initially bamboo, then long pikes. Liquid swords. Asian Archers.
Amazonian - Jungle warriors - poison skirmichers
Finns - Berserkers with double Axe, Single Hammer, and pikes. Aka Vikings asymmetry- composite bows archers (fast release). Also Mountain warriors (Giant warriors)
Swiss - Lanzknechts pikemens. And Mountain warriors in antiquity (way bigger and more fearful than NON mountain civs.
Apaches, Iroquis or Sasquatch. Horsemen riders. Horse Archers. Sasquatch, Giant warriors, Spearthrowers, mixed melee-skirmish. Fast woods scouts runners.
Morocco - Camel warriors, Camer archers. Desert archers.
Illirian, or Sparta - Falanges swordsmans.
Regarding USSR (Russia) , France (Franks) , Italy (Rome), UK, Japan, USA, Germany... These civs have LOADS of unique units each starting with the Industrial revolution...
Tanks, airships, airplanes of all kinds, ships of all kinds, submarines... Russia usually is the one easily forgotten...
All civs to include cultural specific traits. Aka Asians Archers looks different from western archers. African swordsmans looks different from Asians, Europeans.
American scouts can move through jungle, woods, or water swamps much faster. African units move faster in deserts. Finns in snowy terrain or tundra.
Tibet - Monk warrior, initially bamboo, then long pikes. Liquid swords. Asian Archers.
Amazonian - Jungle warriors - poison skirmichers
Finns - Berserkers with double Axe, Single Hammer, and pikes. Aka Vikings asymmetry- composite bows archers (fast release). Also Mountain warriors (Giant warriors)
Swiss - Lanzknechts pikemens. And Mountain warriors in antiquity (way bigger and more fearful than NON mountain civs.
Apaches, Iroquis or Sasquatch. Horsemen riders. Horse Archers. Sasquatch, Giant warriors, Spearthrowers, mixed melee-skirmish. Fast woods scouts runners.
Morocco - Camel warriors, Camer archers. Desert archers.
Illirian, or Sparta - Falanges swordsmans.
Regarding USSR (Russia) , France (Franks) , Italy (Rome), UK, Japan, USA, Germany... These civs have LOADS of unique units each starting with the Industrial revolution...
Tanks, airships, airplanes of all kinds, ships of all kinds, submarines... Russia usually is the one easily forgotten...