Civ and why?


Nov 12, 2003
What civs do you guys play and why?
I never bought PTW, but in vanilla civ3 I played as Chinese or Egypt because I liked their culture and traits.
In Conquests I am playing the Ottomans, Chinese, and Egyptians. I like the American traits in both games, but it's boring, as I'm American so I already know the city names and culture. I am also looking into the Portugese. I have one problem with them though: they aren't industrious. I have never really played a non-industrious civ, how slow do tile improvements come? City production shields?
non industrious civs are the same as industrious ones except that their workers don't work twice as fast (industrious ones do)
Industrious has been slowed down somewhat from Civ3 and PtW levels.

I tend to play all civs.
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