This note summarizes strategy articles with specific numbers, so that geeks like me can do their own calculations in their own games. A few numbers are simple enough to list here with little explanation; others require reading more extensive articles. I don't (yet) read .xml and python files, so I can't verify any of this on my own. I'd greatly appreciate feedback and updates, and will update this first post accordingly. In particular I have only found a few numbers related to scaling for map size. shows places where I don't yet know some information; some of it may be in other sources I cite.
A few specific numbers, mostly from the middle of various threads:
A few specific numbers, mostly from the middle of various threads:
- Experience points for military units for a non-charismatic leader: Level 1 is 0 points; thereafter each level N takes a total of (N-1)^2+1 points; thus for level 4 (to unlock the Heroic Epic) you need 3^2+1 = 10 XP. Alternatively, to go from level N to level N+1 takes N+1 XP (2, 5, 10, 17, 26, 37, 50, ...). Numbers for Charismatic leaders are 3/4 of these, rounded up (2, 4, 8, 13, 20, 28, 38, ...)
- Cottage growth speed 10t for 1st step (to hamlet), doubling at each further step (20, 40, ...). Multiply by the usual game speed factors. Emancipation halves these numbers.
- Culture required for a city to reach "Legendary" status (doubled with "no espionage" option).
25,000 - Quick (1/2 instead of the normal 2/3)
50,000 - Normal
75,000 - Epic
150,000 - Marathon - Decay rate for paused production. Pre-3.19, there was no scaling for speed; the AIs were not subject to it. In 3.19 there is scaling.
Building: 50t, 99%
Unit: 10t, 98% - Game speed scaling: many specific numbers scale with game speed, usually by 0.67 for Quick, 1.5 for Epic, and 3 for Marathon. This applies to:
- building costs,
- culture needed to reach legendary status (aside from Quick, 1/2 instead of 2/3),
- food costs to grow a city (20+2*pop for normal),
- Great Merchant gold-per-turn from settling and gold from trade missions,
- great works cultural value (4000 normal),
- tech research costs,
- unit costs (exception: units cost 2x at Marathon, not 3x, except in BtS where settlers are 3x),
- worker turns to build improvements
- Effects of huts: more gold, less chance of settlers on higher difficulties.
- Map size effects. Larger sizes increase most of these numbers, except city maintenance:
- Number of opponents: Duel: 1; Tiny: 2; Small: 4; Standard: 6; Large: 8; Huge: 10.
- Number of prerequisite buildings to build a special building:
- Number of temples required to build a cathedral, monuments to build Statue of Zeus: Duel: 2; Tiny: 2; Small: 2; Standard: 3; Large: 3; Huge: 4.
- Number of theatres to build Globe Theatre, universities to build Oxford University, banks to build Wall Street: Duel: 4; Tiny: 4; Small: 5; Standard: 6; Large: 7; Huge: 8.
- Distance and city size components of maintenance costs (decrease on larger maps).
- Costs to research technologies.
- Number of cities, buildings, or units required for events and quests (BtS). Numbers vary by the specific event. Some prerequisites and quest results are proportional to default number of players (opponents+1) for the map type.
- City Growth (Epic speed)
- Civic Upkeep Explained (Vanilla 1.52)
- Combat Explained
- Complete Espionage Mission Cost Guide (BTS-only game feature)
- Corporate Maintenance
- Great People Points Explained: 100 more than last one for the first 10, then 200 more thereafter (normal: Epic multiples by 150%, quick by 67%).
- How Simple Combat Works in 1.61 Vanilla
- Technology Research Explained
- The Inner Mechanics of Food, Growth, Granary and Whipping
- Trade Routes. Discussion thread
- Unit Maintenance Explained
- War Weariness Mechanics (Vanilla, v 1.61).
Discussion thread
- Anarchy length
- AI attitude explained
- Cultural influence
- Detailed analysis: # of specialist cities needed per era
- Hammers contributed by a Great Engineer towards completing a building.
- Translation of turns to years; apparently different in Vanilla and/or Warlords.
- Vocum Sineratio: The Whip
- Worker turns for various improvements