Well that took way longer than I would have liked lol, but I'm FINISHED!!! I have exhausted all search options and link lists I can find. As you can see the final list of Civ2 sites above is utterly MASSIVE! Especially after I expanded it's scope to include non-scenario Civ2 fan sites as well which has resulted in over 400 links! Now that I've done everything I can, this list will only increase if others make submissions (just tag me & I'll add your link) of websites & CD repositories. Oh and let me know if you find duplicates as it's quite possible with something this big.
While cataloging Civ2 websites was never something I planned I'm glad I did it as browsing hundreds of 1990s websites was like travelling back in time to a cool era where everything was new & exciting, and best of all I've found a number of rare long lost scenarios
relating to my search categories of interest and there's plenty more downloads scattered across these sites I didn't grab that others would no doubt find interesting. Civ2 collectors can now roll through the sites in this list clicking on every scenario/mod download they can see and build a huge collection if they wish. The hardest part in scenario collecting is finding all the old dead sites so I've taken care of that part for you!
I'm gonna put copies on Poly, WPC, CivForum.de, Russian CFC and maybe some other forums too to ensure it's properly preserved and all communities can access the repositories.
Sadly many of the sites above no longer have working downloads due to the webarchive crawlers only grabbing small files, and some of these dead downloads were rather
heart breaking discoveries of amazing looking fantasy and scifi mods that never made it to the big sites and appear lost forever sadly. However every now and then you'll find a working link to something rare and awesome.
Speaking of the rare scenarios/mods I've found, they look super cool and I look forward to posting them to CFC soon. Expect to see a whole lot of my name in the Civ2 downloads area haha as this is going to take a few weeks to sort out.
Speaking of which, as promised I've located my old PC Gamer UK Civ2 scenario & map collection CD and have uploaded it's content here to CFC (& added it to the list above). Heaps of old gems in there!