Civ Ideas & Suggestions Not-Worth-Their-Own-Thread

  • Diplomacy "policies": The possibility to set diplomacy "policies": automatically refuse Open Borders agreements, automatically decline invitation to war, etc. It annoys me to have several popups each turn with always the same proposals I never accept.
What do you want from future Civilization games ?

Here's an article about Civilization 6, if you are interested:

I want social/personal relationships that may effect the game. For example Crusader Kings II has some basic relationships that may effect the game very much, but I'd prefer at least some relationships to be included in stories which have options to do. Another imperfect example is Castles that is released in 1992.

There are probably many other strategy games with social/personal relationships I do not know, if you know one, please write that and what you think about implementing the things like that in a future Civilization, here.

Even though I play with very small or small maps, I find it very difficult and exhausting to try to control everything perfectly. I thought how it can be better for about an hour and wrote my suggestions below:
1) When choosing what to produce or queuing what to produce,
- things that will be available to produce after a research or an order to improve a resource shall be possible to queue after the completion dates of the researches and resource improvements.
- calculating the time for producing things shall include city growth, workers' orders' queues, social policies' queue(worker orders and social policies shall be queued in a similar fashion), research queue, and other things if applicable.
- the game shall allow checking if the production can be completed before a current or queued production in another city / research / social policy / worker order / settler order / unit order(queuing orders for all units shall be allowed) or a date that gamer enters.
- the game shall allow choosing and queuing productions with deadlines that can be starting or ending date of current or queued productions in other cities / researches / social policies / worker orders / settler orders / unit orders or a date that gamer enters.
2) When choosing what to research or queuing what to research,
- calculating the time for researching things shall include city growth, production queues, social policies' queue, workers' orders' queues, and other things if applicable .
- the game shall allow checking if the research can be completed before a current or queued production/ social policy / worker order / settler order / unit order or a date that gamer enters
-the game shall allow choosing and queuing researches with deadlines that can be starting or ending dates of current or queued productions / social policies / worker orders / settler orders / unit orders or a date that gamer enters.
3) When choosing which social policy to adopt or queue,
- policies that will be available to be adapted after a research shall be possible to queue after the research completion date.
- calculating the time for social policies to be available to be adopted shall include production queues, city growth, social policies that are chosen to be adapted before, great artists’ orders, and other things if applicable.
- the game shall allow checking if the policy can be adapted before a current or queued production / (any)unit order / research or a date that gamer enters.
- the game shall allow choosing and queuing policies with deadlines that can be starting or ending dates of current or queued productions / researches / social policies / worker orders / settler orders / unit orders or a date that gamer enters.
4) When giving or queuing unit orders,
- orders that will be available to be given after a research completion or other things if applicable, shall be possible to queue after the related dates.
- calculating the time for completion of orders shall include social policy adoption dates and other things if applicable.
- the game shall allow checking if the orders can be completed before current or queued other unit orders / productions / social policies / researches or a date that gamer enters.
- the game shall allow choosing and queuing unit orders with deadlines that can be starting or ending dates of current or queued other unit orders / productions / social policies / researches or a date that gamer enters.
5) Queuing things with deadlines that seem impossible shall be allowed. Advisors or an advisor may take into account these impossible things and suggest a decision by saying the decision will make that possible. When the time comes and the decisions are still impossible, the gamer may simply be forced to change the decisions to continue. Even if no advisor can take into account the impossible deadlined things, gamers can use it to their advantage to remind them an important goal that rethinking for is desirable.
When checking dates or setting deadlines for things both starting and ending dates of previous decisions(production/tile improvement/policies/research…) shall be available to check or set as deadlines. It can be 2-4 selection boxes, for example, first is to choose between production/unit/policy/research, second is to choose city/unit type or the start or end of policy/research, third is to choose the start or end of the production in the city or the unit and fourth is to choose the unit order.
6) The game shall allow the gamer to choose and queue different citizen management focuses to be used between beginning or completion dates of researches / social policies / same and adjacent city productions / worker and settler orders or dates that the gamer enters.
The game shall allow the gamer to value each tile associated gaining with numbers and degrees. For example the gamer may value each gaining from 0 to 100, or value them by choosing degrees from extremely important to unimportant. Thus the game can allow the user to set custom citizen management focuses. The game shall allow custom focuses to be saved with names for later use.
(I am not sure if it is already so or not but the game shall count a number of tiles with a number of tile associated gainings in a city the same as same number of tiles(at least some of which is different) with same number of tile associated gainings for better tile management and allocation between cities. Adjacent cities’ tile allocation shall be done as a whole automatically for the gamer to not waste enjoyment by thinking about gaining a few more resource all the time, see 6th suggestion.)
7) Tile allocations between cities shall be updated automatically every time something changing tile associated gainings happens, such as when a new city is founded, when a building or wonder that increases gainings associated with tiles worked is completed, when a tile is improved or when gamer changes a city’s citizen management focus, in order to make productions impossible to finish at their deadlines possible and not make current or queued productions impossible to finish at their deadlines at the same time while trying to maximize total tile associated gainings according to the focuses of cities.
8) The game shall allow the gamer to save any type of queue with a name for later use.
9) An advisor shall warn that the decisions can not be done,
- if unpredicted things(such as completion of a wonder of another civilization) make decisions made before impossible(such as the order to produce a barracks before archery research completion deadline becomes impossible due to a barbarian attack, or, not being able to start or continue to implement the decision due to an unpredicted thing).
- if changing a previous decision makes other decisions impossible.
THE MAIN IDEA is to let the gamer do the most complete plan for the longest period possible in the easiest way while not making the gamer feel the need to lose enjoyment for small things by making the game do automatical optimizations according to the plan all the time which means Automating An Optimized Micromanagement.
These may make the game very slow depending on the system it will work on and how good they are programmed, but I feel this may be the most important way to do things better and I believe all of it can be done and work fast some day.

If you want, you may look at where I first started the same subject, in the next link:

Moderator Action: Merged with the small-ideas-thread.

Make an updated version of alpha centuri with modern ai, zone of control, culture, etc. would be epic.
I was looking at the link you posted and was totally confused until I realised he`s doing reviews of Civ games in the (maybe) future?:crazyeye:
In thinking how to make diplomacy in the game richer and more authentic and varied (much like BTS did for Civ4), and to make the game more closely resemble world history I came up with the following suggestions and ideas:

Ancien Regime (Napoleon UA) tweak: cities produce +2 culture until Industrial Era, afterwards cities receive 20% culture boost. [this has more synthesis with French history]

Musketeer (French UU) tweak: garrisoned musketeers add +1 happiness and +25% protection against spies. [this better reflects the dual role of the musketeers as both an elite army and a means of surveillance, counter-espionage, and maintainers of public order and royal power]

International Diplomacy tables: Civ4 style, it is beyond irritating to have so little information besides denouncements and friendship declarations on where AI civs are with each other by which to base diplomacy decisions.

Religious Missions: After establishing embassies, religious missions can then be established through diplomacy; mission gives science boost to country that accepts it, but speeds the propagation rate of the other civ's religion; activated at Renaissance.

Influence benefit with City-States that adopt the religion you founded (minimum influence boost) and other Civilizations (influence with them increases the more cities of theirs you convert if they have not founded a religion)

Alliances: civilizations that are already friends can form alliances. Allies cannot declare war on each other and have permanent defense treaties. Allies share maps every 15 turns. Votes can be presented to allies to admit other civilizations into their alliance, launch embargoes, denounce, or declare war. Alliances could be given automatic names (perhaps alliance name changes as members change). Leaving an alliance causes huge diplomatic penalty, and cancels all trade and embassies with former allies (all remaining members denounce the traitor?) and institutes a trade embargo.

Leagues: City-States that remain unallied long enough can also launch their own alliances, only they are called leagues. City-States in a league cannot ally with civilizations, they declare war and peace together, and will sometimes invade or threaten rival City-States (or civs!). However each city will still vote in diplomatic victory elections for whichever civ has the most influence with it (or should we make it a winner-takes where the league votes as a whole with whoever is first in influence with 50%+ of its members -- that would be fun).

Vassal: vassal-states pay tribute of 50% of their gold and strategic resources and one of each luxury they have in surplus. Patheon/Religion propagation bonus for the protector-state. Vassalage imposes permanent defense treaty. Can be the result of war capitulation or diplomacy. Agreement expires after fifty turns, capitulation after 100.

Imperial city: a City-State that adheres to your religion/pantheon and has been an ally for thirty or fifty turns can then be bought as an imperial city: this makes the City-State your permanent allied City-State at no change to the benefits received or to policy costs or unhappiness, although city improvements will add towards your own. Imperial cities will maintain their own workers and armies. This status is lost if the city is conquered, although it will be regained if won back. Imperial cities do not vote in diplomatic victory elections, nor can their elections be rigged (I am undecided as to whether they should be susceptible to coups since these tends to have low margins of success, but it would already be difficult to maintain a city-state as an ally for so many turns).

Canal du midi: world wonder, river tiles have added production, culture, and commerce bonus, must be built on a river (bonus empire-wide or limited to the river the city is on? alternatively could extend this benefit to city's river and any river within three tiles of that river)

Canals: tile improvement that extends river up to 3 tiles or allows one land tile between two bodies of water to be traversed; can only be built by Great Engineer -- after Electronics, Great Engineer can build tunnels connecting land masses separated by less than 3 or less tiles of water.

International wonders (Great Projects): starting in the industrial era, allied nations can build special world wonders: Suez Canal (unlocked with Steam Power), Orient Express (Railroads), Panamerican Highway (Mass Media), Missile Defense Shield (unlocked with Manhattan Project), International Space Station (Satellites); suggested beneits could be SC: +50% gold from trade, 3 GtP per international trade route, OE: railroad maintenance cost decreased, PH: movement bonus on roads, MDS: 75% chance at intercepting nukes, ISS: research labs now add +50% science, production bonus for space race. Wonder built by nations committing GpT (committing more gold increases production). Race to complete project initated when allies vote to build it and how much to spend per turn (the higher the price, the faster the production; ex. 30 gpt, 30 turns, 60 gpt 20 turns, 120 gpt 15 turns). Like world wonders, only one can ever be built. Production penalty for larger alliances.

City-State wonders: starting in the Renaissance, City-States at random can launch a race against other shared trait City-States to build their own world wonders that greatly enhance their bonuses; production speed can be increased by recieving GpT from civs (announced). Possible City-State wonders could include Dome of the Rock (religious), School of the Americas (military), Panama Canal (commerce), World Fair (culture), Titanic (maritime). If a City-State you sponsor wins the race to build the wonder you receive influence boost plus a Great Person.
One obvious omission is Great Prophet names. They seem to have searched the history books looking for names for generals but didn't make the same effort for prophets.

I'd love to see Mohammed spreading the Gospels or Jesus battling it out with L Ron.
I'd like civs to have their color palettes be determined by number of players, not by civilization. For example, if there are three players, then the colors that can be used are red, blue, and yellow. With four, add green. And so on, ensuring that the colors are all sufficiently diverse from each other. White and gray will not be in the same game unless there are enough civs on the map to warrant it. Additionally, the colors given to each civ are done such that neighbors do not have similar colors.

I'd like to change the way that World Wonder building works. Specifically, make it similar to Faith spending, but not empire-wide.
When you want to build a World Wonder, you can choose the option "World Wonder" in the production queue of a city. The cost to build a World Wonder starts at 185:hammers:, and grows with each World Wonder built in the game. Of course, the "World Wonder" option is not available if there are no World Wonders available to you. In the case where the last available World Wonder is built elsewhere, the production that goes to "World Wonder" is saved until such time that one becomes available to build again.

I just thought it was rather silly that empires would just decide to tear down their Wonders for gold, out of fear of looking like copycats. At least this way, there's a sort of Schrodinger's Cat effect.
I'd like to be able to build cities a minimum of 3 tiles away. In the city screen, any tiles with neighbor cities simply become unworkable, represented by a red circle with a gray city icon and white lock.
Trade ships & Pirates

Starting in the Renaissance, trade ships can be built and sent between ports separated by ocean on trade runs either between colonies separated by ocean or between friendly ports (after Declaration of Friendship). Trade ship produces gold once returned from destination port (runs automatically once targeted port selected with bonus for distance and luxury resources). Bilateral trade gives gold for trading partner as well (duty) when arrived at his port. Commerce tree could give bonus to trade routes.

Subsequently privateers can be sent on piracy raids (letters of mark) which puts them outside your control until you cancel their automation. They will seek out trade ships of targeted routes, but can be attacked without declaring war. They will not reveal their identity and will capture enemy navies that are similarly automated and will follow the ship that captures them. These pirate fleets will continue to attack routes of targeted civilization(s) until sunk or called off. They can heal in waters controlled by host civilization or in territory controlled by city-states unallied with you. If war is declared, pirate fleets will appear to belligerent civilization as privateers disclosing nationality. Otherwise pirate fleets can only reveal nationality through espionage, with 10% of revealing nationality if pirate ship sunk. Obviously revelation causes diplomatic penalty and allows attacked civ to demand the letters of mark be revoked. It would be nice if ships were given automated names. Barbarians can also send out pirate fleets and set up pirate coves in unclaimed territory. Pirate coves are open to all pirate fleets to heal. Gold from piracy raids 75% of value of cargo to the civ trade ships belong to.

In Industrial Era, privateers can be converted to U-Boats and free trade can be established with friendly civilizations, which eliminates tax/duty bonus to trade partner when ships arrive at his port but increases the gold value of all trade routes by 300% between civs. U-boats like submarines are not normally visible, but if visible will reveal nationality. Should we make U-boats upgradeable to submarines?

Rebellions & Revolutions:

While I like that unhappiness can spawn rebel units, I would also like to see it have the possibility of causing cities themselves to revolt (likelihood increases with distance from capital that cities will revolt, with much higher percentage of likelihood for cities on other continents, or puppet-states/occupied cities). Once cities revolt other civilizations will have the option of recognising the new civ (at a penalty to diplomatic relations) or not. Should revolutionary cities be given the identity of a new civ from among the original civ's region (American, ME, European, Asia). Occupied cities/puppet-states revert to control of original civ, even reviving it, and is automatically recognized? Not sure I like that idea.
I would like to see more benefits can be generated by coastal cities.
For example:
Harbors and Seaports each provides +1 and +1 from each luxury resource that is traded from another civilization.
the Trading Company (national wonder): can only be built in coastal cities, unlocked by navigation, requires a harbor in every coastal city. +1 happiness for each type of luxury resource. Also provides +1 gold per turn from each luxury resource tile worked in the city in which it is built.

Also, since the Temple of Artemis is a wonder in G&K, why there is no Parthenon?
the Parthenon: unlocked by mathematics, +2 culture, 2 GA points, provides +50% in the city in which it's built.
Religion should be able to be toggled on or off like espionage for complete custom ability.

Why can frigates be built before gunpowder after all these years of Civ versions? Are cannons a sort of ballast until the advent of gunpowder?

MP should have the option of turn based games to enhance stratigy over quik on the draw aspects if that is what you like. Could you imagine someone "outclicking" a person rolling the dice during their turn in the board version?
Options are good and not knocking fast reflexes, but that is arguably not all that Civ is about in principle and should by any means be its only option.

~ The journey itself is the thing ~ Oddyseus
Religion IS possible to be disabled through the advanced setup, however the option to do so isn't visible without editing some file. I've done it and now there is an option "Disable Religion" in the advanced setup.
However I've never used it because I don't see a reason to disable it, and it would make ethiopia's stele, maya's pyramid, celt's UA and the Piety tree useless.
This is an unfortunate drawback. However I understand there is interest in non city state games, myself included.

A non city state game can presently be togled yet limits civs like Greek's and Swede's as well as Patronage social policy.

THANK YOU! for the insight as to a possible way to do this.

It would also be great to have a non unique toggle for all civs. A practicle application for this would be closer to equal start stratigy in tournament. You could choose this, and customize further so that you could have say: A "non unique civ/leader ability" game w/wo espionage, w/wo huts....

There is already the toggle for generic start locations.

The unique traits are great don't get me wrong, I have my favorites, but it would be good to have:

1) a toggle for religion
2) a toggle for no unique civ/leader abilities/temperments

~ The journey itself is the thing ~ Oddyseus
An arcade combat option, it would be fun fighting like the old "North and South" game.
And a small variability in the strength values at the production for military units.
An additional option of a great prophet could be to start a crusade. If one is called, all civs and cs with a majority of the population of that religion must declare war on the civs and cs of one other religion. The person expending the gp could pick which religion to declare the crusade against. It would last for 20 turns and wouldn't be available after the medieval period.
I would like to see scouts receive more experience from combat. These are not combat units, and for them to survive a long time, they need to run from a fight. This prevents them from getting very high on the experience track. I think scouts should recieve 4 experience for surviving a fight and 10 experience for defeating an enemy in combat.
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