[Civ2] Civ II (from my recently bought Civilization Chronicles) Crashes...

Mar 14, 2019
Whenever I try to play the game, I've used the patch to patch ToT and MGE, but still it doesn't run.

would me Having Windows 10 be an issue?

Edit: ok so I patched it into working order but none of the Scenarios work, and I've really been eyeing that apocalypse scenario.
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The 64bit patches should have done the trick. Seems strange that you got the game working but you can't start a scenario? Were you able to start a new game and use text entry boxes (eg enter ruler and city name) as that's what normally cuases the crashes if you haven't applied the 64bit patches properly.

There's a nice guide written up here, however I can see in the comments people with Win 10 saying it didn't work for them.

However you still have an option of point 2B in his post. Setup up a free VirtualBox VM with XP on it. I actually have a copy of Civ2 running on my 64bit Win 7 machine but also in a XP VM for testing purposes. Works great and supports full screen HD resolutions etc.

Ahh the good old 'After the Apocalypse' scenario! I always enjoyed that scenario as one of the factions started in Australia, so me being Australian I couldn't resist playing as them and going full 'Mad Max Fury Road' on the world haha. Tough one though as there's pollution everywhere (due to the nuclear war) so global warming kicks off fast and the whole world starts turning into useless terrain starving your cities. Real fight for survival..

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