Civ Rev PS3 or Xbox 360 ?


Pura Vida!
Dec 14, 2004
San Jose, Costa Rica #fiftychat
Hi, I'm thinking about buying this game, I own both the PS3 and Xbox 360 and was wondering which version of the game is better? (Multiplayer, single player, graphics) .Please don't turn this into a PS3 vs Xbox 360 flame war.

I have only the PS3 console so I don´t know the exact differences. However, from what I learnt from earlier discussions in the forum there is only 1 difference between the two versions and that is the achievments on the XBOX360. There is no trophy support on the PS3. There are no differences in graphics or sound.

In addition, the XBOX360 version has sold better so I guess it is easier to match up online on the XBOX.

However, I would like you to buy the PS3 version because that would mean I have one more person to find online. :)
Pretty much what Hertsh said.

I don't own either console, but I know the game is identical on the two of them. (Except Achievement/Trophy support.) The 360 seems to be the more popular, maybe just because more people own the 360. The PS3 version had a few more problems, early on, especially with patches. Both should be back at the same patch level, now, though.
XBox, & especially since the latest xbox update am happy with it since games can be run from harddrive including Civ Rev.

However, as youve read by others mp is infuriating lacking. I have never played an online game where it didnt come down to two players because the other twos games either froze, or got kicked off xbox live which you pay an extra 50 bucks a year to be a part of.

Lets face it, American companies only care about the money, & voting with your bucks for a competitor is only what they listen to, & ps3 is the newer more advanced technology & online is free.

You might want to check other ps3 owners about their online experiences if you can get any credible non zealous advice.

Forgot to talk about achievements, some icons are cool like Mass Effect, & are a level of artistry involved but the achievements for Civ Rev are kinda cheesy, but I like the achievement concept, the army uses them, & so does xbox, and some are beutifully rendered, Ive actually taken screenshots, & posted them in correspondance. Hey I completed Noveria, cool huh!
The advantage is that civ is a game where online is half the play and the PS3 does get the free online.
I guess you've figures it out by now. But buy it for the system you have the most friends on.

i hope i'm not to late for the orignal poster, but DON"T BUY THE GAME ON PS3 if you got a 360!

I started out on PS3 ( i have the DS version as well). For single player, this game is almost identical except that 360 has acheivements. But the PS3 editon's multiplayer is waaaaaaaaaaay more buggy than the 360's version. I played for 2 months stricly single player, than about 3 months online on PS3, and it got to the point where PS3 multiplayer was unplayable. Half of my games on PS3 ended in freezes, the leaderboard has a lot of problems, on 360 there are some, but not near as much as PS3, the PS3 leaderboard is a joke.

It's a lot harder to find matchups on PS3, whereas 360 seems a lot quicker. there are almost no team games on PS3, while 360's team games seems almost more popular than H2H. I've finished more games online on 360 in one month than I have been able to on Ps3 in three months.

There are still some bugs and occasional freezes on 360, but nothing like the nightmare you will expierence on PS3. Ps3 does have good days and bad days, but 360 is not even close to how awful the Gamespy servers make this game on PS3.

I'm no noob, and I don't have a bad internet connection either. I'm probably the only player in the world that has been top 10 on both systems, so I've put in my time. Save yourself some sanity, buy the 360 version. This goes for current PS3 users as well. If you're fed up with the constant problems of PS3/Gamespy and you own a 360, it's worth every penny to go ahead and spend the 40 bucks to get it on 360, that is if you are like me and are addicted to the game and have been for months now. I've played almost every night for the past 6 months, and those 40 bucks that I spent to get it on the 360 was money well spent.
Owning both systems myself, but not owning CivRev for either (I did rent it from Gamefly), I couldn't answer the OP. But concerning online play-the 50$ you spend for live is worth it. You get what you pay for. I MUCH prefer online play on the 360 for almost all games. That being said, when I'm offline I find myself playing the PS3 more. Really though, if you take the "fanboy" out of it, they're both kick ass systems, as long as you don't get the dreaded RROD. Still though, a blu-ray player is kinda icing on the cake if you don't know which system to get.
it's not a comparison of systems in general though, I prefer PS3 to 360 a lot of the time, I never really used my Xbox that much until CivRev became unplayable on PS3 multiplayer. It's been well documented that PS3 has way more problems than 360 in regards to CivRev multiplayer, especially on 2K's Forums.

Check out the post I made there for the reason why I left PS3 for 360 for Civ Rev:


btw 2k forums is probably the most expansive forum on CivRev on the net. I like this forum, but there is a lot more strategy and info on this board. the main site to civfantics is great, and I love this board and the main page to CivFantics, but I guarentee you won't find a more inciteful board than 2k's for this game.

I bought the 360 version yesterday, in light of the evidence presented. Thank you for your posts, I'll see you guys online.
i hope i'm not to late for the orignal poster, but DON"T BUY THE GAME ON PS3 if you got a 360!

I started out on PS3 ( i have the DS version as well). For single player, this game is almost identical except that 360 has acheivements. But the PS3 editon's multiplayer is waaaaaaaaaaay more buggy than the 360's version. I played for 2 months stricly single player, than about 3 months online on PS3, and it got to the point where PS3 multiplayer was unplayable. Half of my games on PS3 ended in freezes, the leaderboard has a lot of problems, on 360 there are some, but not near as much as PS3, the PS3 leaderboard is a joke.

It's a lot harder to find matchups on PS3, whereas 360 seems a lot quicker. there are almost no team games on PS3, while 360's team games seems almost more popular than H2H. I've finished more games online on 360 in one month than I have been able to on Ps3 in three months.

There are still some bugs and occasional freezes on 360, but nothing like the nightmare you will expierence on PS3. Ps3 does have good days and bad days, but 360 is not even close to how awful the Gamespy servers make this game on PS3.

I'm no noob, and I don't have a bad internet connection either. I'm probably the only player in the world that has been top 10 on both systems, so I've put in my time. Save yourself some sanity, buy the 360 version. This goes for current PS3 users as well. If you're fed up with the constant problems of PS3/Gamespy and you own a 360, it's worth every penny to go ahead and spend the 40 bucks to get it on 360, that is if you are like me and are addicted to the game and have been for months now. I've played almost every night for the past 6 months, and those 40 bucks that I spent to get it on the 360 was money well spent.

I would just like to point out the almost all the online problems with the ps3 versions have been fixed thanks to a recent firmware update.

My advice would be: don't buy either versions, just dont buy the game, in my opinion it is highly over rated...
My advice would be: don't buy either versions, just dont buy the game, in my opinion it is highly over rated...

The DS version has the advantage of all other versions of being portable. If you don't have a laptop, this is the best portable Civilization out there.
I would just like to point out the almost all the online problems with the ps3 versions have been fixed thanks to a recent firmware update.

My advice would be: don't buy either versions, just dont buy the game, in my opinion it is highly over rated...

please don't misinform people, on both comments. This game is underrated, and most ppl come to these boards to learn more about the game they are addicted to.

But there was no recent firmware update for ps3. Patch 1.3 came in Septmeber I believe, and it brought mulitplayer back from the ashes. But it by no means fixed almost all of the online issues. 1.3 made the online game function more often than it used to, but it's more like 50% compared to 25% before the patch. Since 1.3 came out, a lot of the issues that they tried to clean up stopped working. For example, patch 1.3 was supposed to fix the democracy glitch, where you could ignore diplomacy while you were in democracy so you could stay at war. But even now, you can just ignore diplomacy and never have to stop waging war. Leaderboards are still broken, freezes are still amazingly prevelent, and a whole plethora of issues still remain and won't be patched according to 2kgames. The game is "as-is" and has been since patch 1.3 and there will be no more fixes or patches etc.

Since 2Kgames informed me several times that the Ps3 version wasn't gonna see any more changes, I decided to switch to Xbox360 about a month ago. While there are still the occasional freeze or hiccups, it's nowhere near the level seen on Ps3.

If you have a choice, go 360, if you don't go ahead and get it on PS3, the single player is still fine, and there are some good players on PS3 MP, just don't expect to finish most games online on Ps3.
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