Civ V Strategic View City Banner Fix


Jan 3, 2017
In strategic view (Civ V) you are normally unable to see city banners on cities unless you zoom all the way in, which makes it difficult to get an overall picture of the world. You only get a plain text city name when you zoom out with no additional information. But I fixed it.

First, navigate to your Civ 5 installation folder. It should be located in your Steam folder in "steamapps / common / Sid Meier's Civilization V" or alternatively you can right-click the game in your Steam Library, click Properties > Local Files tab > Browse Local Files button to take you directly to it.


The file we are looking for is CityBannerManager.lua BUT there are multiple copies of this file in various subfolders depending on which DLC and mods you are running.

If you are running the vanilla game with no expansions, the file can be found in "Sid Meier's Civilization V / Assets / UI / InGame / CityBannerManager.lua"

If you are running the Gods and Kings expansion ONLY, the file can be found in "Sid Meier's Civilization V / Assets / DLC / Expansion / UI / InGame / CityBannerManager.lua"

If you are running the Brave New World expansion WITH OR WITHOUT Gods and Kings, the file can be found in "Sid Meier's Civilization V / Assets / DLC / Expansion2 / UI / InGame / CityBannerManager.lua"

If you are running the Enhanced User Interface Mod WITH ANY COMBINATION OF DLC, the file can be found in "Sid Meier's Civilization V / Assets / DLC / UI_bc1 / CityBanners / CityBannerManager.lua"


Ok full disclosure, I don't know a thing about LUA or coding in general so this may have some unintended side effects. I doubt it. But maybe. So you should definitely make a back-up of your CityBannerManager.lua file. Just copy it somewhere else for safekeeping, or make a copy of it and change the file extension to .OLD or something. Also I'm not responsible for blah blah in the event of etc etc or whatever, do at your own risk and so and so. I did the thing, the thing works, I'm still doing the thing, so there. Now that's out of the way...

  1. Open your CityBannerManager.lua file. It should open just fine with Notepad.

  2. Hold CTRL and press F, that should bring up a search box.

  3. Type 'strategic' into the search box (without the ' characters obviously).
Now we need to find a certain block of code which will look different depending on whether or not you are using the Enhanced User Interface Mod.

4a. NO MODS Look for this block of code and delete it, then save the file.

function OnStrategicViewStateChanged(bStrategicView, bCityBanners) local bShowBanners = bCityBanners or not bStrategicView; Controls.CityBanners:SetHide(not bShowBanners); Controls.StrategicViewStrikeButtons:SetHide(bShowBanners); end Events.StrategicViewStateChanged.Add(OnStrategicViewStateChanged);

4b. ENHANCED USER INTERFACE MOD Look for this block of code and delete it, then save the file.

-- On interface mode change Events.InterfaceModeChanged.Add( function( oldInterfaceMode, newInterfaceMode ) local disableBanners = newInterfaceMode ~= InterfaceModeTypes.INTERFACEMODE_SELECTION for _, instance in pairs( g_cityBanners ) do instance.CityBannerButton:SetDisabled( disableBanners ) instance.CityBannerButton:EnableToolTip( not disableBanners ) end end)

Events.StrategicViewStateChanged.Add( function(isStrategicView, showCityBanners) local showBanners = showCityBanners or not isStrategicView Controls.CityBanners:SetHide( not showBanners ) return Controls.StrategicViewStrikeButtons:SetHide( showBanners ) end)

That's it, should work fine now. Enjoy.
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