Civ VI Leader Pass 2


The Gangster of Love
Jul 14, 2013
While it's highly unlikely that there will be a second Leader Pass, I came up with a few ideas for more interesting additions than the ones we're getting with the first Leader Pass. I'll add more as time allows.

American Presidents
  • Thomas Jefferson / Louisiana Purchase - 50% off Gold cost of purchasing tiles. 50% off Gold or Production cost of Recon Units, and Recon Units gain double XP
  • Dwight D. Eisenhower / Supreme Commander of the Allied Expeditionary Force - All Alliances also have the benefits of Military Alliances. Kills during Joint wars with allies grant alliance points. Kills during any war which costs 0 grievances (Liberation, etc.) grant diplomatic favor
  • Ronald Reagan / Reaganomics - Trade Routes and Industries grant Great Merchant points. Great Merchants get an additional charge. Double all benefits from Industries and Corporations. Unlimited number of Industries and Corporations per city and resource type

Roman Rulers
  • Lucius Quinctius Cincinnatus / Dictator - Once per Era for 16 turns on standard speed, assume control over all Suzerain city-states. During this time, no other Civilization may send Envoys to them. Afterward, for the remainder of the Era, receive 1 Influence Point per Farm in the Capital.
  • Julian (Byzantium) / The Apostate - Cannot found a Religion, but each city that Julian founds gets to pick its own Pantheon belief. These come from a separate list than the common pantheon pool, mirroring it ability-wise, but with specifically Roman deity names
  • Urban II / Deus Vult! - Urban’s Religion automatically receives the Papal Primacy and Crusade beliefs in addition to his chosen Founder and Enhancer beliefs. No other Civilization can choose these if Urban is in the game. Urban generates no grievances when declaring a Holy War, and his units get +5 Combat Strength and generates Faith on kills during a Holy War.

Ancient Autocrats
  • Hammurabi (Lawgiver) / Code of Hammurabi - Extra Wildcard slot during a Golden Age. Retains all earned Government Legacies without the need to play their Wildcard. Can use any earned Policy Card regardless of restrictions on Dark Ages or Government type
  • Hannible (Carthage) / Crossing the Alps - Has a Unique Classical Era Heavy Cavalry unit, the African War Elephant. These can cross onto and over mountain tiles. Gains a free no maintenance War Elephant whenever he builds a Camp on Ivory.

Medieval Monarchs
  • Ragnar Lodbrok (Norway) / Great Heathen Army - Has access to additional Hero units (Ivar the Boneless, Björn Ironside, Hvitserk, Ragnvald, Halfdan Ragnarsson, Ubba, and Sigurd Snake-in-the-Eye). They all share the same abilities, mirroring Beowulf’s Challenge, Hercules’ Rage, and Sinbad's Fortunes. These are discovered before any other Heroes.

Modern Leaders
  • Meiji (Japan) / Restoration - Minus 5% Science per World Era before the Industrial (-20% Ancient, -15% Classical, -10% Medieval, -5% Renaissance). +5% Science per Era starting from the Industrial, plus Eurekas towards Technologies possessed by any Civilization with whom Meije has a Trade Route starting in the Industrial Era.
  • Khrushchev / Soviet - Cannot build Commercial Hubs or Holy Sites, but half cost for Encampments, Industrial Zones, and Spaceports, and all buildings and projects for such Districts. Building a Uranium mine automatically completes the Manhattan Project, and building a Nuclear Devices automatically completes Operation Ivy. Can stockpile x2 Uranium.
Urban II / Deus Vult!
I know I've said that the Catholic Church has the most legitimate claim to being the successor of Rome, but having a Pope lead Rome 500 years after the collapse of the Roman Empire is a bizarre choice. Especially when you have a united Roman Emperor leading Byzantium in the same pack.

Hannible (Carthage) / Crossing the Alps - Has a Unique Classical Era Heavy Cavalry unit, the African War Elephant. These can cross onto and over mountain tiles.
I was going to object that Hannibal wasn't an autocrat, given his position was equivalent to a senator, but then again that fits the current LP's theming so far. :lol: The Elephants Crossing Mountains thing doesn't really work, though; the entire reason Hannibal's campaign failed is because you can't cross mountains with Elephants. All of his elephants ended up dead.

Ragnar Lodbrok (Norway)
The one Scandinavian kingdom he wasn't king of...

Meiji (Japan)
Not if you want to release in Japan thanks to lèse-majesté laws.
I wish if we had another pass, we wouldn't have more English-speaking leaders. I think the game already has enough of them. Also, I would not like us to have only leaders, but also some civilizations.
It would be nice if another pass to be divided by regions to make it easier, as well as adding smaller things:

1. North American Leaders
New Civilization: Navajo or Haudenosaunee
New Leader: Pacal the Great (Maya)
New Wonders: Pyramid of the Sun and Niagara Falls
New Minor Content: Tourist District (new buildings: Casino, Amusement Park and Hotel).

2. South American Leaders
New Civilization: Muisca or Argentina
New Leader: Juscelino Kubitschek (Brazil)
New Wonders: Santuario de Las Lajas and Lençóis Maranhenses
New Minor Content: new City-States.

3. African Leaders
New Civilization: Amazigh
New Leader: Ezana (Ethiopia)
New Wonders: Church of Our Lady Mary of Zion and Okavango Delta
New Minor Content: new Great People.

4. Western European Leaders
New Civilization: Republic of Venice
New Leader: Isabella I of Castile (Spain)
New Wonders: Notre Dame and Neuschwanstein
New Minor Content: two new governors (Spy Master and Navy Commander).

5. Eastern European Leaders
New Civilization: Bulgaria or Romania
New Leader: Ivan the Terrible (Russia)
New Wonders: Malbork Castle and Round Church of Preslav
New Minor Content: new City-States.

6. Middle East Leaders
New Civilization: Assyria
New Leader: Abd al-Malik ibn Marwan (Arabia)
New Wonders: House of Wisdom and Mount Sinai
New Minor Content: new places of worship, new religious units and new beliefs.

7. South and East Asian Leaders
New Civilization: Siam
New Leader: Akbar the Great (India)
New Wonders: Borobudur and Hwangnyong
New Minor Content: new alternative buildings for existing districts (Astronomical Observatory, Circus, Cinema...)

I know it's pretty hard to happen, but I did for fun.
American Presidents
  • Thomas Jefferson / Louisiana Purchase - 50% off Gold cost of purchasing tiles. 50% off Gold or Production cost of Recon Units, and Recon Units gain double XP
  • Dwight D. Eisenhower / Supreme Commander of the Allied Expeditionary Force - All Alliances also have the benefits of Military Alliances. Kills during Joint wars with allies grant alliance points. Kills during any war which costs 0 grievances (Liberation, etc.) grant diplomatic favor
  • Ronald Reagan / Reaganomics - Trade Routes and Industries grant Great Merchant points. Great Merchants get an additional charge. Double all benefits from Industries and Corporations. Unlimited number of Industries and Corporations per city and resource type
About American leaders I would like to see Andrew Jackson, just to defeat him in combat.
Roman Rulers
  • Lucius Quinctius Cincinnatus / Dictator - Once per Era for 16 turns on standard speed, assume control over all Suzerain city-states. During this time, no other Civilization may send Envoys to them. Afterward, for the remainder of the Era, receive 1 Influence Point per Farm in the Capital.
  • Julian (Byzantium) / The Apostate - Cannot found a Religion, but each city that Julian founds gets to pick its own Pantheon belief. These come from a separate list than the common pantheon pool, mirroring it ability-wise, but with specifically Roman deity names
  • Urban II / Deus Vult! - Urban’s Religion automatically receives the Papal Primacy and Crusade beliefs in addition to his chosen Founder and Enhancer beliefs. No other Civilization can choose these if Urban is in the game. Urban generates no grievances when declaring a Holy War, and his units get +5 Combat Strength and generates Faith on kills during a Holy War.
I would choice Justinian to be the Roman emperor. Or Byzantium...
Ancient Autocrats
  • Hammurabi (Lawgiver) / Code of Hammurabi - Extra Wildcard slot during a Golden Age. Retains all earned Government Legacies without the need to play their Wildcard. Can use any earned Policy Card regardless of restrictions on Dark Ages or Government type
  • Hannible (Carthage) / Crossing the Alps - Has a Unique Classical Era Heavy Cavalry unit, the African War Elephant. These can cross onto and over mountain tiles. Gains a free no maintenance War Elephant whenever he builds a Camp on Ivory.
Despite I like Hammurabi and believe he should be a leader in every civ... I don't think Hannible a good choice, he never leads Carthage. I prefer the semi-mitologic figure of Dido, I don't know well her history, but I think she is better.

Khrushchev / Soviet - Cannot build Commercial Hubs or Holy Sites, but half cost for Encampments, Industrial Zones, and Spaceports, and all buildings and projects for such Districts. Building a Uranium mine automatically completes the Manhattan Project, and building a Nuclear Devices automatically completes Operation Ivy. Can stockpile x2 Uranium.
I would like to see more comunist leaders in this game, Khrushchev is a hot pic.
I don't think Hannible a good choice, he never leads Carthage. I prefer the semi-mitologic figure of Dido, I don't know well her history, but I think she is better.
Carthage wasn't a monarchy but an oligarchic republic so we don't have autocrats like the Roman emperors to choose from. Hannibal was a suffete and an adequate choice for Carthage, as was his father Hamilcar, though I think someone like Hanno I ("the Great") would be a better choice. Hannibal is a popular choice because 1) he's a recognizable name and 2) Carthage has traditionally been included more to be an enemy of Rome than for its own sake, which is a shame for one of the most significant maritime powers of antiquity (and, as an aside, the only Classical civ other than Rome known to translate Greek plays into its own language rather than performing them in Greek). As for Dido, there's some circumstantial evidence that she existed (because there's concrete evidence her father existed), but I still think she was conflated with a goddess--her name literally means "Beloved Goddess," which sounds like a very typical Near Eastern divine epithet.
  • Urban II / Deus Vult! - Urban’s Religion automatically receives the Papal Primacy and Crusade beliefs in addition to his chosen Founder and Enhancer beliefs. No other Civilization can choose these if Urban is in the game. Urban generates no grievances when declaring a Holy War, and his units get +5 Combat Strength and generates Faith on kills during a Holy War.
If the idea is to have a pope as leader my favorite is Julius II, of course with a different design about the Renaissance.
Roman Rulers
  • Lucius Quinctius Cincinnatus / Dictator - Once per Era for 16 turns on standard speed, assume control over all Suzerain city-states. During this time, no other Civilization may send Envoys to them. Afterward, for the remainder of the Era, receive 1 Influence Point per Farm in the Capital.
  • Julian (Byzantium) / The Apostate - Cannot found a Religion, but each city that Julian founds gets to pick its own Pantheon belief. These come from a separate list than the common pantheon pool, mirroring it ability-wise, but with specifically Roman deity names
  • Urban II / Deus Vult! - Urban’s Religion automatically receives the Papal Primacy and Crusade beliefs in addition to his chosen Founder and Enhancer beliefs. No other Civilization can choose these if Urban is in the game. Urban generates no grievances when declaring a Holy War, and his units get +5 Combat Strength and generates Faith on kills during a Holy%
We can’t have a pack about Roman Leaders without including Augustus Ceasar!
Out of your list, I would include between three and five: Hammurabi/Lawgiver (a must), Hannibal and Cincinnatus (we need a Republican roman leader, even if his historical status is somewhat uncertain), and maybe Khruschev and Eisenhower as it would be nice to have leaders centered more on the Space Race and the two of them would be good in that role. Hannibal would need a totally reworked ability, however.

For the rest:
America: already has three leader options, and if Eisenhower makes it that's four. Anything else would be too many, and Reagan is too recent, while Jefferson fills an exploration niche other civilizations can fill, whereas Eisenhower fills the scientific/industrial mid-twentieth century America niche.
Rome/Byzantium: I like the thought of Papal Rome,but getting four Roman leaders and three Byzantine one is again way too much. I think three Romans and two Byzantine (which we already have) is a good balance, and Cincinnati will do.
Ragnar: not a king of Norway, and also a design that seems there strictly for hero mode - not something the game should focus on. The norse don't really need an additional leader any which way.
Meiji: Not usable due to legal reasons, as Zaarin noted.
About American leaders I would like to see Andrew Jackson, just to defeat him in combat.
I would SAVOR that defeat cutscene... he'd fit well on a bad or evil Leader Pass. Maybe add in FDR, too? I can think of a handful of other American options off the top of my head... :shifty:

Only problem with either is that they'd be hard to design. We would need an ethnicity mechanic before we can start making abilities that allude to ethnic oppression.

There better be an achievement for defeating Jackson after he declared war on you. "American Removal Act" :mischief:

(Don't take any of this too seriously :D )
I'm having an idle thought that won't leave that as far as giving Spain the exploration/expansion centered leader they keep clamoring for, and sure, we could have Isabella again...

But a huge chunk of conquistadoring and colonizing happened after Isabella, and there's another potential leader of Spain who could take those bonuses, who could have a cities of gold themed anility - and, because he's got one of the best ever claim to actually leading two civs, spread them around to another civilization too, with the added bonus of giving one of the most infamous noble lines of Europe a bit more representation, and our first case of an actual father/son duo appearing in the same game.

By which I mean, Charles/Carlos/Karl V leading Spain and Germany.

I'm thinking something like
Cities of Gold - Gain an additional amount of gold when discovering a tribal village, and when discovering, suzeraining or conquering each City State for the first time. Tiles with luxury resources can be purchased for less and grant additional loyalty to their city.

(Why, yes, the gold bonus for conquering CS isn't *only* based on conquistaor action in the New World),
German Leaders:
Charlemagne (France/Germany)-Carolingian Renaissance- Great Works of Writing, Art and Music yield +2 Faith and an additional +2 Science for Writing. Gains the Paladin UU, which replaces the Knight when Charlemagne is the leader. May only build up to 12 and receive a free promotion when built. Receive a Great Work Writing when the unit is destroyed.

Maria Theresa Germany/Hungary)- Dynastic Marriage-When in an Alliance with another civ you may send a royal child to that civ for more diplomatic visibility. You receive +2 culture for every royal child sent to another civ.

Otto Von Bismarck-Realpolitik- Gain a free Diplomatic Slot in any government when you research Political Philosophy. You can join or offer a joint war with one of your friends or allies without denouncing another civ and you and your allies receive no warmongering or grievance penalties.

If England and France can have 3 or 4 leaders/personas why not Germany? :mischief:

Religious Icons:
Isabella (Spain)- Crown of Castile-Naval units receive experience from exploration, as if they were recon units, and may explore tribal villages adjacent to the coast. Great Admirals are cheaper to buy with gold and faith.

Zen Hojo Tokimune (Japan)- Zen Meditation- Encampment, Holy Site, and Theater Square Districts are built in half the time. Each district and its buildings receive +1 amenity.

Ivan III (Russia)-Third Rome-50% production when rebuilding walls. City Centers receive +2 culture when adjacent to a Lavra.

Military Geniuses:
Hannibal (Phoenicia)-Numidian Cavalry- Has a chance of receiving a free Light cavalry unit or Heavy Cavalry unit when destroying a barbarian outpost. Gains the African War Elephant UU. May go through mountain tiles and can escort other units but lose half health.

Lawgiver Hammurabi- House of Marduk-Starts the game with Code of Laws civic. +5 Combat Strength against civilizations with other governments.

Napoleon Bonaparte-Napoleonic Code- Civic changes are only free whenever you change your form of government. Your civilization does not go into Anarchy when switching back to a previous form of government.
German Leaders:
Charlemagne (France/Germany)-Carolingian Renaissance- Great Works of Writing, Art and Music yield +2 Faith and an additional +2 Science for Writing. Gains the Paladin UU, which replaces the Knight when Charlemagne is the leader. May only build up to 12 and receive a free promotion when built. Receive a Great Work Writing when the unit is destroyed.

Maria Theresa Germany/Hungary)- Dynastic Marriage-When in an Alliance with another civ you may send a royal child to that civ for more diplomatic visibility. You receive +2 culture for every royal child sent to another civ.

Otto Von Bismarck-Realpolitik- Gain a free Diplomatic Slot in any government when you research Political Philosophy. You can join or offer a joint war with one of your friends or allies without denouncing another civ and you and your allies receive no warmongering or grievance penalties.

If England and France can have 3 or 4 leaders/personas why not Germany? :mischief:
Charlemagne should have it's own civ. Maybe the Franks or the Holy Roman Empire. and Maria Theresa should lead Austria.
I think just Bismarck can leads Germany, since the concept of Germany is a very modern one.
By the way it was a very bad choice Barbarrosa as lead of Germany.
What can be cool is choice Frederick the great to leads Prussia, not Germany.
You're confusing the nation-state of Germany (fairly modern) and the concept of Germany and the German people (much older). Again.
Charlemagne should have it's own civ. Maybe the Franks or the Holy Roman Empire. and Maria Theresa should lead Austria.
I think just Bismarck can leads Germany, since the concept of Germany is a very modern one.
By the way it was a very bad choice Barbarrosa as lead of Germany.
What can be cool is choice Frederick the great to leads Prussia, not Germany.
I would normally agree that Charlemagne and Maria Theresa should have their own civs, but at the same time I don't see that happening in Civ 6 so this is the best option.
Prussia makes no sense as a separate civ considering they are the main force behind the unification of Germany to begin with. The only reason why I didn't choose Frederick the Great over Bismarck is we already have another Frederick leading Germany. I would love Frederick the Great to be the primary German leader in Civ 7.
You're confusing the nation-state of Germany (fairly modern) and the concept of Germany and the German people (much older). Again.
Thats why I specifically said German leaders, not leaders of Germany.
I would love Frederick the Great to be the primary German leader in Civ 7.
I still think if Civ7 have Frederick the Great he should lead Prussia and not Germany.
But, if we want to extrapol the meaning of be german in this game, why not have Teodorico (king of Visigodos) as leader of Germany?
I still think if Civ7 have Frederick the Great he should lead Prussia and not Germany.
But, if we want to extrapol the meaning of be german in this game, why not have Teodorico (king of Visigodos) as leader of Germany?
Because "Germany" does not mean "everyone who spoke any Germanic language at any point in history." The Medieval Germans are clearly contiguous in culture and civilization with modern Germany; the Goths are a completely different people whose last remnant died out in Crimea in the 13th century. The Goths are quite worthy of being a civ in their own right, whether under Theodoric or Alaric.
I still think if Civ7 have Frederick the Great he should lead Prussia and not Germany.
I wouldn't mind if they called the civ Prussia, instead of Germany, which would open up the door for Maria Theresa and Austria to return. :mischief:
But I don't expect that to happen, nor a separate Prussian civ alongside one called Germany.
I wouldn't mind if they called the civ Prussia, instead of Germany, which would open up the door for Maria Theresa and Austria to return. :mischief:
But I don't expect that to happen, nor a separate Prussian civ alongside one called Germany.
Then you can't have alternate leaders really.
Then you can't have alternate leaders really.
I mean you still could. But that's a moot point because I don't see them going away from the name Germany. And I especially don't see a separate Prussian civ alongside Germany.
Nor do I see a reasonable historical case for treating Prussia as a separate civ from Germany. Even Austria is a stretch.
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