• Civ7 is already available! Happy playing :).

Civ VI Monthly Challenge: One More Turn


Jul 22, 2024
It's here - the final Civ VI Monthly Challenge, and we're going big! As Victoria (Age of Steam), your mission is to achieve Diplomacy, Culture, Science, and Domination victories in a single game.

🎯 Challenge details:
  • Achieve four victories
  • No turn limit - build your dream Civ and go all out!
Game Parameters [Spoilered, if you like to be surprised]:

Spoiler Game Parameters :

Difficulty: Prince / Emperor
Speed: Quick
Player Leader: Victoria (Age of Steam)
Map Type: Continents
Map Size: Small
RuleSet: Gathering Storm
Start Era: Ancient
Resources: Standard
World Age: Standard
Start Position: Standard
Temperature: Standard
Rainfall: Standard
Sea Level: Standard

Full details here: https://civilization.2k.com/news/monthly-challenges/

This might be the last monthly challenge for Civ VI, but it's not the end (we're cooking up some exciting plans for Civ VII). A huge thanks to everyone who's joined the fun on these Monthly Challenges, and we can't wait to take one more turn with you when Civ VII launches Feb 11!

Event 15 Blog 1920x1080_full details.png
Immediately as I noticed there is new challenge in-game, I thought this would be boring, but since the challenge is to achieve all four victories... I might try it.
I also like how it hints at Civ7s four victories (or conditions?).
It is not like that we must achieve them at the same turn.

Lets continue the challenges after Civ7 launches, there will be many plaiying old games still.
Lets continue the challenges after Civ7 launches, there will be many plaiying old games still.
It sounds like they will cease creating new ones, but we can always create our own! I always save every new game before I do anything. If you do that you can always share it here if something unique plays out that would make for a great challenge for others. I can't really do that currently, as I tend to play with about 15 mods that I doubt most people have...
Playing the challenge my world rankings screen got broken and I cannot open it :D
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One last turn, a farewell to Civ6. (and associate mods)
I think it's too soon to bury the CIV VI gaming scene/community!
I also think CIV VII's drastic changes to the classic, CIV immersion/roleplay of a well known leader guiding his well known nation from humble beginnings till final game Victory, formula might not appeal to everyone. It doesn't really appeal to me, but as long as the gameplay is fun I will be willing to pay/play eventually.
I think it's too soon to bury the CIV VI gaming scene/community!
I also think CIV VII's drastic changes to the classic, CIV immersion/roleplay of a well known leader guiding his well known nation from humble beginnings till final game Victory, formula might not appeal to everyone. It doesn't really appeal to me, but as long as the gameplay is fun I will be willing to pay/play eventually.
I've made a thread to discuss and a poll to vote here.
I've made a thread to discuss and a poll to vote here.
I play CIV VI on a Nintendo Switch so no modding for me!
Took ~275 turns for me on Emperor, a few turns into the Future era. Dragged on a bit at the end waiting for culture. Perhaps I should have gone after the culture leader earlier. I thought diplomacy would be the problem, since your diplo favour goes way negative having taken all the capitals, but then there is Future Civic and Carbon Recapture. So. Much. Carbon. Recapture. LOL

Good challenge :)
I never do diplo so I was really paranoid about getting that one right. I ended up running the Monarchy government all the way into the Future Era for the diplomatic Renaissance walls - probably suboptimal and I should have just done Carbon Recapture like Hactar above. Or been smart enough to get Monarchic Legacy and just run that policy card. Like I said, I never go for diplo victory.

I got the Culture victory via the production path - build Biosphere and pave the world with solar panels and wind farms. This seemed to align better with the need to win Domination and Science.

In my game (Emperor) Harold spawned relatively close and I had a few cities on the coast - "All too easy to raid". He DOWed in the first 50 turns and this led to dozens of turns defending myself against a sea full of longships ... I had to build two or three galleys for every longship but thanks to Maritime Industries I survived and wiped out the Norse in revenge.

Fun game.
FYI if you complete a victory condition, you don't get any notifications. Only when you complete all four do you get the victory screen.

Also, the scenario is kind of buggy in that the victory progress screen periodically stops working - you can click on the laurels icon but the window doesn't pop up. Saving and reloading fixes it, at least for a few turns.

I never figured out if you actually have to maintain all 4 victory conditions at the same time - e.g. if you get the 20 Diplo points for Diplo victory, but then lose 2 points in the next election before you complete the other victory conditions, does it still count as winning the scenario?
NOOB here... first post.
(Switching life-interest gears after 15 years and 27,000+ posts on a fantasy hockey chat site).

Hopefully there are still some people interested in Civ 6.
I've been addicted (3-4 hrs per worknight, 7-8 hrs per weekend day) since getting everything for Civ 6 on my PS4 last January (2024).

I'm currently playing the Emperor of this Challenge.
Just completed the 3rd/4 milestones.

~Turn 190. Culture victory met.
~Turn 230. Science victory met.
~Turn 268. Diplo victory met.
But... I never go for domination victories.
I just don't like it... not good at it... haven't learned it.
But I'd like to knock it out... need some tips on how people do this late game.

I'm assuming everybody gets same map/opponents for this (Canada on same continent, Dutch/Brazil on other).
What are best strategies to get this done?
Who do I go after first?
What units do I use?

Spoiler :

Myself/Dutch are currently 'at war' with Brazil.
But it's a whole trip across the sea... do I do that? And how?

Hopefully I can attach some (bad) photos of my PS4 on my TV.







(Hopefully this image attachment isn't a faux pas - will be learning forum rules over next few months, apologies in advance.)
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Pengwin7, welcome!

Actually everybody gets a different random map and roster of opponents, so it's difficult to compare games.

Try Domination, it's fun :) This late in the game you can just nuke all the others and waltz a tank or GDR into their defenceless capitals, and it's game over. Just remember to let Alliances and declared Friendships lapse so you can actually declare war ...
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Amazing - thank you! I tried the nukes with largest military (Brazil).
Eventually I got them eliminated, but it was 6 hours later and I felt angry & exhausted.
Over that 6 hours, I only made it thru 30 turns!

But I now have the two smaller Civs... except I'm out of nukes & Uranium and am getting messages on all my GDRs - which are dwindling from 20 to about 5... yikes.

Thank you for the reply!!!
[ps, I will try to figure out the spoiler text so I can hide the excessive/lengthy info in future posts.]

pps. Boy... I really did it wrong. I expended all my uranium on 5-6 nukes and 8-10 GDRs... all sent to Brazil... and I tried to wipe out all their cities bc there were GDRs coming from all directions.
I suppose I could've just used one missile sub w/1-nuke + one GDR and just taken the three capitals. (Two of which are on the COAST!)
Sigh. Well, I have a save file if I need it and can't grind it out... LOL.

At least I know now (insert GI-Joe gif re: Knowing = Half Battle)
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I've had better luck with bombers in the mid-late game. But I don't think I've ever let an enemy get to GDRs 😁 Take out their units with bombers and work on the walls, get some light cavalry with the 2nd promotion on the left for efficient pillaging, and go to town. Don't underestimate pillaging. Add the policy for bonus yield and you can simultaneously leapfrog someone in tech and culture while crippling their yields. Even if you don't plan on taking their cities. Although that's usually a good idea in VI. There's really very little penalty for going infinitely wide when compared to Civ V.
I'm finding with the domination the loyalty mechanic is encouraging genocide - the only way to stop the capitals rebelling is to raze the AI's other cities. I'm on my way to creating a wasteland and calling it peace.
Took me a 2.5hr lunch to get my domination done today around turn 320.
(My PS4 suffered badly with so many units, 6 crashes/restarts including one 'corrupt save file'.... barely made it.)
I think I remember this issue from a previous challenge - which is why I don't do 'domination' - PS crasher for me.

Ended up with 68k of faith... which means that I picked the wrong option for one of my tier gov plaza.
Building units with faith - instead of grinding and shipping 'production' units across the seas would've been a whole lot more console-friendly.
Without uranium, bombers did the trick on the last standing Civ. Two rounds of 6-bombers and 6-missile ships did the trick - with a tank coming in to clean up.
Hooooo baby.

Spoiler :

(note to mods - sorry, still getting my skills around inserting photos...)


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Immediately as I noticed there is new challenge in-game, I thought this would be boring, but since the challenge is to achieve all four victories... I might try it.
I also like how it hints at Civ7s four victories (or conditions?).
It is not like that we must achieve them at the same turn.

Lets continue the challenges after Civ7 launches, there will be many plaiying old games still.
I actually did the challenge on Prince - ended with my personal highscore of 3491 on turn 231 (3942BC, because the calendar is broken in these challenges). The first part was fun, but endgame was a slog with unnaturally long turns after I wiped out Japan, Australia and Mali, only to realize I need other civs to keep tourists.

I focused on early expansion into culture, not science. CV was in double-digit tourists number quite early, so after that I declared golden age wars in Modern Era and blitzed all, then lagged behind in science and Offworld Mission was last tech in the tree, so all of that could have been done earlier. The worst part was Diplo Victory, as there is not enough points available earlier. I had to wait for Worlds Fair to end (having almost 12k points in there).

All in all, it was nice to experience the push for all victories, but the game is so different from Civ7, it cannot have the same victory conditions. And there were a lot of bugs in them - in medieval the screen stopped working until reload and diplo victory screen never worked.
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