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Civ1 Land Value calculation explained


Dark Prince
Oct 28, 2007
It took me a while, but I finally nailed it: by diving into CIV.EXE's internal workings (version EN 474.01), I eventually figured out the exact land value computation algorithm employed by CIV to assign values to map squares, in order for AI Civs to choose suitable locations for building cities.

Before going into the details, I want to, once again, express my grateful thanks to Gowron, without whom I would probably never have made it so far.

So, here it goes, in order to compute the land value of map squares, CIV processes as follows:
  • Compute a score for each terrain type, based on the terrain type characteristics; this score has a different value for normal terrain types and terrain types with special resources
  • Compute the land value for each map square depending on the square's surrounding 'city squares'

1. Terrain Type Score Calculation

For each terrain type, the score is calculated based on 2 sets of data:
  • Terrain production attributes
  • Terrain modification attributes

The terrain production attributes are described by Gowron in this post, under title 4. Terrain Stats.

Basically, they control how each terrain type will generate food, shields and trade, as well as impede movement and benefit defense. CIV keeps different production attributes for normal terrain and for terrain with special resources.
Hereunder are the production attributes for all 24 terrain types in CIV (12 normal, 12 with special resource):

Name Movement cost Defense ratio Food Shields Trade unknown ID
Desert 1 2 0 1 0 1 14
Plains 1 2 1 1 0 1 6
Grassland 1 2 2 1 0 1 10
Forest 2 3 1 2 0 2 2
Hills 2 4 1 0 0 2 12
Mountains 3 6 0 1 0 3 13
Tundra 1 2 1 0 0 0 7
Arctic 2 2 0 0 0 0 15
Swamp 2 3 1 0 0 0 3
Jungle 2 3 1 0 0 0 11
Ocean 1 2 1 0 2 0 1
River 1 3 2 1 1 2 9
Oasis 1 2 3 1 0 1 14
Horses 1 2 1 3 0 1 6
Grassland special 1 2 2 1 0 1 10
Game 2 3 3 2 0 2 2
Coal 2 4 1 2 0 2 12
Gold 3 6 0 1 6 3 13
Game 1 2 3 0 0 0 7
Seals 2 2 2 0 0 0 15
Oil 2 3 1 4 0 0 3
Gems 2 3 1 0 4 0 11
Fish 1 2 3 0 2 0 1
River special 1 3 2 1 1 2 9

The terrain modification attributes are described by Gowron in this post, under title 5. Terrain Improvement.

They control the modification behaviour of a terrain type: how much food/shields does it provide if mined/irrigated, to which terrain type does it change if mined/irrigated, and additional AI-only data.

CIV only keeps 12 records for modification attributes, which are the same whether a terrain type has a special resource or not:

Name Irrig. food bonus Irrig. cost Mining shield bonus Mining cost Can AI improve under Despotism/Anarchy? Can AI improve under Monarchy or above?
Desert -2 5 -2 5 no no
Plains -2 5 2 15 yes yes
Grassland -2 5 2 10 no yes
Forest 6 5 -1 5 no no
Hills -2 10 -4 10 yes yes
Mountains -1 0 -2 10 no no
Tundra -1 0 -1 0 no no
Arctic -1 0 -1 0 no no
Swamp 10 15 2 15 no no
Jungle 10 15 2 15 no no
Ocean -1 0 -1 0 no no
River -2 5 -1 0 no yes

The score calculation is done as follows:
  • Initial score is trade + 3*food
  • If the terrain is neither River nor Grassland, then add 2*shield to the score
  • If the terrain has Mining shield bonus (<0), then add -(Mining shield bonus + 1) to the score
  • ELSE If the terrain has Irrigation food bonus (<0), then add -2*(Irrigation food bonus + 1) to the score

When applying this calculation formula to CIV's default terrain attributes, the scores obtained are as below:

Name trade + 3*food +2*shield (0 if not applicable) +mining bonus OR +2*irrig bonus SCORE
Desert 0 2 1 3
Plains 3 2 2 7
Grassland 6 0 2 8
Forest 3 4 0 7
Hills 3 0 3 6
Mountains 0 2 1 3
Tundra 3 0 0 3
Arctic 0 0 0 0
Swamp 3 0 0 3
Jungle 3 0 0 3
Ocean 5 0 0 5
River 7 0 0 7
Oasis 9 2 1 12
Horses 3 6 2 11
Grassland special 6 0 2 8
Game 9 4 0 13
Coal 3 4 3 10
Gold 6 2 1 9
Game 9 0 0 9
Seals 6 0 0 6
Oil 3 8 0 11
Gems 7 0 0 7
Fish 11 0 0 11
River special 7 0 0 7

The scores above are used when calculating the map squares' land value, as described in the next section.

2. Map Square Land Value Calculation

First of all, map squares for which the land value is calculated are in the range [2,2] - [77,47]. That is to say that the 4 rows of arctic and antarctic land (rows 0, 1, 48 and 49), as well as the 4 columns around the "TimeZone Meridian" (columns 0, 1, 78 and 79) have a land value of 0, whatever their type.

For each square within this range, the land value is calculated as follows (initial value is 0):
  • If the square's terrain type is not Plains, Grassland or River, then its land value is 0
  • Else, for each 'city square' neighbouring the map square (i.e. each square following the city area pattern, including the map square itself, so totally 21 'neighbours'), compute the following neighbour value(initially 0):
    • If the neighbour square type is Grassland special or River special, add 2, then add the non-special Grassland or River terrain type score to the neighbour value
    • Else add neighbour's terrain type score to the neighbour value
    • If the neighbour square is in the map square inner circle, i.e. one of the 8 neighbours immediatly surrounding the map square, then multiply the neighbour value by 2
    • If the neighbour square is the North square (relative offset 0,-1), then multiply the neighbour value by 2 ; note: I actually think that this is a bug, and that the intention was rather to multiply by 2 if the 'neighbour' was the central map square itself... the actual CIV code for this is to check if the 'neighbour index' is '0'; the neighbour index is used to retrieve the neighbour's relative offset coordinates (x,y) from the central square, and the central square itself is actually the last in the list (index 20), the first one (index 0) being the North neighbour; another '7x7 neighbour pattern' table found in CIV code does indeed set the central square at index 0, and this why I believe ths is a programmer's mistake...
    • Add the neighbour's value to the map square total value and loop to next neighbour
  • After all neighbours are processed, if the central map square's terrain type is non-special Grassland or River, subtract 16 from total land value
  • Substract 120 (0x78) from the total land value, and remember its sign
  • Set the land value to the absolute land value (i.e. negate it if it is negative)
  • Divide the land value by 8
  • If the land value was negative 3 steps before, then negate the land value and add 1, i.e. value = 1-value
  • Adjust the land value to the range [1..15]
  • Divide the land value by 2
  • And finally, add 8 to the land value

That's it!

This algorithm was reversed-engineered from CIV.EXE: after some debugging and fine-tuning, I have counter-tested it against a half-dozen random new CIV games, yielding a 100% success rate compared to Civ-calculated values.

If you have any problem implementing or applying it by yourself, or if you are not obtaining the expected values, please let me know, I may have misdescribed or missed some elements from the algorithm.

Obviously, my next step will be to implement it within JCivED :)
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Excellent job Darkpanda and Gowron!

I have memories of long arduous trawls through these numbers with Dack. I'm glad someone finally figured it out.
I have memories of long arduous trawls through these numbers with Dack. I'm glad someone finally figured it out.

I did spend a large amount of time creating sample maps, and even routines to make statistical analysis of Civ-generated land values, but now that I see the complexity of it, I don't think it could have been guessed otherwise... Especially the final steps "substract 120, divide by 8, ..."
I can imagine that it took that amount of effort!

You're right about guessing it, I think most of us gave up, realising that too many factors were involved in the calculation for a simple analysis. Which is not really surprising, given that the positioning of cities is probably the most critical factor in the whole game.

It's a shame that the game has to be decrypted in this way to reveal its secrets.
The following table taken from the first post in this thread indicating the base scores for each of the 24 land types.

Land type |regular |special
00 |0 |00
01 ocean |5 |11 Fish
02 forest |7 |13 Game
03 swamp |3 |11 Oil
04 |0 |00
05 |0 |00
06 plain |7 |11 Horses
07 tundra |3 |09 Game
08 |0 |00
09 river |7 |07
10 grassland |8 |08
11 jungle |3 |07 Gems
12 hill |6 |10 Coal
13 mountain |3 |09 Gold
14 desert |3 |12 Oasis
15 arctic |0 |06 Seals

To calculate the city build value of each of the 21 squares I stepped through each neighborhood square in the following order (00 to 20).


Square 0 thru 7 makeup the inner circle and get the ZS (zero thru seven) treatment base score times 2.
N is the North square an additional multiply by 2.
gr is for non-SpecialResourcesSquare ( river or grassland ) who get a -16 added to its total.
rT is the running total for all 21 city squares.

                             special  Score
offset                       resource
 X  Y square XY    Land      True/false      events
+0 -1 i00  x03y29 L01 ocean     srsF S05 
+0 -1 i00  x03y29 L01 ocean     srsF S05  ZS+010
+0 -1 i00  x03y29 L01 ocean     srsF S05  ZS+010 N+020
+0 -1 i00  x03y29 L01 ocean     srsF S05  ZS+010 N+020   rT+0020
+1 +0 i01  x04y30 L11 jungle    srsF S03 
+1 +0 i01  x04y30 L11 jungle    srsF S03  ZS+006
+1 +0 i01  x04y30 L11 jungle    srsF S03  ZS+006         rT+0026
+0 +1 i02  x03y31 L10 grassland srsF S08 
+0 +1 i02  x03y31 L10 grassland srsF S08  ZS+016
+0 +1 i02  x03y31 L10 grassland srsF S08  ZS+016 gr+000
+0 +1 i02  x03y31 L10 grassland srsF S08  ZS+016 gr+000  rT+0026
-1 +0 i03  x02y30 L01 ocean     srsF S05 
-1 +0 i03  x02y30 L01 ocean     srsF S05  ZS+010
-1 +0 i03  x02y30 L01 ocean     srsF S05  ZS+010         rT+0036
-1 -1 i04  x02y29 L01 ocean     srsF S05 
-1 -1 i04  x02y29 L01 ocean     srsF S05  ZS+010
-1 -1 i04  x02y29 L01 ocean     srsF S05  ZS+010         rT+0046
+1 -1 i05  x04y29 L06 plain     srsF S07 
+1 -1 i05  x04y29 L06 plain     srsF S07  ZS+014
+1 -1 i05  x04y29 L06 plain     srsF S07  ZS+014         rT+0060
+1 +1 i06  x04y31 L02 forest    srsF S07 
+1 +1 i06  x04y31 L02 forest    srsF S07  ZS+014
+1 +1 i06  x04y31 L02 forest    srsF S07  ZS+014         rT+0074
-1 +1 i07  x02y31 L01 ocean     srsF S05 
-1 +1 i07  x02y31 L01 ocean     srsF S05  ZS+010
-1 +1 i07  x02y31 L01 ocean     srsF S05  ZS+010         rT+0084
-2 +1 i08  x01y31 L01 ocean     srsF S05 
-2 +1 i08  x01y31 L01 ocean     srsF S05                 rT+0089
-2 +0 i09  x01y30 L01 ocean     srsF S05 
-2 +0 i09  x01y30 L01 ocean     srsF S05                 rT+0094
-2 -1 i10  x01y29 L01 ocean     srsF S05 
-2 -1 i10  x01y29 L01 ocean     srsF S05                 rT+0099
-1 -2 i11  x02y28 L01 ocean     srsF S05 
-1 -2 i11  x02y28 L01 ocean     srsF S05                 rT+0104
+0 -2 i12  x03y28 L01 ocean     srsT S11 
+0 -2 i12  x03y28 L01 ocean     srsT S11                 rT+0115
+1 -2 i13  x04y28 L01 ocean     srsF S05 
+1 -2 i13  x04y28 L01 ocean     srsF S05                 rT+0120
+2 -1 i14  x05y29 L02 forest    srsF S07 
+2 -1 i14  x05y29 L02 forest    srsF S07                 rT+0127
+2 +0 i15  x05y30 L12 hill      srsF S06 
+2 +0 i15  x05y30 L12 hill      srsF S06                 rT+0133
+2 +1 i16  x05y31 L02 forest    srsF S07 
+2 +1 i16  x05y31 L02 forest    srsF S07                 rT+0140
+1 +2 i17  x04y32 L14 desert    srsF S03 
+1 +2 i17  x04y32 L14 desert    srsF S03                 rT+0143
+0 +2 i18  x03y32 L02 forest    srsF S07 
+0 +2 i18  x03y32 L02 forest    srsF S07                 rT+0150
-1 +2 i19  x02y32 L01 ocean     srsF S05 
-1 +2 i19  x02y32 L01 ocean     srsF S05                 rT+0155
+0 +0 i20  x03y30 L06 plain     srsF S07 
+0 +0 i20  x03y30 L06 plain     srsF S07                 rT+0162

In this example the total is 162.

Then subtract 120

162 - 120 = 42

Divide by 8

42 \ 8 = 5 integer divide

Adjust the land value to the range [1..15]
Should this be mod 16 or the equivalent bit clear 0xFFF0 ?

5 MOD 16 = 5

Another divide by 2

5 \ 2 = 2 integer divide

And finally, add 8 to the land value

I assume this could be a bit set 0x8 but add should also work as the value should be below 7 at this point.

so the value I derived is 10d or 0xA or 1010 binary

The CIV calculation is 12d or 0xC

Where did I go wrong?


gr is for non-SpecialResourcesSquare ( river or grassland ) who get a -16 added to its total.

The subtraction of value 16 if the square is not special river/grassland only occurs once, i.e. when the central square is not special r/g.

I rechecked my description of the algo, and this step is correctly indented, after all neighbours are processed, but I realize the wording "map square" may not be clear enough... I'll update it later on.

Thanks for your careful review!
The subtraction of value 16 if the square is not special river/grassland only occurs once, i.e. when the central square is not special r/g.

I rechecked my description of the algo, and this step is correctly indented, after all neighbours are processed, but I realize the wording "map square" may not be clear enough... I'll update it later on.

I tried it both ways. I thought it was out of the loop but was unsure. Thanks for the quick response.

Unfortunately I must be doing something else incorrect.

I have check and rechecked my score table. To the extent of having the program print it out in debug mode. It appears to match the table in your first post.

My assumption is that Grassland special and River special refer to squares that would be special resource squares but happen to be terrain type Grassland or River. Is that correct?

        regular   special resource
        score     score
00            00  00
01 ocean      05  11   Fish
02 forest     07  13   Game
03 swamp      03  11   Oil
04            00  00
05            00  00
06 plain      07  11   Horses
07 tundra     03  09   Game
08            00  00
09 river      07  07
10 grassland  08  08
11 jungle     03  07   Gems
12 hill       06  10   Coal
13 mountain   03  09   Gold
14 desert     03  12   Oasis
15 arctic     00  06   Seals
  • If the neighbour square type is Grassland special or River special, add 2, then add the non-special Grassland or River terrain type score to the neighbour value
  • Else add neighbour's terrain type score to the neighbour value
  • If the neighbour square is in the map square inner circle, i.e. one of the 8 neighbours immediatly surrounding the map square, then multiply the neighbour value by 2
  • If the neighbour square is the North square (relative offset 0,-1), then multiply the neighbour value by 2 ; ...
  • Add the neighbour's value to the map square total value and loop to next neighbour

Following the above
ZS is the multiply by 2 for the inner circle
Note: inner circle does not include the center square
N is the north square it gets a multiply by 2

                             special  Score
offset                       resource
 X  Y square XY    Land      True/false      events
+0 -1 i00  x03y29 L01 ocean     srsF S05 
+0 -1 i00  x03y29 L01 ocean     srsF S05  ZS+010
+0 -1 i00  x03y29 L01 ocean     srsF S05  ZS+010 N+020
+0 -1 i00  x03y29 L01 ocean     srsF S05  ZS+010 N+020 rT+0020
+1 +0 i01  x04y30 L11 jungle    srsF S03 
+1 +0 i01  x04y30 L11 jungle    srsF S03  ZS+006
+1 +0 i01  x04y30 L11 jungle    srsF S03  ZS+006 rT+0026
+0 +1 i02  x03y31 L10 grassland srsF S08 
+0 +1 i02  x03y31 L10 grassland srsF S08  ZS+016
+0 +1 i02  x03y31 L10 grassland srsF S08  ZS+016 rT+0042
-1 +0 i03  x02y30 L01 ocean     srsF S05 
-1 +0 i03  x02y30 L01 ocean     srsF S05  ZS+010
-1 +0 i03  x02y30 L01 ocean     srsF S05  ZS+010 rT+0052
-1 -1 i04  x02y29 L01 ocean     srsF S05 
-1 -1 i04  x02y29 L01 ocean     srsF S05  ZS+010
-1 -1 i04  x02y29 L01 ocean     srsF S05  ZS+010 rT+0062
+1 -1 i05  x04y29 L06 plain     srsF S07 
+1 -1 i05  x04y29 L06 plain     srsF S07  ZS+014
+1 -1 i05  x04y29 L06 plain     srsF S07  ZS+014 rT+0076
+1 +1 i06  x04y31 L02 forest    srsF S07 
+1 +1 i06  x04y31 L02 forest    srsF S07  ZS+014
+1 +1 i06  x04y31 L02 forest    srsF S07  ZS+014 rT+0090
-1 +1 i07  x02y31 L01 ocean     srsF S05 
-1 +1 i07  x02y31 L01 ocean     srsF S05  ZS+010
-1 +1 i07  x02y31 L01 ocean     srsF S05  ZS+010 rT+0100
-2 +1 i08  x01y31 L01 ocean     srsF S05 
-2 +1 i08  x01y31 L01 ocean     srsF S05  rT+0105
-2 +0 i09  x01y30 L01 ocean     srsF S05 
-2 +0 i09  x01y30 L01 ocean     srsF S05  rT+0110
-2 -1 i10  x01y29 L01 ocean     srsF S05 
-2 -1 i10  x01y29 L01 ocean     srsF S05  rT+0115
-1 -2 i11  x02y28 L01 ocean     srsF S05 
-1 -2 i11  x02y28 L01 ocean     srsF S05  rT+0120
+0 -2 i12  x03y28 L01 ocean     srsT S11 
+0 -2 i12  x03y28 L01 ocean     srsT S11  rT+0131
+1 -2 i13  x04y28 L01 ocean     srsF S05 
+1 -2 i13  x04y28 L01 ocean     srsF S05  rT+0136
+2 -1 i14  x05y29 L02 forest    srsF S07 
+2 -1 i14  x05y29 L02 forest    srsF S07  rT+0143
+2 +0 i15  x05y30 L12 hill      srsF S06 
+2 +0 i15  x05y30 L12 hill      srsF S06  rT+0149
+2 +1 i16  x05y31 L02 forest    srsF S07 
+2 +1 i16  x05y31 L02 forest    srsF S07  rT+0156
+1 +2 i17  x04y32 L14 desert    srsF S03 
+1 +2 i17  x04y32 L14 desert    srsF S03  rT+0159
+0 +2 i18  x03y32 L02 forest    srsF S07 
+0 +2 i18  x03y32 L02 forest    srsF S07  rT+0166
-1 +2 i19  x02y32 L01 ocean     srsF S05 
-1 +2 i19  x02y32 L01 ocean     srsF S05  rT+0171
+0 +0 i20  x03y30 L06 plain     srsF S07 
+0 +0 i20  x03y30 L06 plain     srsF S07  rT+0178

For this central square the total is 178

  • After all neighbours are processed, if the central map square's terrain type is non-special Grassland or River, subtract 16 from total land value
  • Substract 120 (0x78) from the total land value, and remember its sign
  • Set the land value to the absolute land value (i.e. negate it if it is negative)
    {*] Divide the land value by 8
  • If the land value was negative 3 steps before, then negate the land value and add 1, i.e. value = 1-value
  • Adjust the land value to the range [1..15]
  • Divide the land value by 2
  • And finally, add 8 to the land value

0178 - 120 = 0058
absolute value is 0058
divide by 8 is 0007
bit clear &HFFF0 is 0007 <======= Adjust the land value to the range [1..15]
I assume the the above is mod 16

divide by 2 = is 0003
bit set &H0008 is 0011
Calculated value = +0011

CIV City Build value = +0012

The square in question is X=3 Y=30 in the MAP & SVE in my previous post.

1) Is the total score amount correct? (178 ; Is my error in the iteration thru the squares or in the final calculation?)
  • Adjust the land value to the range [1..15]
Do you mean 0 to 15?

Thanks for your assistance.
My assumption is that Grassland special and River special refer to squares that would be special resource squares but happen to be terrain type Grassland or River. Is that correct?

You have the wrong assumption: grassland special and river special are grassland and river squares which follow the special rule "(x+y)%4==0 || (x+y)%4==3".

+0 -2 i12  x03y28 L01 ocean     srsT S11 
+0 -2 i12  x03y28 L01 ocean     srsT S11  rT+0131

Ok, this is where the problem is: actually, CIV considers the square at (0,-2) as an inner circle neighbour... Again, I believe this is a programmer's mistake, just like CIV multiplies the value of North neighbour (0,-1) by 2, thinking that it is actually the central square... This is most likely a confusion regarding the array of "neighbour coordinates" that the programmer believe to start with ID=0=Central Square, whereas in fact ID=0=North neighbour (Central square is actually ID=20, the last map square from the neighbour array...)
Checking for "inner circle neighbour" is done by verifiying that neighbour ID is strictly below 9, which includes ID=8, which is (0,-2)...

Taking this into account, your value "11" above for the ocean with fish is multiplied by 2, and this gives the total 189 eventually, which matches your total 178 + the missing 11. The other values are correct.

Thanks for highlighting this, I didn't notice this issue before!

So the final computation is:
   TOTAL VALUE so far: 189 [0xBD]
   abs(value -120) -> value = 69 [0x45:0b1000101]
   abs(value/8) -> value = 8 [0x8:0b1000]
   range bound to [1..15] -> value = 8
   final compute -> value = value/2+8 -> [B]value = 12[/B]

bit clear &HFFF0 is 0007 <======= Adjust the land value to the range [1..15]
I assume the the above is mod 16

The actual operation is min(max(1,landval),15), like pushing the value into the [1-15] range...
Once again, I realize my wording is confusing, I'll update it as well.

Do you mean 0 to 15?

It's definitely 1 to 15.

Thanks again for your review,
Again many thanks for the follow up on this topic. This certainly couldn&#8217;t be deduced from the out side.

grassland special and river special are grassland and river squares which follow the special rule "(x+y)%4==0 || (x+y)%4==3"

A thread on grasslands
In my code I refer to it as grasslands II, another name perhaps grasslands with shield. The river in the similar position has no markings. I was going to raise the issue of why grasslands II didn&#8217;t come into play but my basic understanding was so far off the mark that it didn't seemed like a concern at the moment. But why its importance is for the center square only seems odd.

Checking for "inner circle neighbour" is done by verifiying that neighbour ID is strictly below 9, which includes ID=8, which is (0,-2)...
A) The following is my current index numbering
B) My current understanding if the inner circle.
C) Perhaps you could fill in the grid with the index order use in the CIV code. Also indicate which squares are in the inner circle

         A                    B                    C

     |11|12|13|           |  | X|  |           |  |  |  |
   --+--+--+--+--       --+--+--+--+--       --+--+--+--+--
   10|04|00|05|14         | x| x| x|           |  |  |  |
   --+--+--+--+--       --+--+--+--+--       --+--+--+--+--
   09|03|20|01|15         | x|  | x|           |  |  |  |
   --+--+--+--+--       --+--+--+--+--       --+--+--+--+--
   08|07|02|06|16         | x| x| x|           |  |  |  |
   --+--+--+--+--       --+--+--+--+--       --+--+--+--+--
     |19|18|17|           |  |  |  |           |  |  |  |

The actual operation is min(max(1,landval),15), like pushing the value into the [1-15] range...
If you could describe this in a more programmatically way step by step. I am unsure of what is needed to produce the value.

Unfamiliarity with the function, I missed its simplicity
If LV < 1 Then LV = 1
If LV > 15 Then LV = 15

The corrections that I made to my code have now reduced the number of mismatched values to three one. They are at the following locations in the above MAP & SVE file.

1] X027 Y016 <== working
2] X050 Y008

I think that each stem from my lack of understanding of how to Adjust the land value to the range [1..15]

The third one is odd in that the CIV value from MAP file is +0008 0x08.

Does the above MAP & SVE file pass your code for deriving the Land Value ?

Spoiler :
  X=27  Y16
+0 -1 i00  x27y15 L10 grassland srsF S08 
+0 -1 i00  x27y15 L10 grassland srsF S08  ZS+016
+0 -1 i00  x27y15 L10 grassland srsF S08  ZS+016 N+032
+0 -1 i00  x27y15 L10 grassland srsF S08  ZS+016 N+032 rT+0032
+1 +0 i01  x28y16 L10 grassland srsF S08 
+1 +0 i01  x28y16 L10 grassland srsF S08  sr+010
+1 +0 i01  x28y16 L10 grassland srsF S08  sr+010 ZS+020
+1 +0 i01  x28y16 L10 grassland srsF S08  sr+010 ZS+020 rT+0052
+0 +1 i02  x27y17 L10 grassland srsF S08 
+0 +1 i02  x27y17 L10 grassland srsF S08  sr+010
+0 +1 i02  x27y17 L10 grassland srsF S08  sr+010 ZS+020
+0 +1 i02  x27y17 L10 grassland srsF S08  sr+010 ZS+020 rT+0072
-1 +0 i03  x26y16 L10 grassland srsF S08 
-1 +0 i03  x26y16 L10 grassland srsF S08  ZS+016
-1 +0 i03  x26y16 L10 grassland srsF S08  ZS+016 rT+0088
-1 -1 i04  x26y15 L10 grassland srsF S08 
-1 -1 i04  x26y15 L10 grassland srsF S08  ZS+016
-1 -1 i04  x26y15 L10 grassland srsF S08  ZS+016 rT+0104
+1 -1 i05  x28y15 L10 grassland srsF S08 
+1 -1 i05  x28y15 L10 grassland srsF S08  sr+010
+1 -1 i05  x28y15 L10 grassland srsF S08  sr+010 ZS+020
+1 -1 i05  x28y15 L10 grassland srsF S08  sr+010 ZS+020 rT+0124
+1 +1 i06  x28y17 L10 grassland srsF S08 
+1 +1 i06  x28y17 L10 grassland srsF S08  ZS+016
+1 +1 i06  x28y17 L10 grassland srsF S08  ZS+016 rT+0140
-1 +1 i07  x26y17 L01 ocean     srsT S11 
-1 +1 i07  x26y17 L01 ocean     srsT S11  ZS+022
-1 +1 i07  x26y17 L01 ocean     srsT S11  ZS+022 rT+0162
-2 +1 i08  x25y17 L01 ocean     srsF S05 
-2 +1 i08  x25y17 L01 ocean     srsF S05  rT+0167
-2 +0 i09  x25y16 L01 ocean     srsF S05 
-2 +0 i09  x25y16 L01 ocean     srsF S05  rT+0172
-2 -1 i10  x25y15 L01 ocean     srsF S05 
-2 -1 i10  x25y15 L01 ocean     srsF S05  rT+0177
-1 -2 i11  x26y14 L02 forest    srsF S07 
-1 -2 i11  x26y14 L02 forest    srsF S07  rT+0184
+0 -2 i12  x27y14 L10 grassland srsT S08 
+0 -2 i12  x27y14 L10 grassland srsT S08  ZS+016
+0 -2 i12  x27y14 L10 grassland srsT S08  ZS+016 rT+0200
+1 -2 i13  x28y14 L01 ocean     srsF S05 
+1 -2 i13  x28y14 L01 ocean     srsF S05  rT+0205
+2 -1 i14  x29y15 L03 swamp     srsF S03 
+2 -1 i14  x29y15 L03 swamp     srsF S03  rT+0208
+2 +0 i15  x29y16 L11 jungle    srsF S03 
+2 +0 i15  x29y16 L11 jungle    srsF S03  rT+0211
+2 +1 i16  x29y17 L12 hill      srsF S06 
+2 +1 i16  x29y17 L12 hill      srsF S06  rT+0217
+1 +2 i17  x28y18 L06 plain     srsF S07 
+1 +2 i17  x28y18 L06 plain     srsF S07  rT+0224
+0 +2 i18  x27y18 L10 grassland srsF S08 
+0 +2 i18  x27y18 L10 grassland srsF S08  rT+0232
-1 +2 i19  x26y18 L02 forest    srsF S07 
-1 +2 i19  x26y18 L02 forest    srsF S07  rT+0239
+0 +0 i20  x27y16 L10 grassland srsF S08 
+0 +0 i20  x27y16 L10 grassland srsF S08  sr+010
+0 +0 i20  x27y16 L10 grassland srsF S08  sr+010 rT+0249
Substract 120    +0249 - 120 =  +0129
absolute value    ABS(+0129) =  +0129  0x0081
Divide  by 8      +0129  \ 8 =  +0016  0x0010
Adjust range [1.15]   +0016  =  +0015  0x000F
divide by 2        +0015 \ 2 =  +0007  0x0007
bit set &H0008  --    +0007  =  +0015  0x000F
CIV   value from MAP file    =  +0015  0x0F
Calculated value             =  +0015  0x000F

Spoiler :
  X=50  Y08
+0 -1 i00  x50y07 L15 arctic    srsF S00 
+0 -1 i00  x50y07 L15 arctic    srsF S00  ZS+000
+0 -1 i00  x50y07 L15 arctic    srsF S00  ZS+000 N+000
+0 -1 i00  x50y07 L15 arctic    srsF S00  ZS+000 N+000 rT+0000
+1 +0 i01  x51y08 L03 swamp     srsF S03 
+1 +0 i01  x51y08 L03 swamp     srsF S03  ZS+006
+1 +0 i01  x51y08 L03 swamp     srsF S03  ZS+006 rT+0006
+0 +1 i02  x50y09 L01 ocean     srsF S05 
+0 +1 i02  x50y09 L01 ocean     srsF S05  ZS+010
+0 +1 i02  x50y09 L01 ocean     srsF S05  ZS+010 rT+0016
-1 +0 i03  x49y08 L01 ocean     srsF S05 
-1 +0 i03  x49y08 L01 ocean     srsF S05  ZS+010
-1 +0 i03  x49y08 L01 ocean     srsF S05  ZS+010 rT+0026
-1 -1 i04  x49y07 L01 ocean     srsF S05 
-1 -1 i04  x49y07 L01 ocean     srsF S05  ZS+010
-1 -1 i04  x49y07 L01 ocean     srsF S05  ZS+010 rT+0036
+1 -1 i05  x51y07 L15 arctic    srsF S00 
+1 -1 i05  x51y07 L15 arctic    srsF S00  ZS+000
+1 -1 i05  x51y07 L15 arctic    srsF S00  ZS+000 rT+0036
+1 +1 i06  x51y09 L15 arctic    srsF S00 
+1 +1 i06  x51y09 L15 arctic    srsF S00  ZS+000
+1 +1 i06  x51y09 L15 arctic    srsF S00  ZS+000 rT+0036
-1 +1 i07  x49y09 L01 ocean     srsF S05 
-1 +1 i07  x49y09 L01 ocean     srsF S05  ZS+010
-1 +1 i07  x49y09 L01 ocean     srsF S05  ZS+010 rT+0046
-2 +1 i08  x48y09 L01 ocean     srsT S11 
-2 +1 i08  x48y09 L01 ocean     srsT S11  rT+0057
-2 +0 i09  x48y08 L01 ocean     srsF S05 
-2 +0 i09  x48y08 L01 ocean     srsF S05  rT+0062
-2 -1 i10  x48y07 L01 ocean     srsF S05 
-2 -1 i10  x48y07 L01 ocean     srsF S05  rT+0067
-1 -2 i11  x49y06 L01 ocean     srsT S11 
-1 -2 i11  x49y06 L01 ocean     srsT S11  rT+0078
+0 -2 i12  x50y06 L15 arctic    srsF S00 
+0 -2 i12  x50y06 L15 arctic    srsF S00  ZS+000
+0 -2 i12  x50y06 L15 arctic    srsF S00  ZS+000 rT+0078
+1 -2 i13  x51y06 L03 swamp     srsF S03 
+1 -2 i13  x51y06 L03 swamp     srsF S03  rT+0081
+2 -1 i14  x52y07 L13 mountain  srsT S09 
+2 -1 i14  x52y07 L13 mountain  srsT S09  rT+0090
+2 +0 i15  x52y08 L15 arctic    srsF S00 
+2 +0 i15  x52y08 L15 arctic    srsF S00  rT+0090
+2 +1 i16  x52y09 L09 river     srsF S07 
+2 +1 i16  x52y09 L09 river     srsF S07  rT+0097
+1 +2 i17  x51y10 L09 river     srsF S07 
+1 +2 i17  x51y10 L09 river     srsF S07  rT+0104
+0 +2 i18  x50y10 L15 arctic    srsF S00 
+0 +2 i18  x50y10 L15 arctic    srsF S00  rT+0104
-1 +2 i19  x49y10 L01 ocean     srsF S05 
-1 +2 i19  x49y10 L01 ocean     srsF S05  rT+0109
+0 +0 i20  x50y08 L10 grassland srsF S08 
+0 +0 i20  x50y08 L10 grassland srsF S08  rT+0117
+0 +0 i20  x50y08 L10 grassland srsF S08  rT+0117 -16 = +0101
Substract 120    +0101 - 120 =  -0019
absolute value    ABS(-0019) =  +0019  0x0013
Divide  by 8      +0019  \ 8 =  +0002  0x0002
Sign Was negative so +1
Adjust range [1.15]   +0003  =  +0003  0x0003
divide by 2        +0003 \ 2 =  +0001  0x0001
bit set &H0008  --    +0001  =  +0009  0x0009
CIV   value from MAP file    =  +0008  0x08
Calculated value             =  +0009  0x0009

  • If the land value was negative 3 steps before, then negate the land value and add 1, i.e. value = 1-value
At this point the Land Value is the absolute value so all that is nessary is to add one. Is that correct?
Again many thanks for the follow up on this topic. This certainly couldn’t be deduced from the out side.

No problem :) I do strive for quality and exhaustiveness, unfortunately I rarely take the time for them...

I have filled in the grid below as you asked:

A) The following is my current index numbering
B) My current understanding if the inner circle.
C) Perhaps you could fill in the grid with the index order use in the CIV code. Also indicate which squares are in the inner circle

         A                    B                    [B]C[/B]

     |11|12|13|           |  | X|  |           [B]|12|08|13|[/B]
   --+--+--+--+--       --+--+--+--+--       [B]--+--+--+--+--[/B]
   10|04|00|05|14         | x| x| x|         [B]19|07|00|04|14[/B]
   --+--+--+--+--       --+--+--+--+--      [B] --+--+--+--+--[/B]
   09|03|20|01|15         | x|  | x|         [B]11|03|20|01|09[/B]
   --+--+--+--+--       --+--+--+--+--       --+--+--+--+--
   08|07|02|06|16         | x| x| x|         [B]18|06|02|05|15[/B]
   --+--+--+--+--       --+--+--+--+--       [B]--+--+--+--+--[/B]
     |19|18|17|           |  |  |  |           [B]|17|10|16|[/B]

For the record, the relative coordinates of neighbour squares are stored in CIV.EXE as 2 arrays of 21 words (2-byte values), i.e. totally 84 bytes, for all 20 "city" neighbours + 1 for the central square.

Those values can be found at offset 0x26CE5 in CIV EN 47401, and offset 0x26BB1 in CIV EN 47405:
00026ce5h: [COLOR="Blue"]00 00 01 00 00 00 FF FF 01 00 01 00 FF FF FF FF[/COLOR]
00026cf5h: [COLOR="Blue"]00 00 02 00 00 00 FE FF FF FF 01 00 02 00 02 00[/COLOR]
00026d05h: [COLOR="Blue"]01 00 FF FF FE FF FE FF 00 00[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]FF FF 00 00 01 00[/COLOR]
00026d15h: [COLOR="Red"]00 00 FF FF 01 00 01 00 FF FF FE FF 00 00 02 00[/COLOR]
00026d25h: [COLOR="Red"]00 00 FE FF FE FF FF FF 01 00 02 00 02 00 01 00[/COLOR]
00026d35h: [COLOR="Red"]FF FF 00 00[/COLOR]

Decimal values:
id: 0  1  2  3   4  5  6  7     8  9 10 11   12  13  14  15  16  17  18  19  20
X:  0  1  0 -1   1  1 -1 -1     0  2  0 -2   -1   1   2   2   1  -1  -2  -2   0
Y: -1  0  1  0  -1  1  1 -1    -2  0  2  0   -2  -2  -1   1   2   2   1  -1   0

2] X050 Y008

Substract 120    +0101 - 120 =  -0019 [COLOR="Blue"]-> correct[/COLOR]
absolute value    ABS(-0019) =  +0019  0x0013 [COLOR="Blue"]-> correct[/COLOR]
Divide  by 8      +0019  \ 8 =  +0002  0x0002 [COLOR="Blue"]-> correct[/COLOR]
Sign Was negative so +1 [COLOR="Red"]-> [/COLOR][COLOR="Red"]incorrect: see below[/COLOR]
Adjust range [1.15]   +0003  =  +0003  0x0003
divide by 2        +0003 \ 2 =  +0001  0x0001
bit set &H0008  --    +0001  =  +0009  0x0009
CIV   value from MAP file    =  +0008  0x08
Calculated value             =  +0009  0x0009

  • If the land value was negative 3 steps before, then negate the land value and add 1, i.e. value = 1-value

At this point the Land Value is the absolute value so all that is nessary is to add one. Is that correct?

Two things to mention:
  • First, I made a mistake, although it doesn't affect our current discussion: the "add 1" should be removed (a misreading on my part) and algorithm operation should actually be:
    • If the land value was negative 3 steps before, then negate the land value again, i.e. value = -value and add 1, i.e. value = 1-value
  • Second, as I highlighted within your quote, our computations differ at this precise point: you didn't negate the land value although it was negative 3 steps above... If you negated it, the total value would be -2 at this point, which would be changed to 1 when realigning to [1..15] (indeed, -2 < 1 == true), and then 1/2+8 = 0+8 = 8

I must underline that the whole "absolute value" and "negate" steps are an almost literal translation of CIV's code, that I found hard to understand.
Spoiler :

For those interested, I put it hereunder in assembly:
...           [COLOR="DimGray"][I]; at this point, AX register contains the land value[/I][/COLOR]
cwd           [COLOR="DimGray"][I]; sign extend AX into DX: if AX<0, DX=FFFF else DX=0000[/I][/COLOR]
xor ax, dx    [I][COLOR="DimGray"]; exclusive OR between AX and DX: if AX<0, AX becomes (-AX-1); else doesn't change[/COLOR][/I]
sub ax, dx    [COLOR="DimGray"][I]; AX becomes AX - DX; so if AX was negative when starting the sequence,
                we now have AX = (-AX-1) - DX = (-AX-1) - (-1)  = (-AX-1) + 1 = -AX;
                in effect, we have done [B]AX = abs( AX )[/B][/I][/COLOR]
sar ax, 3     [COLOR="DimGray"][I]; rightshift by 3 bits, i.e. integer division by 8[/I][/COLOR]
xor ax, dx    [COLOR="DimGray"][I]; here, DX still contains -1 if AX was negative, so the XOR/SUB[/I][/COLOR]
sub ax, dx    [COLOR="DimGray"][I]  sequence re-negates AX[/I][/COLOR]

But if we look at the actual values, when "value - 120" is negative, then the [1..15] step will change it to 1, and the land value is always 8, end of story.

I should take time to update the main algorithm and rationalize it a little, but I really can't spare time for this at the moment... Holidays ;)
darkpanda Thanks for the effort. The last tweak was the charm.

There seems to be one type land pattern that didn&#8217;t fit the pattern of the algorithm. I had observed it when the square being evaluated has some number of artic squares in its neighborhood. Because of the negative swing I would get plus or minus one or two when the mismatch occurred.

I can imagine that it took that amount of effort!

Can you believe the hours and hours that we spent trying to come up with an algorithm? In the end I think we had one that was about 60% accurate. I applied it to TerraForm but only to squares that were actually changed by the user. But given the programming errors in CIV ( the outlier in the inner circle and the north square instead of the center square) probably any approximation that picked out the relatively good squares would work.
So with everything that has been done, what exactly do you plan on doing with all of this? You guys have spent so much time, what are you working towards?
So with everything that has been done, what exactly do you plan on doing with all of this? You guys have spent so much time, what are you working towards?

I'm taking the liberty of answering - as far as I can tell, this land value is crucial for the AI to work "as usual" (especially found cities, but not only that) on custom designed maps, so I guess Dack is incorporating the described calculation into Terraform and darkpanda has already added it to JCived.

Without it, it was already possible to design custom maps, but they could only be used properly e.g. after exporting them to MAP.PIC file and starting with the "Earth" option, in which case civ would calculate the values itself...
Can you believe the hours and hours that we spent trying to come up with an algorithm? In the end I think we had one that was about 60% accurate. I applied it to TerraForm but only to squares that were actually changed by the user. But given the programming errors in CIV ( the outlier in the inner circle and the north square instead of the center square) probably any approximation that picked out the relatively good squares would work.

Lol, yes, many many hours playing with numbers :) I think the algorithm you implemented was much better than 60% accurate however, at least in gameplay terms. And having played around with Darkpanda's editor and assigned all kinds of values to different terrain, it really doesn't seem to matter too much, as long as it's beyond the closest city squares + orbiting '8'-value surrounding squares.
In my opinion, there ought to be a special sub-forum for top quality posts/threads such as this one, which I would name "CIV internals".

List of threads that could go there (I'm not saying that list is complete)...

Edit: Perhaps a better title for the subforum would be "CIV internals & modding"

Renergy, you're a champion! As a new member, still feeling my way around, your post is arguably the most valuable I've come across. Your list of threads (which I've removed from the quote above to save space) is priceless! The work of people like Dack, Gowron and darkpanda is extraordinary, and has given me new zest for this great game. Yes, absolutely, I would wholeheartedly support the creation of a resource (such as a dedicated thread) for this kind of stuff, and let new members be signposted clearly towards it!
Renergy, you're a champion! As a new member, still feeling my way around, your post is arguably the most valuable I've come across. Your list of threads (which I've removed from the quote above to save space) is priceless! The work of people like Dack, Gowron and darkpanda is extraordinary, and has given me new zest for this great game. Yes, absolutely, I would wholeheartedly support the creation of a resource (such as a dedicated thread) for this kind of stuff, and let new members be signposted clearly towards it!

Glad it helped & welcome here, Nesretnik!

As I've written, subforum would IMO be the best. Currently, there is only one subforum, concerned with game of the month. Another option is to have a sticky post where anyone could post links to his/her favorite articles?

Well chosen title would attract in itself IMO - "CIV internals & modding" seems fine to me (either as a subforum or sticky post title).

Dack, what do you think? I do realize having to keep the subforum tidy and to the point would require additional work, but it would be worth it. Perhaps there is also a technical issue with moving pages between subforums (and breaking links), in that case I'm all for a sticky post with links.

PS: Off topic comment about Croatia and Czech Republic
Spoiler :
Sorry but I was just called a champion :) and it's summer, I'm a Czech and never been to Croatia, where Nesretnik lives. To whoever might be reading this - Croatia is hugely popular in Czech Republic as a summer destination, with loads of tourist travelling as nomads each summer to Croatian beaches. Also, both Czech language and Croatian are slavic languages, with lots of similarities (I just tried reading a wikipedia page about Croatia in Croatian and understand about 80% of the text). Croatia became the 28th member of the EU recently (this year, 2013). One other thing I have connected with Croatia is Winnetou movies, filmed in Paklenica karst river canyon. I've seen those movies countless times :) Beautiful scenery! Just half a year ago or so I read a major article in a big Czech news portal (idnes.cz) commemorating 50th anniversary of "Treasure on a Silver lake", first of the series of those western movies, with photos of shooting locations 50 years later. Dobrodo&#353;li, Nesretnik! That means "Welcome, Nesretnik!", it actually translates literally, "Dobro" meaning "good/well" both in Czech (and guess in Croatian too), "do&#353;li" meaning "having come" - so "well-come". [surprisingly (to myself), Czech language has non-composed word "Vítejte" for "welcome"]
Going further on my initial impression that there is a programmer's bug in the original CIV logic for computing land values, I decided to try out a fixed-up version of this algorithm, which basically goes as follows (differences with the original algorithm are marked in blue):

Corrected Map Square Land Value Calculation

First of all, map squares for which the land value is calculated are in the range [2,2] - [77,47]. That is to say that the 4 rows of arctic and antarctic land (rows 0, 1, 48 and 49), as well as the 4 columns around the "TimeZone Meridian" (columns 0, 1, 78 and 79) have a land value of 0, whatever their type.

For each square within this range, the land value is calculated as follows (initial value is 0):
  • If the square's terrain type is not Plains, Grassland or River, then its land value is 0
  • Else, for each 'city square' neighbouring the map square (i.e. each square following the city area pattern, including the map square itself, so totally 21 'neighbours'), compute the following neighbour value (initially 0):
    • If the neighbour square type is Grassland special or River special, add 2, then add the non-special Grassland or River terrain type score to the neighbour value
    • Else add neighbour's terrain type score to the neighbour value
    • If the neighbour square is in the map square inner circle, i.e. one of the 8 neighbours immediately surrounding the map square, then multiply the neighbour value by 2
    • If the neighbour square is the central square, then multiply the neighbour value by 4 <- in the original algorithm, the neighbour value was multiplied by 2 if the index is 0 (north square); but from the previous instruction, it was also multiplied by 2 if the index was below 9 (inner circle, including north square too); so if the index was 0, it was multiplied by 2 twice, as 0 == 0 and 0 < 9 are both true; based on the supposed confusion that index 0 was the central square in the programmer's mind, I interpret this as an intent to multiply the central square value by 2*2 = 4 eventually; in the fixed-up algorithm, the central square index is 20, but since 20 < 8 is false, the previous instruction does not multiply by 2, so we must directly multiply by 4 instead of 2
    • Add the neighbour's value to the map square total value and loop to next neighbour
  • After all neighbours are processed, if the central map square's terrain type is non-special Grassland or River, subtract 16 from total land value
  • Subtract 120 (0x78) from the total land value
  • If the land value is negative, then the land value is set to 8, and the process terminates here
  • Else, divide the land value by 8
  • Adjust the land value to the range [1..15], that is: if land value<1, then land value=1; if land value>15, then land value=15;
  • Divide the land value by 2
  • And finally, add 8 to the land value

In the current DEV version of JCivED, I added the possibility to run either version of the algorithm, and then did a test run to compare the impact on the EARTH map. Results are shown in the picture below (using MAP.PIC, i.e. without any special resource):


Globally, the impact is not very visible, but getting down in the details, it seems like the fixed-up algorithm tends to create higher values, all the while some squares still get lower values than before.

On the EARTH map, the total world value (sum of all square values) is 11151 with the original CIV algorithm, while it is 11333 for the fixed-up algorithm, which represents less than a 2% increase in value.

This can also be patched directly into CIV.EXE, as follows:

  EN 47401: [b]0x35456[/b]
  EN 47403: [b]0x34C7C[/b]
  EN 47404: [b]0x34C7C[/b]
  EN 47405: [b]0x3549C[/b]
  EN 47501: [b]0x35456[/b]
  FR 47405: [b]0x3687C[/b]

original bytes: [color=red]83 7E C0 09  7D 06 8B 46  FC 01 46 FC  83 7E C0 00
                75 06 8B 46  FC 01 46 FC  8B 46 FC [/color]
 patched bytes: [color=blue][b]8B 46 FC 83  7E C0 08 7D  03 D1 E0 90  83 7E C0 14
                75 06 B9 04  00 F7 E9 90  90 90 90 [/b][/color]
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