***Civ3 ISDG Final Round Map***

Lord Parkin

aka emperor
Apr 27, 2004
New Zealand
I hope the mods don't mind me posting this thread - there is no attached map (and there WILL NOT be for at least another year or more - whenever the ISDG Final is finished). But I just thought I'd post this here so that anyone who's interested knows where to go to join in the discussions about the creation of the ISDG Final Round Map. ;)

The forum is located here (or just click on the link in my sig ;) ).

Enjoy! :D - LP

Mods - please forgive me if posting something like this is not allowed, I merely wish for others to be able to participate in the discussion for such an important thing as this, if they wish to. :)

EDIT: Surprise! :D I have just released a Promotional ISDG Map for the final round of the Civ3 ISDG. It bears no resemblance whatsoever to the official ISDG map - it is simply meant to be a fun map for viewing (and playing) pleasure of ISDG team members (and of course anyone else interested!). Check it out... there's some hidden messages contained on this map! :) Starting positions were placed by me; resources, bonus grassland, and goody huts were completely random to save time. ENJOY! :D - emp


Ill PM Thunderfall and see if he can move it to the discussion fourm
OK... it's not really a 'civ3 discussion' sort of topic though... just an informative message. :) The discussion will all take place in the forums that I provided a link to. ;)
O.k. I get what your saying. This is a link to more maps, I understand now.
Yep. ;) Actually, the Demogame forums would probably be a good place to repost this... I'll see if I can find an appropriate forum for it... :)

EDIT: Hmm, there doesn't seem to be anywhere appropriate there... oh well. :(
I have just released a Promotional ISDG Map - check the first post! :D
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