KittenOFchaos's WORLD MAP Version 1.4 (custom rules) README...Readme contained with download of latest version will tell you everything about that version!
What the download provides
FOLDER called kOcWORLDMAP contains 6 files...only the folder should need unzipped!
I COMPRESSED THE FOLDER USING WINZIP... it is free to download!
Format is filename then below it an explaination as to what it is.
1. CPT.exe
Grampos's Civilisation Placement Tool download file. This is required (or his multi-tool to have accurate civplacements).
Once extracted to ANYWHERE on your hard-disk it runs by double-clicking and following the prompts...see "How to use the civilisation placement tool a little further down in this readme.
2. CTPreadme.txt
Readme text for Gramphos's CPT tool.
3. kittenWorldv5.bic
This is the scenario you load to play on the real world I provide AND has the "crippled" civilisations of the Aztecs, Zulus and Iroquois for gameplay purposes. DO NOT have the same civilisation twice in the game (e.g two roman civs) AND Don't Have the Americans (so no random civs and NO AMERICAN civ)
4. kittenWorldv5NC.bic
Same as above (file 1) EXCEPT that no civs are crippled and it is FINE to have the Americans playing
(again don't have two roman civs etc or else you will have problems!)
5. kitten.cpf (now inside a zip file of called
This is the "CPF" file required for the "Civilisation Placement Tool" to allow realistic civilisation placement.
6. kOcReadme
This readme file
HOW TO USE THE CIVILISATION PLACEMENT TOOL (note: Grampos's Multitool also does this!)
Utility thread:
Having downloaded and installed the CPT (it is a simple exe.file that you extract ANYWHERE and double-click.)
1. Start a game as you want it (on a map that you have a CPF for THUS the filed named "kitten" I have provided).
2. Save the game.
3. Run the exe (no need to exit Civ3)
4. The Exe will ask for a SAV, find the SAV you saved
5. The exe will ask for a CPF file. Locate the CPF-for the map (file 3 of the download...file named kitten)
6. The exe will ask for a file to save it to. (Type in a new name (don't use the file it reads from, as it reads and writes at the same time))
7. A message "Done!" will show up when the SAV is fixed
8. Load the fixed SAV in the game.
Thread for Gramphos's Civ3Multitool:
I would like to thank
Marla Singer for his work on his world map for civ3 as it provides the "base" upon which I did this map. In addition I'd thank Grampos for his "civilisation placement tool".
Paul Saunders for his Realistic Starting Nations mod and the info THAT provided and this link to his webpage:
To Grampos for his "Civilisation Placement Tool" and "Civ3multicopytool" both of which allow accurate civilisation placement with ease.
All those who have made useful contributions to threads at civfantics and apolyton concerning user-made maps.
Scenario Settings
16 civs (though for "crippled civ" version put NONE rather than the American civ)
Raging Barbarians default: don't worry about it though, these guys are puny IMHO!
General Settings
Movement along roads:
Increased from 3 to allow quicker movement across such a vast map. Also makes it easier to defend your empire as you can divert troops in your "interior lines" faster...a greater reward to the now greater cost of building roads.
-mainly done as the map is huge.
Shield cost per gold is now 6 not 8
-to make this a more useful thing...and note it now reduces war weariness (if it it is never complete it may not!)
Citizen value in shields:
Is now 15 to reduce slighly the value of "whipping!"
Golden Age:
Increased from 20 to 25 turns...we all love it!
Forest value in shields:
Chance to intercept enemy stealth missions:
Now 5 percent
Can't remember the changes I made...some regarding build priorities of A.I I think!
Returned to normal "civilisation abilities" for civs.
"Crippled Civs" (depending on what mappy you chose)
For the standard mappy rules the Iroquois, Aztecs and Zulus are "crippled" by not being able to build workers...but they start with 1 worker each. THE AMERICANS civ should not be used in this circumstance. The effect is that these areas don't reach their full potential for much longer so making them more vulnerable to conquest/colonisation despite favourable geography. Other changes along these lines may be applied.
If you chose the "non-crippled civs version" then the American civ is vital to stop the Aztecs and Iroquois running away with the game as the Iroquois as far as I've seen DO VERY WELL DESPITE BEING HOBBLED!
Civilisation Advance
Increased cost of Steam Engine over and above the general increase in tech cost...the age of sail should last a little longer.
-this area of the game is something I plan to change eventually. More techs, units and improvements rather than longer research times is of more interest I am sure!
Combat Experience
Conscript: 3 hitpoints rather than 2
Regular: 4 hitpoints rather than 3
Veteran: 5 hitpoints rather than 4
Elite: 6 hitpoints rather than 5
-to reduce the effect of the random variable in battles...THUS armour won't be defeated by a horsemen -lets say- so often (though I ain't very often at present BUT I am pleased with the effect)
Culture (note: massive changes is to counter the culture flipping excess exposed during wartime to some extent)
so now...
In awe of:
5:1 culture (3:1 previously I think)
35% chance of successful propaganda
40% initial, 30% continued resistance
Admirers of
50% 40%
Impressed with:
60% 50%
Unimpressed with:
70% 60%
Dismissive of:
80% 65%
Distainful of:
90% 70%
Difficulty Level
At Diety, Emperor AND Monarch level no attack bonus against Barbarians
Attack bonus at Regent against barbarians is now only 100%
Diplomats and Spies
Diplomats AND spies can steal plans (revealing troop positions) at a cost
-Can't remember if this is a change
Improvements and Wonders
Now reduces corruption
-a trained (and paid being the civ3 implication of the investment) military with centralised command can clamp down on rebellious or corrupt governers and provinces.
Reduces corruption and propaganda AND costs less to build for civs with the "expansionistic" civ ability.
-I think it is important to tell you what things reduce corruption...I think corruption won't be as hard to deal with in my scenario as it is in the game.
Now are built cheaper by civs with "expansionistic" charcteristic and no longer those with "militeristic".
-expansionistic was of dubious value.
Reduces corruption
-Banks (or more to the point the banking system) reduces corruption as to a great degree they can "police" transactions for fraud etc. I know this is simplistic but it is CIV not life.
Reduces propaganda
-Universities are supposed to be filled with people that are intelligent, discourse freely and have time to find things out from the information sources they are provided. Though as a 3rd Year at Durham University I do wonder...though I wonder from inside a 1000 year old Castle!
Police Station:
Reduces corruption
-in an ideal world the police act against those breaking the law...however I don't see how the police reduce war weariness BUT since I am not sure about my wealth mechanism reducing war weariness AND the game could do with a bit more war weariness reduction I leave it in...until I properly address this issue.
Cost increased from 1 to 3 (thus 30 shields now)
-far too cheap considering how useful...hardly any cost benefit for "militaristic" civ ability civs either!
In addition to now being more effective...every 6 shields produced produces 1 gold it also reduces war weariness.
-If the people are flourishing by way of production mainly going to THEM as an entity they are unlikely to be too upset about how things are being managed. 'Wealth' of civ3 is to me the spending of production to the benefit of the people, e.g all those things civ3 doesn't have, theatres etc and thus benefits the people and the economy.
Natural Resources
New Resources: Wheat. Cattle. and Cattle..
Wheat. comes with the development of Chemistry and is the wheat resource visible at a later date in the game.
-Chemistry and thus the growth of the enormous fertilizer industry allowed food production to grow massively and this represents this though I'd have preferred the "farmland" of civII.
Cattle. comes with Feudalism and allows more cattle resources.
- to represent in Northern Europe mainly the rise of cattle farming and to start making Northern Europe a much more prosperous place. In particular France who florished at the time feudalism arises in this mod benefits from this and becomes GREAT.
Cattle.. comes with Navigation and is the cattle resource visible at a later date MAINLY in the New World.
-I was tempted to leave this to refridgeration or some such that allowed beef export to Europe (keyly from Uraguay) for sale. However I decided that since Navigation in essence allowed the transfer of cattle for breeding and farming in the New World in the many suitable areas afforded to it I should have it then. It also prevents the Aztecs and Iroquois (when crippled in particular) from being too powerful and marks that the start of the development of America...though in civ3 the natives even if ou are playing the crippled version are STRONG and no push-over.
Fish and whales: visible with invention of mapmaking
To allow me the ability to put strategic resources etc where the hell I wanted the rules allow strategic resources on most squares! Since you don't use these rules for creating a new map it is of no consequence (for that use Korn's Blitz rules as these are very good.)
Now produces no food EVER.
Movement penalty now 3
Movement cost now 2
-to increase chance that those trying to use galleys to skip across sea tiles will get caught out
Movement cost now 2
-to increase the chance that those using galleys and caravels to skip across ocean tiles will get caught out. In addition it represents the difficulties the open ocean presents to travel by storms etc. To a large degree this is experimentation and it does no harm from my play-testing.
Movement cost now 5
-how quickly do you cross the Himalayas...perhaps the value should be 1 higher...again testing!
Movement cost now 2
-for those talking about Rommel etc in the desert remember they usually kept to the coastal area...moving through soft sands which made the front at El-Alamain (for one) narrow and the other problems the dunes present (often very rugged terrain e.g Sinai) deserves the penalty.
Movement cost now 3.
Picture isn't of the most recent version!!! It is even better now
Seems like the Hippo killed my picture (will fix that later)
bet it doesn't look as good now