CIV4 Map of Planet Mars (v1.22b)


Dec 17, 2002
Strategyonly has converted this file to warlords compatibility, so thanks to him.

download here plz!! :)

Hello everyone!

This was my first customization post. This map shows Argyre Basin as a sea unlike the Mars Trilogy.


I have made a CIV4 Mars map that is based on contour maps of Mars made by NASA. I have created the map as a fictional version of Mars in that there is a northern ocean and two impact basin seas. These were placed roughly at the -1 km to -2 km datum. There are also rivers to represent aquifer outflows and polar melt channels. I have also used landmark placement (?) to name various mountains and other space-visible features, like Olympus Mons [tallest mountain in solar system].


Here's the CIV4WBS download in .zip format:
NEW VERSION 1.22b: more landmarks and spelling corrections, added more food, moved Rome, added more forests
version 1.2: updated landmarks, changed Valles Marinaris, added more craters, added more iron, added more grasslands

Don't Download here:
use the file database. im only leaving this attachment for sentimental value (my first upload :D and it has a fatal BtS bug )


Here's some screenshots:

Tharsis Vocanoes:

{this is the area known as Tharsis, and pictured are the 4 great volcanoes}

Minimap Updated to v1.2:

check it out!! please!
Looks great!

I'm planning a Mars mod after my moon one - can I use this? ;)
Of course!

All i ask is you try out the map and tell me what i need to change to make it more consistant. There is allways room for improvement :)
should maybe put some more grass (or whatever it would be called on mars hehe) near the lakes/seas/rivers....?
sounds like a good idea. when making the map, i made the decision to add small areas of grass (which is what it is :P) to the water areas because terraforming mars could never be a complete affair. regions of high altitude couldn't support much of a biome in my opinion, so i didnt put much food-bearing land.

although for playability, i will probly add some more. :lol:
thank you nery much for the feedback :goodjob:
You kind of ignore the importance of the ice caps, I think. If they contain water ice, they'd be of the highest importance to colonists.
What would be really cool to have in a Mars scenario would be a tweaked global warming effect, this time intentional, that removes polar ice and changes Mars' lowlands into sea.
i agree on the importance of the ice caps and, unfortunately, its impossible to see in this minimap the flow channel rivers that come off on the icy polar regions. As far as the lowlands, i simply used the elevation map thats in my first post to fill in all the lowlands with ocean and seas, like the hellas impact basin and the borealus planita in the north. :)
download it and you can compare it to a real map of mars in the world builder editor. Try it! ;)

edit: BTW i love you Atlas Map Generator! It Rocks!!!! im gonna update my version right now.
Great that you like my program.

I'm not on a civ4 pc right now, but I'll give this a try later tonight. It looks really good. I was just speculating what the role of the ice caps would be in a full-blown Mars Mod, but I guess it's too early too expect such a thing ;) As far as maps go, this one looks cool.
I started a game as the English. I played until 1145 BC and at this point I had gotten bored. My main city has tons of Commerce and Food due to Fish and Clams but no real production to speak of. Two of my other three cities (I kept getting Settler huts) have no food to get the above a population of two. York has Copper and Marble connected to my civ. Hastings has Stone and Gold connected to my civ. My fourth expansion has Stone, Copper, and Horses as well as Silk for when I get Calendar. My cities are populations of 3/1/1/1.

I had encountered six civilizations so far but have yet to find their cultural barriers. My scouts have found tons (and I mean tons) of copper and marble. I have also found significant amounts of stone. I've also found gold and gems in high abudence. I have yet to find any iron and there is so little land that is good for supporting a large city. I simply have no production to speak of because my options consist of building either a low food / high production city or a high food / low production city.

If I hadn't found so many damn settler huts way aways from my colony the game might have gone different. I still would have gone worker/worker/settler. I had only a single location near stone that had decent food production. If I replayed (and I might) I'd send my first settler to the stone/horse area for my first city. I'd use my capital as a GPP Producer and surround the lake I was on for a commerce center. I'd rush for windmills and then start expanding into the hill areas.

This is simply a hard map. Food is extremely scarce. Your best bet for a win on this map is going to be (ironicly) a space race victory.
There was far too much copper by the way. I was really looking at a painful start without iron too. I had explored a good portion of the map and had yet to find any.
thanks for letting me know. i did saturate some area's with no much metal, and very little biological resourses or at least i tried. im going to revise it tonight when my homie leave my house and post and updated one in the top post.

I played india too

updated to 1.2:

I added iron to every start location that needed it (most :) ). thanks recca
I added more green terrain to help with food. thanks overlag
I added more cool landmarks.
I fixed Valles Marinarus so it looks more like topo map. (see new mini map)

lol recca squirrel space race!! maybe they will send a ship to Ganymede and colonize the Jovian moons...

thanks for feed back. i hope this goes into weekly downloads for civ4. any more advice on map, or on forum post coding, plz let me know.
Though I do need to add, I feel like an idiot. I started a new game on standard size and realized in the process that Iron Working reveals Iron. I felt like an idiot. :)
hey dont feel stupid. i know that some players need iron within a couple plots to win on monarch and higher to get a conquest with mega high score, so you just helped me make sure that i put that important resourse where it needed to be.
i mean, comeon, you'd think there'd be iron on mars, which is stained red by iron oxide across it's entire surface!?!! you could scrape it off the dirt and process it somehow!

i hope you enjoy the map
Mmm, before giving too much feedback... How precise do you want this map to be?

A few small things can I say already: Latin!
It should be "Oceanus Borealis", not the other way around. "Valles Marineris" should be the Marineris Gulf of course. It's an inland sea on the map, not a valley chain. ;) There are some other spelling errors, "Planitia" names being the most noteworthy.

The major missing landmark is Alba Patera, a broad and old crater area north of Tharsis. And Argyre isn't exactly below datum. ;)

Some links that might be usefull, as far as you haven't found them yourself:

O yes, the river outflows are really weird now and then. I don't know if that is an issue with the tool you used to create this map, but there are offen rivers starting on all angles of a tile.
Thank you Geomodder!

I wrote those landmarks really quick as you noticed, and I dont know any Latin ;)

But ill tell you what, you may have helped me finish this map once and for all. I hoped you enjoyed it if you played it. ive played it a couple times and it seems egypt's got the best advantage (still no flexible start pos.)

I saw the landmark you mentioned on the maps, north of tharsis, and i cant understand why i didnt put it there. and i will try to be more consistant with latin grammar.

those rivers are tough with either the civ4 stock editor OR the player made! LOL

this was my first civ4 map and i was prototyping, but it turned out alot better than i thought i could ever do.

thank you :)
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