Civ5 Confirmed Features and Versions

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the Counsellor
Nov 8, 2002
The Netherlands
At the suggestion of MajorDisaster84 this thead aims to summarize all the different configurations of Civ5 that are being offered onto the market. There are three distinctly different basic packages that all vendors have based their offer on.

Basic Packages

Regular Edition
- Civilization V (DVD or download)

Deluxe Edition
- Civilization V (download)
- A. Babylon Civilization with leader Nebuchadnezzar II
- Behind the Scenes at Firaxis with Civilization V video feature
- Game Soundtrack (download)

Special Edition
- Civilization V (boxed DVD)
- Luxury box
- DVD “Behind the Scenes at Firaxis on Civilization V”
- 176 page Hardcover Artbook
- 2 CD Epic Soundtrack
- 5 Figurines based on Civ5 units (By Reaper Miniatures)

All retail suppliers offer the regular edition and a few also offer the Special Edition. The Deluxe Edition is so far restricted to download from Steam and Direct2Drive. Several shops offer an extra goodie to people (pre)ordering the game. For the links to the various stores, see below.

Offers (versions or configurations, if you will)

1. / .ca / USD 49.99 / CAD 49.99 / GBP 24.99
1. Mighty / .nz AUD 71.99 / NZD 89.99
- Regular Edition (DVD)
- C. Map Pack: Cradle of Civilization: Asia (unlock code e-mailed within 10 days)

2. / .ca USD 99.99 / CAD 99.99
- Special Edition (Boxed DVD)
- C. Map Pack: Cradle of Civilization: Asia (unlock code e-mailed within 10 days)

3. EUR 44.95
3. Play EUR 37.99 / GBP 26.99
- Regular Edition (DVD)
- F. Map Pack: Cradle of Civilization: Mediterranean

4. EUR 79.95
- Regular Edition (DVD)
- F. Map Pack: Cradle of Civilization: Mediterranean

5. / .no / .dk / .fi SEK 399 / NOK 399 / DKK 349 / EUR 44.95
5. Walmart USD 49.96
5. GBP 24.99
- Regular Edition (DVD)
- D. Map Pack: Cradle of Civilization: The Americas

6. Walmart USD 99.96
- Special Edition (Boxed DVD)
- D. Map Pack: Cradle of Civilization: The Americas

7. Direct2Drive USD 49.95 / EUR 49.95 / GBP 29.95
- Regular Edition (download)
- Civilization III Complete (download)
- B. DLC Pack: Two Civilizations and One Scenario (available late 2010)

8. Direct2Drive Deluxe USD 59.95 / EUR 59.95 / GBP 39.95
- Deluxe Edition (download)
- Civilization III Complete (download)
- B. DLC Pack: Two Civilizations and One Scenario (available late 2010)

9. Steam USD 49.99 / EUR 49.90 / GBP 29.99
- Regular Edition (download)
- E. Map Pack: Cradle of Civilization: Mesopotamia

10. Steam Deluxe USD 59.99 / EUR 54.99 / GBP 39.99
- Deluxe Edition (download)
- E. Map Pack: Cradle of Civilization: Mesopotamia

11. Nordic Edition by various suppliers in Sweden and Norway.
- Regular Edition (DVD)
- C. Map Pack: Cradle of Civilization: Asia
- D. Map Pack: Cradle of Civilization: The Americas
- F. Map Pack: Cradle of Civilization: Mediterranean

12. Most retailers and webshops. Price and currency varies by country.
- Regular Edition (DVD)

13. Some retailers and webshops: Special Edition. Price and currency varies by country.
- Special Edition (boxed DVD)

Pre-order Bonusses

It has been asked if these bonus additions are also available for sale later. The map packs will be available as DLC later, but timing is unconfirmed.:

A. Babylon Civilization with leader Nebuchadnezzar II - Deluxe download only, not confirmed as DLC
B. DLC Pack: Two Civilizations and One Scenario - Will be available to all as DLC late 2010
C. Map Pack: Cradle of Civilization: Asia -, and Nordic Edition, later DLC
D. Map Pack: Cradle of Civilization: Americas - CDON, Walmart, and Nordic Edition, later DLC
E. Map Pack: Cradle of Civilization: Mesopotamia - Steam, later DLC
F. Map Pack: Cradle of Civilization: Mediterranean -, Play and Nordic Edition, later DLC

Cradle of Civilization: Asia
"The Indus River valley was home to the early Harappan civilization while the Yellow River valley in China saw the rise of the earliest Chinese dynasties. Both these regions would be included on the same map (which would be dominated by the Himalayans and jungles of SE Asia between these two fertile zones)."

Cradle of Civilization: The Americas
"Although civilization blossomed later in the western hemisphere, the region from Peru in the south to Mexico in the north was just as important as an incubator for the development of ancient cultures. This map would span this rugged area of jungles and highlands."

Cradle of Civilization: The Mediterranean
"The period of Classical Antiquity saw the rise of city states from Phoenicia, Greece, and later Rome and Persia. Their struggles all centered on the great sea in the “Middle of the Earth”, hence the name Mediterranean. This map will cover the entire Mediterranean basin including the nearby peninsulas and coasts where these great empires grew and prospered."

Cradle of Civilization: Mesopotamia
"The pack covers the traditional Western and Middle Eastern "Cradle of Civilization". It will include the Fertile Crescent with the Nile River valley to the west and extending east down the Tigris and Euphrates river valleys to the Persian Gulf. Leaders will be able to explore new terrain, cultures and conquests."

If you find any new configuration, or find any error above, please let me know.
Civ5 Confirmed Features and Versions


Post 1 - Civilizations, Cities, Specialist Citizens, Wonders, National Wonders, Great Projects & Buildings

Post 2 - Terrain Types, Natural Wonders, Resources, Improvements, Goody Huts & Technologies

Post 3
- Unit Behaviour, Combat Modifiers, Military Units & Promotions

Post 4 - Happiness, Unhappiness, Social Policies, Diplomacy, Puppet States, The UN, City States, Barbarians, Victory Types, Scenarios & Other Info

Post 5 - Minimum Specifications, Recommended Specifications, Other Key Requirements, The Interface, The AI, Multiplayer information, Music, Internal Architecture, People who Made Civ 5 & Sources

Post 6 - Retail Versions, Digital Versions, Special Versions, Purchase Options, Pre-Order Bonuses - By Mercade

Civ's, and Cities, and Buildings! Oh, my!

The Civilizations

CIV's/Leaders/Special Ability

America /George Washington / Manifest Destiny - Land units get +1 sight and 25% discount when purchasing tiles
Arabia / Harun al-Rashid / Trade Caravans - +2 Commerce per traderoute
Aztec / Montezuma / Sacrificial Captives - Culture is gained for each unit you kill
China / Wu Zetian / Art of War - Great Generals are produced quicker and are more effective
Egypt / Ramesses II / Monument Builders - +20% production when building Wonders
England / Elizabeth I / Sun Never Sets - + 2 Movement for all Naval Units
France / Napoleon Bonaparte / Ancien Regime - + 2 Culture per city per turn before the discovery of Steam Power
Germany / Otto Von Bismark / Furor Teutonicus - on defeating a Barbarian unit in their encampment you have a 50% chance on converting the unit to your side as well as reciving 25:commerce:
Greece / Alexander / Hellenic League - City State influence loss is reduced by 25% and recovers at twice the normal rate
India / Gandhi / Population Growth - Unhappiness from number of cities doubled, Unhappiness from number of Citizens halved
Iroquois / Hiawatha / The Great Warpath - Forests and Jungle are treated as roads within your cultural boarders (please note that his has changed several time during development and may change again before release)
Japan / Oda Nobunaga / Bushido - Units’ attack and defense strengths remain at full, even when the unit is damaged
Ottoman / Suleiman / Barbary Corsairs - 50% chance of converting a Barbarian Naval unit to your side and earning 25 Gold
Persia / Darius / Archaemenid Legacy - Golden Ages lasts 50% longer. Units receive a movement bonus and a +10% attack and defense strength bonus during a Golden Age.
Rome / Augustus Caesar / The Glory of Rome - +25% Production bonus when constructing a building (in another city) that already has been constructed in the Capital
Russia / Catherina / Siberian Riches - Strategic resources provide +1 production and Horse, Iron, Uranium provide double quantity
Siam / Ramkhamhaeng / Father Governs Children - - Food and Culture from friendly City-States increased by 50%
Songhai / Askia / River Warlord - Receives triple gold from barbarian encampments and from pillaging cities and embarked units can defend themselves

DLC Nations

Babylon/Nebuchadnezzar II [Digital Special Edition Bonus]

there will be at least two more Civilizations released through DLC at some point

Leaders Personality

Each leader has a personality made from a combination of several different 'flavours' along a ten point scale, each game the impact that a certain flavour has over this civ can be +/- two points , allowing for a different experience each game. For example Russia may have a score of 8 for their expansion flavour but at the start of the game the actual score could be any where from 6 to 10. (PCZone)

The 25 flavours are grouped into several categories including Wide Strategy, Military preferences, Recon, Naval recon, Naval growth, Expansion, Growth, Development preferences (PCZone)

Your Cities


Cities spread 3 tiles out instead of two
Boarders now only expand at one hex at a time and more difficult terrain will take more time to claim (Swedish PC Gamer). You can use Gold to sped up this process, but that may bring you into conflict with surrounding Civs. GamerNode

You can also use culture points to 'buy' tiles Gamespy

Cities now defend themselves with a set of 'Hitpoints' that need to be taken down to zero before a city can be captured. Units can still help defend cities but instead of just garrisoning inside the city as in previous games, they merge with the city and 'boost' the cities hitpoints. GamerNode. Founding a city on a Hill will also give a defence bonus

Culturally different City designs Arabic/Asian/African/European and American Confirmed
There will be "game-specific disadvantages" in having two cities too close together(Gamespot)
When you occupy a city you can form a Puppet-State, This means that you reap the benefits of its research, culture and gold but don't get a say in what it produces (PC PowerPlay)

We Love the (King) Day

The 'We love the King Day' is now triggered by obtaining certain luxury resources your cities want

The bonus you receive is an increase in food growth in the city (faster citizen creation)

Specialist Citizens

You can chose to assign Citizens from working city production tiles to working inside some city buildings, these are called Specialist Citizens

There are 4 types of Specialists:
Artists increase a city’s cultural output and speed the creation of Great Artists.
Merchants increase a city’s gold output and speed the creation of Great Merchants.
Scientists increase a city’s science output and speed the creation of Great Scientists.
Engineers increase a city’s production output and speed the creation of Great Engineers. - 2K Greg

Wonders/City Buildings


The City of Angkor Wat, Cambodia - Culture cost of acquiring new tiles reduced by 75% in every city., +1 Great engineer points, +1 Culture, unlocked by Acoustics
Big Benof Westminster (London), The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland - Cost of Gold purchasing in all Cities is reduced by 25%, +2 Great merchant points, +1 Culture
Brandenburg Gate (Brandenburger Tor) of Berlin, Germany - gives a free Great General upon construction, +2 great scientist points, +1 culture
The City of Chichen Itza, Mexico - Extends the length of a Golden Age by 50%, +1 Culture, +1 Great Engineer Points
The Colossus of Rhodes, Greece - +1 Gold for each water tile the city works, +1 Great Merchant, +1 Culture, Must be built in a City located along a Coast
Cristo Redentor (Christ the Redeemer) of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil - Culture Cost for adopting new policies reduced by 33%, +2 Great Artist, +1 Culture
The Eiffel Tower of Paris, France - +8 Happiness, +1 Culture, +2 Great Merchant Points
The Forbidden Palace (City) of Beijing, China - Unhappiness from number of cities reduced by 50%, +1 Culture, +1 Great Artist points
The Great Libraryof Alexandria, Egypt - 1 free Technology, +1 Great scientist points, +1 culture
The Great Lighthouse of Alexandria, Egypt - +1 Movement and Sight for Military Vessels, +1 Great Merchant +1 Culture
The Great Wall (Chángchéng) of China - +1 culture, +1 Great Engineer, Enemy Land Units must expend 1 extra movement per tile inside your territory
The Hagia Sofia of Constantinople/Istanbul, Turkey - +33% generation of Great People in all cities, +1 Culture, +1 Great artist points
The Hanging Gardens of Babylon, Iraq - +1 Population in all existing Cities, +3 Happiness, +1 culture, +1 Great Artist
Himeji Castle of Himeji, Japan - +25% Combat Strength bonus to all units in friendly territory, +2 great engineer points, +1 Culture
The Kremlin (and Red Square) of Moscow, The Russian Federation - Defensive buildings in all cities are 50% more effective, +4 Culture, +1 great scientist point
The Louvre Museum (Musée du Louvre) of Paris, France - 2 free Great Artists appear near the Capital, +2 great artist points, +1 culture
The City of Machu Picchu, Peru - +20% more Gold from all Trade Routes. Must be built in a City within two tiles of a Mountain, +1 Culture, +1 Great Merchant points
The Notre Dame de Paris (Cathedral) of Paris, France - +5 Happiness, +1 Culture, +1 Great Merchant Points
The Oracle of Delphi, Greece - Gives a free social policy, +1 culture, +1 great scientist point
The Pentagon of Arlington County (Washington D.C.), USA - Gold cost of upgrading military units reduced by 50%, +1 Culture, +2 Great merchant points
The Porcelain Tower of Nanjing, China - A Great Scientist appears near the city where the Wonder is built, +1 culture, +2 great scientist point
The Pyramids of Giza, Egypt - 50% worker construction bonus, +1 Culture, +1 Great Engineer Points
The Sistine Chapel of Vatican City, Holy See - An additional +33% Culture is produced in all Cities, +1 Culture, +1 Great Artist points
The Statue of Liberty (Liberty Enlightening the World) of New York, USA - +1 Production gained for every Specialist in all Cities, +1 Culture, +3 Great engineer points
Stonehenge of Wiltshire County, The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland - +8 Culture, +1 Great Engineer Points
The Sydney Opera House of Sydney, Australia - one free Social Policy, +1 Culture, +1 great artist points
The Taj Mahal Mausoleum of Agra, India - Length of Golden Ages is increased by 50%, +1 Culture, +2 Great Artist points
The United Nations of New York, International Territory (USA) - Triggers the vote for Diplomatic Victory - +1 Culture, +2 Great Merchant Points

National Wonders

National wonders may be constructed once a specific building is existent in all cities in your

The Hermitage Museum of St. Petersburg, The Russian Federation - doubles the cultural output of the city it is constructed in, requires Museum
Heroic Epic - All new Units in this City receive the Morale Promotion for free, +1 Culture, requires Barracks or Russian Krepost
Ironworks - +20% Production in the City where this is built, +1 Culture, requires Workshop or Iroquois Longhouse
National College - +50% Science in the City where this is built, +1 Culture, requires Library or Chinese Paper Maker
National Epic - +25% Great People generation in the City where this is built, +1 culture, requires Monument
Oxford University of Oxford, The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland - Gain a free Technology, +1 culture, requires University or Siamese Wat
Palace - Indicates the Capital City and is built automatically for free. Cities
connected to the Capital by roads produce additional Gold. Also produces
an extra +2 Production, +3 Science, +1 Culture, +2 Gold, and +2 Defence for this City

Great Projects

The Apollo Project - Allows the building of Spaceship Parts
SS Booster - 3 Required for the Science Victory
SS Cockpit - 1 Required for the Science Victory
SS Engine - 1 Required for the Science Victory
SS Stasis Chamber - 1 Required for the Science Victory
Manhattan Project - Allows the building of Atomic Bombs and Nuclear Missiles
Utopia - Unlocks after fulling exploring 5 Social Policy Branches. Building triggers a Cultural Victory


All buildings require gold for upkeep and maintenance ranging from 1-5 :commerce:
Unlike in the past you will need to build special building before you can start on the construction of part for your spaceship

The Buildings

Armoury - +15 XP for all land units, must have Barracks or the Russian Krepost
Arsenal - +20% Production of Land Units, requires a Military Academy
Bank - +25% Gold, Needs Market or a Bazzar, Has two slots available for Merchant Specialist Citizen
Barracks - +15 XP for all new Land Units
Bazaar - An Arabian Unique Building, it grants +25% more Gold and provides 1
extra copy of each Luxury Resource near the City, has a merchant specialist spot, Arabic Unique Building
Broadcast Tower - Doubles the culture output of a City, but requires a Museum
Burial Tomb - +2 Culture and +2 Happiness empire-wide, but it doubles the amount
of Gold the enemy receives if this City is captured, Egyptian Unique Building
Castle - +7.5 Combat Strength to the City, requires Walls be present in the
Circus - Needs Horses or Ivory near city, +3 Happiness
Colosseum - +4 happiness Empire Wide
Courthouse - Eliminates the Unhappiness from annexing enemy cities
Factory - +50% Production, requires that a Workshop or Longhouse be present,
and consumes 1 Coal, has a slot for an engineer specialist
Floating Gardens - An Aztec Unique Building, the city gains +15% Food, and +2 Food for
each worked Lake tile. The City must border either a Lake or River
Forge - +15% Production of Land Units, requires a source of Iron nearby
Garden - +25% Great People Generation, City must be built on a river or lake, a specialist artist slot
Granary - +2 Food
Harbour - Links City with Capital, 25% increased production of Naval Units, City must be on Coast
Hospital - 50% less Food is needed for City growth
Hydro Plant - +1 Production for every tile bordering a River. Requires the City be
located next to a River, and consumes 1 Aluminum
Krepost - A Russian Unique Building, it increases the City’s cultural border
growth by +50%. Also, the Krepost provides +15 XP for all new Land Units
Library - +1 science per 2 citizens, Has two slots available for Scientist Specialist Citizen
Lighthouse - +1 Food from Water tiles, city must be on coast
Longhouse - An Iroquois Unique Building, it provides +1 Production from each Forest
tile worked by the City, has an engineer specialist slot
Market - +25% gold, Has one slot available for Merchant Specialist Citizen
Medical Lab - 25% less Food is needed for City growth. Requires a Hospital be present
Military Academy - +15 XP for all new Land Units, requires a Barracks or Russian Krepost
Military Base - +12 Defence, requires that either a Castle or Mughal Fort
Mint - +3 Commerce for each Gold and Silver resource in your city radius (you need one of these resourced to build the Mint)
Monastery - +2 Culture from nearby Incense and/or Wine
Monument - +2 Culture, Has no prerequisites, thus can be built from the first turn
Mud Pyramid Mosque - A Songhai Unique Building, the City gains +5 Culture, Songhai Unique Building
Mughal Fort - An Indian Unique Building, it provides the City with +9 Defense, +2
Culture, and after Flight is researched, extra Gold. Walls must be present in
the City to build.
Museum - +5 Culture, requires an Opera House, has an artist specialist slot
Nuclear Plant - +25% Production, consumes 1 Uranium.
Observatory - +50% Science, requires that the City be built next to a Mountain
Opera House - +5 Culture, requires a Temple, Burial Tomb or Mud Pyramid.
Paper Maker - Chinese Unique Building, +1 Science for every 2 Citizens in the city, +4
Gold, has a scientist specialist slot
Public School - +50% Science, requires either a University or Wat be present, Has one slot available for Scientist Specialist Citizen
Research Lab - +100% Science, requires that a Public School be present, Has one slot available for Scientist Specialist Citizen
Satrap’s Court - A Persian Unique Building, it provides +25% Gold and +2 Happiness.
Requires a Market in the City, has a merchant specialist slot
Seaport - +2 Production from Sea Resources. The City must have at least one
improved Sea Resource nearby.
Solar Plant - +25% Production, but the City must be either located on or border a
Spaceship factory - +50% Production of Spaceship Parts. Requires that a Factory be present
and consumes 1 Aluminum.
Stable - +25% production when making mounted units, must have horses nearby
Stadium - +4 Happiness, requires a Theatre be present.
Stock Exchange - +33% Gold, requires either a Bank or Satrap’s Court, has a merchant specialist slot
Temple - +3culture , Needs Monument, Has two slots available for Artist Specialist Citizen
Theatre - +4 Happiness, requires a Colosseum
University - Needs Library, +50% science, +2 Tech points from every Jungle square worked by the city, Has one slot available for Specialist Citizen
Walls - +5 Defense
Wat -Saim Unique building, 3 Culture, +50% Science, allows two Scientist specialists
Water Mill - +2 Food, City must border a River to construct.
Windmill - +15% Production, but the City cannot be located on a Hill, has a slot for an engineer specialist
Workshop - +20% construction speed of buildings, has a slot for an engineer specialist
Much obliged, Mercade. I had actually lost count of how many offers there were.
A new thread. Sure, why not? What does D2D mean when it says "one civilization and one scenario"? Will there be more DLC in the future?
Straight from the horse's mouth (do you say so?):
Okay guys I have some answers for you:

The D2D version does indeed come with a bonus of 2 civilizations and a scenario. The deluxe edition comes with Babylon as you know, and that's in addition to the 2 other civilizations.

Also, the D2D version does not have any extra DRM in it. There are no install limits, just like every other version of the game.

Unfortunately I do not have any more details about the DLC right now, such as which civilizations it will be.

I am not going to comment this here.
Post withdrawn from this thread by request
I agree with the zoomed combat idea, but this is not the thread to discuss it.

I would recommend you repeat your posting in one of the 1upt-threads.
A new thread. Sure, why not? What does D2D mean when it says "one civilization and one scenario"? Will there be more DLC in the future?
D2D stands for a company Direct2Drive that sells games in a downloadable format (like Steam). See (or the links in my signature). They are currently offering that if you buy the game through them, in "late 2010" they will send you (edit) two bonus civilizations (yet to be identified) and one scenario (yet to be identified).

And yes, there will be more DLC in the future. How many there will be is unknown, but you can count on the fact that it will be at least new civilizations and scenarios being offered.
D2D stands for a company Direct2Drive that sells games in a downloadable format (like Steam). See (or the links in my signature). They are currently offering that if you buy the game through them, in "late 2010" they will send you one bonus civilization (yet to be identified) and one scenario (yet to be identified).

And yes, there will be more DLC in the future. How many there will be is unknown, but you can count on the fact that it will be at least new civilizations and scenarios being offered.

Mercade, you may want to look at posting #7 in this very thread.
Actually, it will be TWO bonus civilizations being offered by D2D.
They have my attention now that there's a new mystery civ, and it better not be something stupid like Carthage or Spain or ill be mad.
Let me put it this way, there not stupid civilisations but why would you try to entice me with something that should be included anyways? I don't see Madden making the Ravens a downloadable team.
Mercade, you may want to look at posting #7 in this very thread.
Actually, it will be TWO bonus civilizations being offered by D2D.
Yes, Bello, thanks for pointing that out. I believe that I was editing my most listening the various configurations at exactly the same time (09:38) when you were posting yours :) Just didn't realize to update my post answering Mythmonster's question too.
So wait, the Special Boxed Version won't have Babylonia?
My internet is out for two days... And STILL there has been no news!?
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