Civ5 Difficulty Settings


Sep 23, 2010
I'm interested in the difficulty settings available in new Civilization game. I would only be interested in playing the smartest AI, but also one that wouldn't "cheat". I remember that on the difficulty setting when AI needs the same amount of food to expand, shields to produce etc. and for me it takes away the pleasure of playing when AI needs less resources to achieve certain objectives.

Could anyone please tell me if it's possible to play Civ 5 with the smartest available AI that wouldn't "cheat"?

PS. Sorry if it was already covered on the forum; browsed a little, used search, came up with nothing.
The closest is Prince.
I'm not sure. While Prince is the "neutral" difficulty and probably the last without bonus for the AI, there have been statements that the AI acts different on harder difficulties. I'm not sure if Prince has the smartest AI setting.
You would have to edit the diffculty (handicap) XMLs. They are located in the Assets folder.
You would have to edit the diffculty (handicap) XMLs. They are located in the Assets folder.

Is there an AI IQ line expressed in % or something? Cause i've seen ppl saying edit your XMLs a few times.
In the xml there are lines that define the bonuses the AI get.

You could remove those settings so you just have to deal with smarter AI without the huge bonuses they would normal receive at the highest difficulties.

I am not sure about settings for the overall AI difficulty. One would think that is across many different xml files. But i am no expert.
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