Civiliclopedia mistakes


Apr 4, 2002
Well lets posts the mistakes here.

I will start with one. It says the F-15 is the succesor to the F-14 tomcat but the F-14 is the naval counterpart of the F-15. The F-15 replaces the F-4 Phantom.
Bamspeedy, if you look in the editor the cost is 10 (which means 100 shields), but the palace is a special improvement in that its cost depends on the number of cities in your empire.

Exactly how it depends on number of cities I don't know, but you're right that its cost is 1000 shields if you are over the maximum number of cities (maybe even sooner?).
not really a Civopedia issue...

But i think it's silly that there is a city in the german autoname queue called Cologne... It's Köln for crying out loud! Cologne is the FRENCH name
Originally posted by Pointman
not really a Civopedia issue...

But i think it's silly that there is a city in the german autoname queue called Cologne... It's Köln for crying out loud! Cologne is the FRENCH name

And there's no Olympia in the Greek city list! Olympia was an important city and what it started is still a major part of the world today.
not really a Civopedia issue...

But i think it's silly that there is a city in the german autoname queue called Cologne... It's Köln for crying out loud! Cologne is the FRENCH name

This is turning more into a city name thread, but I just have to add this in.

Memphis is an American and Egytian city. So with the Egyptians in the game, I'll never have an American city called Memphis (unless I conquer :D ). Take Memphis off the American list and add in a different one.
Sorry for hijacking this thread :)

I think including "Americans" as a civilization was a silly choice.

Americans are not an ancient civilization like Babylonians, Greeks or heck! even Germans.

I think the ONLY reason for having Americans as a civ was a marketing decision. So that People in the US could play as "themselves".


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Not this again.....

No, the Americans were not around in 4000 B.C., nor was several of the other civs if you think about it for a minute.

How many of these civs are still around today?

~I'll go look at my atlas and try and find the Aztecs, Iroqoius or Babylonians.~

There is probably, what, maybe 4 or 5 civs (maybe not even that many), that were around at 4000 B.C and still around in 2000 A.D.

I think a Babylonian battleship would be silly!

It's just a game, not real history!
Originally posted by Pointman
Sorry for hijacking this thread :)

I think including "Americans" as a civilization was a silly choice.

Americans are not an ancient civilization like Babylonians, Greeks or heck! even Germans.

I think the ONLY reason for having Americans as a civ was a marketing decision. So that People in the US could play as "themselves".


sure it is, but i guess you would do the same thing
if it was you who published this (or any) game:rolleyes:

make good commercial sence to me!!
Originally posted by Hoefensfilla
Well lets posts the mistakes here.

I will start with one. It says the F-15 is the succesor to the F-14 tomcat but the F-14 is the naval counterpart of the F-15. The F-15 replaces the F-4 Phantom.
No offense intended, but I think it's pretty funny that in a thread about mistakes, you misspelled the word 'civilopedia'.
In my mod I had to change SO many Great Leader for England and loads of city names!

Dureham! WTH? I suppose I'm at the University of Dureham in Dureham County!

The same man that did the world maps did the English City names..."The Mumbles" :confused:

When I get time I will be ironing out the worst of the civlopedia errors.

(I've got to see the "Senior Tutor" on Tuesday :spank: about most likely what work I've got to do :satan: I think this will be me at graduation :ar15: :grad: :grad: :alien: :grad: :grad: )
Originally posted by kittenOFchaos

The same man that did the world maps did the English City names..."The Mumbles" :confused:

That irritates me as well lol, if I feel on having an accurate game as the English, I just keep on thinking of new cities/town names to replace The Mumbles:scan:
Originally posted by napoleon526

No offense intended, but I think it's pretty funny that in a thread about mistakes, you misspelled the word 'civilopedia'.

No wonder. I thought this thread was about mistakes in the Civilopedia. But it seems to be about the mistakes in the Civiliclopedia. I guess the Civiliclopedia is a list of city names and their spelling and origin.

Well I got one. Why is Jerusalem a Roman city? Shouldn't it be maybe Babylonian since the Babylonians roughly represent the people indigenous to the Near East?
The German city list has only one Austiran city on it: Salzburg. What about Vienna, Graz or Innsbruck? Or what about Zurich or Bern. Are these cities any less German simply because they are not in the Bundesrepuiblik?
Anyway, the point is that it is a mistake because they have not been consistent, including as they do Salzburg and Konigsburg but not other important cities outside the Bundesrepublik!

And the Greek city list contains "Apolyton", but not Thebes or Alexandria!

Where's the sense?:confused:
The Thebes on the Egyptian list should be Waset (the ancient Egyptian name), as the Greek city of Thebes in Boeotia was one of the most important ancient Greek cities. Alexandria might have been territotially IN the land called Egypt, but the city itself was most definitely inside the orbit of Greek (Hellenistic) culture and not ancient Egyptian culture. To put Alexandria in the Egyptian list is similar to placing New York in an Amerindian city list.
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