[BNW] Civilisation 5: Civilisation Not Working


Mar 7, 2017
Hey guys,

I need some more Civ 5 modding help. I've done a remake of an old civilisation I once created and yet now it doesnt seem to work. (Does not appear when you choose to select a civilisation) However I have experimented with adding some new things, like starting with the sailing tech. (And it is partly unfinished but I just want to get the mod working this far.) This may be causing the mod to not work but I would like to see. Thanks For any help.

Edit: Logs dont seem to bring up anything more then the errors I got before the mod. I would upload them but apparently this site doesnt support .log files. If you need anymore information just ask


You need to zip the mod itself from the game's MODS folder.

But taking a quick look through your files this is not correct
This will give each newly-founded city 100 extra tiles, not +100% of the normal number of tiles a city claims upon founding.

You can also stick your log file(s) into a zipped folder and attach that zipped folder, if necessary.
As reported in database.log, these are not unique entries in the table
<Type>COLOR_PLAYER_BYZANTIUM_ICON</Type> is already registered within the game in that table, as is <Type>COLOR_PLAYER_BYZANTIUM_BACKGROUND</Type>. This issue is being reported in Database.log here:
[169634.046] column Type is not unique
[169634.046] While executing - 'insert into Colors('Type', 'Red', 'Green', 'Blue', 'Alpha') values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?);'
[169634.046] In XMLSerializer while inserting row into table insert into Colors('Type', 'Red', 'Green', 'Blue', 'Alpha') with  values (COLOR_PLAYER_BYZANTIUM_ICON, 0.223529411764706, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, ).
[169634.046] In XMLSerializer while updating table Colors from file XML/Civilization.xml.
The game therefore rejects the entire contents of file XML/Civilization.xml
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