Post the unrevealed unique units and buildings!
UU#1-Minuteman-replaces musketmen-all tiles only cost 1 movement
UU#2-B17-replaces Bomber-Evasion and siege 1 promotions added to bomber
Benifit-Manifest Destiny-all land units +1 sight, 25% dicount purchasing tiles
UU-Camel Archer-replaces Knight-weaker than knight but has ranged 2 combat
may not melee attack
UB-Bazaar--replaces market-provides 1 extra copy of each improved luxury
resourse neer this city
Benifit-Trade Caravans-+1 gold for each trade route, oil resources provide
double quantity
UU-Jaguar-replaces warrior-50% combat bonus in jungle,heals 2 damage after
killing a unit
UB-Floating Gardens-replaces water mill-an extra +15% food over watermill,
each workrd lake tile is also +2 food
can be built next to lake as well as
Benifit-Sacrificial Captives-each enemy killed provides culture
UU-Chu-Ko-Nu,replaces crossbowmen-slightly weaker ranged combat, can
attack twice.
UB-Paper Maker-replaces nothing, available in ancient era, +1 science for every
2 citizens in city, +4 gold, adds slot for a
scientist specialist
UU-War Chariot-replaces Chariot Archer-1 extra movement over Chariot Archer
UB-Burial Tomb-replaces temple-no maitenance-1 less culture-+2 happines
empire wide, if captured 2x gold plundred
That is the first 4, stay tuned for more....
Moderator Action: Changed a bit the format.