Civilization 5 - Download the manual!

Ancient Ruins are the remnants of even earlier civilizations
which rose and fell long before you came on the scene. Ruins
provide a random benefit to the civilization of the unit that first
enters their tile. The ruin is destroyed when it is entered.
Ruins are cool. Find as many as you can before other civs get
to them!

Given that goodie huts outnumber civs, there were civilizations long before 5000BC? Whuuut!? I want my goodie huts, the tribal villages that represented local, small viewed people that I obliterated/cultured.

Exactly what kind of civilizations were these to even leave ruins, considering -we- start not even knowing the wheel or agriculture, or masonry...

Luckily that'll just be a simple text thing to change, yay! :P
Given that goodie huts outnumber civs, there were civilizations long before 5000BC? Whuuut!? I want my goodie huts, the tribal villages that represented local, small viewed people that I obliterated/cultured.

Exactly what kind of civilizations were these to even leave ruins, considering -we- start not even knowing the wheel or agriculture, or masonry...

Luckily that'll just be a simple text thing to change, yay! :P

ow can you know that there was no civilizations before us? Look at the national geographic's World without humans. What would happen if we would suddenly disapear? After 500- 1000 there would be nothing man! Especially after 10000 years. What would happen if only few people survive some virus? Next generation wouldn't be able to think about our life and after few generations everybody would talking about gods that were flying. We say that we are rational but we aren't. Really, you can't say that there was some civ before us, but neither you can say that there wasn't any civ. So, no one is right. It's funny to me that some people think that ancient Egyptians were building piramids in 40 years and we aren't able to build it today. Who is the moron here? You can't say that someone built someone because there is his name on it.
That is all speculative, the goodie huts were a more reasonable.

Last I'm aware there was a big ballooza about a possible urbanised city from 10,000BC, ice age times sunken off the coast of india and all that, that was in 2004(?), but that was all a belief and from what I've read it most likely wasn't.

Civ 5 references Lady GaGa. Cultural icon!
Really fascinating stuff here, but did anyone else notice that the English version has some serious errors/typos? In particular, the explanation of how ranged combat is supposed to work doesn't make any sense as written.
Maybe that is only three types so far in the manual...I hope so. But then I won't be surprised if we need to pay DLC to get more map generation types.

So strange to think of Civ 5 and DLC together. It will feel 'incomplete'. :(
For typos and errors please refer to the manual errata thread in the general Civ5 forum.

But there are only three types of maps!!!

No, these are only the maps which you can reach via "Play now".
In the custom games option, there will be more available (something between 12 and 15, not sure at the moment).
I saw in the manual a mention of Lady Gaga. All I know is, if she shows up as a GP, I will send her unescorted into enemy territory.
The section regarding ranged ranged units (in English) is gibberish, Lol. I don't suppose anyone can translate from one of the other versions?
See? Sid Meiers does care about his fans!
Note that floodplains only give 2 food thats the same as a normal green plain grassland tile i hope this is a typ and floodplain gives 3 ingame.

Why even bother with floodplains if it gives the same output?

I hope they put random events back in again as an option atleast
Woah. Domination is weird. It's not "capture all original capitals", it's "be the last player with his/her original capital".

So technically, if you aren't in possession of your original capital, and you capture a rival's OC, you could trigger a 3rd party to win the game!

Weird. I don't know if I like what should be a victory, causing you to lose the game. I wonder if the AI is stupid enough to voluntarily lose themselves the game in this way.
Note that floodplains only give 2 food thats the same as a normal green plain grassland tile i hope this is a typ and floodplain gives 3 ingame.

Why even bother with floodplains if it gives the same output?

I hope they put random events back in again as an option atleast

note the manual calls flood plains a "terrain feature" that sits atop what ever terrain is there adding its bonuses.

so a grassland flood plain would in fact have 4 food

thats all pointed out at the top of page 32.

and yes, i hope some DLC or expansion pack adds random events back in
Just read it, what part do you not understand ?

The problem is this passage on page 47:

An Archer unit, for example, has a Combat Strength of 7, a Ranged Combat Strength of 8, and a Range of 2. It can attack enemy units one or two hexes away with a Strength of 7. However, if an enemy unit attacks it, it defends with its Combat Strength of 4.

As you can see if you check the table at the back of the manual, it should read:

An Archer unit, for example, has a Combat Strength of 4, a Ranged Combat Strength of 6, and a Range of 2. It can attack enemy units one or two hexes away with a Strength of 6. However, if an enemy unit attacks it, it defends with its Combat Strength of 4.

There's also an error on page 148. The Evasion Promotion is listed as being available to Melee and Ranged Units, but its prerequisites are either Bombardment II (only available to Ranged Units) or Siege II (Only available to Air Units). It's possible that the error is actually in not listing Melee Units as eligible for the Siege II & III promotions.

ETA: I'm referring to the English version.
Great, the player community gets to proofread the manual for Firaxis. I guess that's why they released it early as a PDF. Let's hope we aren't being allowed the honor of being beta testers. Ones who have to pay for it, at that. :(
The problem is this passage on page 47:

As you can see if you check the table at the back of the manual, it should read:

An Archer unit, for example, has a Combat Strength of 4, a Ranged Combat Strength of 6, and a Range of 2. It can attack enemy units one or two hexes away with a Strength of 6. However, if an enemy unit attacks it, it defends with its Combat Strength of 4.

I agree, this is what it should read. I read a different part. I started on page 46 which said

"Some military units are “ranged units,” meaning that they can attack enemies one or
more hexes away.
See “Combat” on page 54 for details."

so I did that and that description seemed correct to me ;)
I hope the (lack of) quality in the manual isn't indicative of the quality of the game's code. How is ranged combat done? How many Policy branches do I need to win Cultural victory? What's underneath the picture on page 113?

It's a pretty manual, but there's a ton of bugs and typoes. Kind of reminiscent of the state of the computer game industry: throw out whatever code you've got and patch it later. Let's hang the editor for not doing his/her job! (Which probably includes playing a freaking game to make sure the information about it in the manual was correct.)

I'm sure the rules of the game changed numerous times, but come on, how you can let slip the Cultural victory, when THE SAME SENTENCE says two different, mutually exclusive things, is ridiculous. Is it 5 or 6?
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