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Civilization 6 Features
There will be 18 civilizations in the base game plus an Aztec Pre-order Bonus
Leader - Theodore Roosevelt
Historical Agenda - The Big Stick Does not like people who start wars on his continent
Civilization Ability - Founding Fathers Halves the time needed to obtain Governmental Legacy Bonuses
Leader Ability - Roosevelt Corollary Bonus to fighting on its home continent, Bonus Appeal for National Parks, Can build the Rough Rider which give +culture for kills on your home continent, combat bonus on hills
Unique Unit - P-51 Mustang
Unique Building - Film Studio Increases Tourism Pressure from city to other Civs in the Modern era
Leader - Saladin
Historical Agenda -
Civilization Ability - The Last Prophet When the second-to-last Great Prophet is taken by another civ, Arabia automatically receive a great prophet, if they haven't already founded a religion.
Leader Ability - Righteousness of the Faith Religious buildings (Pagoda, Synagogue, etc.) costs very little faith and provides bonus +science, +faith and +culture.
Unique Unit - Mamluk Heals automatically at the end of each turn, even if it has attacked.
Unique Building - Madrassa University replacement that gives extra science and extra faith based on the campus adjacency bonus.
Leader - Pedro II
Historical Agenda -
Civilization Ability - Adjacency Bonus next to Rainforests is increased
Leader Ability - Magnanimous - recoups some of the points cost when obtaining a Great Person
Unique Unit - Minas Geraes Greater defense and Range
Unique District - Carnival District - allows the construction of the Carnival Special Project that turns production into amenities and gives bonus Great person points at the conclusion
Leader - Qin Shi Huang
Historical Agenda - Wall of 10,000 Li Hates people with more Wonders than him
Civilization Ability - Dynastic Cycles China gets a larger boost from Eurekas and Inspirations
Leader Ability - The First Emperor Builders an extra charge, and can use that to help rush Ancient/Classical wonders
Unique Unit - Crouching Tiger Cannon Does not need strategic resources to build
Unique Tile Improvement - Great Wall Provides a defensive and Gold bonus, and later Culture and Tourism. Must be built in a line along the edge of the empire
Historical Agenda - - Does not like Militarily weak Civilizations
Civilization Ability - Iteru You build Districts and Wonders next to rivers faster, Flood Plains do not block the construction of Districts or Wonders
Leader Ability - Mediterranean's Bride +Gold to trad Routs you start, +gold to trade route other have with you and the originator gets a food bonus
Unique Unit - Maryannu Chariot Archers Get an extra movement if they start the turn of flat land
Unique Tile Improvement - Sphinx Monument +culture +faith, bonus if built next to a Wonder
Leader - Victoria
Historical Agenda - Sun Never Sets likes civs on her home continent, and wants to expand to all continents. She doesn't like civs on continents where she doesn't have a city
Civilization Ability - British Museum Archeological Museums have extra artifact slots and each museum gives more archeologists, Museums are automatically themes when full
Leader Ability - Pax Britannica all Cities founded or captured on another Continent receive a free melee unit, can build the Red Coat combat bonus on non-home continent. No Disembark cost to movement.
Unique Unit - Sea Dog can bully weaker units and capture enemy ships
Unique District - Royal Navy Dockyard provides bonus movement for naval units built there, bonus gold for dockyards on other continents and great admiral points
Leader - Catherine de Medici
Historical Agenda - Black Queen
Civilization Ability - Grand Tour - Gain a bonus when constructing medieval, renaissance and industrial era wonders. +tourism for every wonder.
Leader Ability - Catherine's Flying Squadron 1 extra level of diplomatic visibility than normal with every civilization she has met. Researching Castles yields an additional spy.
Unique Unit - Garde Impériale - Gain a bonus when fighting on the home continent of France, and garner Great General points from kills.
Unique Tile Improvement - Château +culture, bonus Culture for adjacency to Wonders. Must: next to a river
Leader - Frederick Barbarossa
Historical Agenda - Iron Crown Does not like Civs that associate with City States
Civilization Ability - Free Imperial Cities You can build 1 more District than the population cap would normally alllow
Leader Ability - Holy Roman Emperor +1 Military Card Slot for Governments, bonus Combat against City State Units
Unique Unit - U-Boat Cheaper to build, Combat and Sight Bonus in Deep Ocean
Unique District - Hanse Major Production bonus next to Commercial Hub, Standard Production bonus for each adjacent resource, Minor production bonus for adjacent districts.
Leader - Pericles & Gorgo
Pericles Historical Agenda - Delian League Likes civilizations that aren't competing for the same city-state allegiance. Dislikes civilizations that are directly competing for the city-state allegiance.
Gorgo Historical Agenda - With Your Shield or On It Gorgo seeks glory in combat, therefore she will never give up items in a peace deal. She prefers civs who haven’t yielded in a peace deal and dislikes any civ who has surrendered in a peace deal or any civ who has never engaged in war.
Civilization Ability - Plato's Republic All Governments get a free Wildcard slot
Pericles Leader Ability - Surrounded by Glory Get a Culture bonus for each City State you are the Suzerain of
Gorgo Leader Ability -Thermopylae +Culture from every defeated unit
Unique Unit - Hoplite gets bonuses when adjacent to other Hoplites
Unique District - Acropolis Get bonus culture from District Adjacency, even more from adjacency to the City Centre, Must: Be built on a Hill
Leader - Gandhi
Historical Agenda
Civilization Ability - Dharma India gets the Follower Belief of all Religions found in their cities
Leader Ability - Satyagraha For each Civ India has meet and is not at war India receives a bonus to their Faith, opposing Civs get extra unhappiness points fighting wars against Gandhi
Unique Unit - Varu Reduces the Combat Strength of adjacent Units
Unique Improvement - Stepwell +food, +Housing, Bonus Food if next to Farm, bonus Faith if next to Holy Site
Leader - Hojo Tokimune
Historical Agenda - Bushido he likes civilizations with a strong military, but only if they also produce faith or culture
Civilization Ability - Meiji Restoration - Bonuses to district adjacency
Leader Ability - Divine Wind Land units get a combat bonus when fighting near a coast, naval units get a combat bonus when fighting on shallow water tiles. Builds Theater Square, Encampment and Holy Site district in half the time.
Unique Unit - Samurai Does not lose combat strength when wounded
Unique Building - Electronics Factory Replaces Factory, gives out bonus production as well as culture (after researching electricity)to all nearby cities.
Leader - Mvemba a Nzinga
Historical Agenda - Enthusiastic Disciple - Likes civilizations that bring religions to Kongo. Dislikes civilizations that have founded a religion but not brought it to a Kongolese city.
Civilization Ability - Nkisi Each Relic, Artifact and Great Work of Sculpture gets food, production and gold. Gets extra Great Artist, Writer, Musician and Merchant points each turn
Leader Ability - Religious Convert - Can't build Holy Sites (and can't found a religion), but does gets all bonuses of any religion that has established itself in a majority of his cities. Gets an Apostle each time he finishes Mbanza and Theater District of that city's religion
Unique Unit - Ngao Mbeba Extra defense vs ranged attacks, neither woods or rain forests slow them down or block sight, they don't need iron.
Unique District - Mbanza +Housing, +Food, +Gold regardless of the Appeal of the tile, and can be built earlier than the Neighborhood, Must: only be built on Rainforest and Woods
Leader - Harald Hardrada
Historical Agenda - Wants to have a big Navy, respects those who also have a big Navy, dislikes those with a weak Navy
Civilization Ability - Knarr No cost to embark or disembark units, all Ships and embarked units can move into Ocean tiles with the Shipbuilding Technology, Melee Naval units heal in neutral territory
Leader Ability - Thunderbolt of the North All Melee Ships can preform Coastal raids, Can build the Longship which can pillage coastal land and capture civilians on the coast, +movement
Unique Unit - Berserker +movement if you start in enemy territory, +Attack, -Defence
Unique Building - Stave Church All Temple bonuses, +Faith Adjacency bonus next to Woods
Leader - Trajan
Historical Agenda - Optimus Princeps - Tries to include as much territory as possible in his empire. Does not like civilizations who control little territory.
Civilization Ability - All Roads Lead to Rome Cities within trade route range start with roads to capital, all cities start with Trading Post, trade routes earn extra gold from passing through Trading Posts in own cities
Leader Ability - Trajan's Column - All cities start with one free building in city center (usually monument)
Unique Unit - Legion Functions as a Military Engineer (can build a Roman Fort), has limited charges like builders
Unique District - Baths gives Amenities and more housing than Aqueduct, Must: be built next to the City Centre
Leader - Peter
Historical Agenda -
Civilization Ability - Mother Russia gives additional territory when the city was founded. +faith, +production on Tundra tiles.
Leader Ability - Grand Embassy Gives science and culture from trade routes to the civilizations more advanced than Russia
Unique Unit - Cossacks can move after attacking and has a combat bonus
Unique District - Lavra Each time a great person is used in the city, that city get an extra tile free of charge.
Leader - Queen Tomyris
Historical Agenda -
Civilization Ability - People of the Steppe Build 2 units instead of 1 when they build light Calvary or their unique Saka Horse Archers unit.
Leader Ability - Killer of Cyrus Bonus strength when attacking wounded units. Units heal when they defeat an enemy unit.
Unique Unit - Saka Horse Archer Bonus to movement and range
Unique Tile Improvement - Kurgan +Faith, +Gold. Bonus for being adjacent to Pastures. Cannot be built on a hill.
Leader - Philip II
Historical Agenda - Counter Reformer - Likes civilizations who follow the same religion, and wants his cities to all follow the same religion. Hates anyone trying to spread their religion into his empire.
Civilization Ability - Treasure Fleet Trade Routes between Continents give extra Yields. Combine ships into Fleets and Armadas early
Leader Ability - El Escorial Combat bonus against Civilizations following a different Religion, Inquisitors can remove Heresy one ore time
Unique Unit - Conquistador Combat bonus if on the some tile as a Missionary, Apostle or Inquisitor. If you capture a city and a Conquistador is next to it, it converts to your major religion.
Unique Improvement - Mission +Faith, Bonus Faith in built on a different continent, +Science if built next to Campus
Leader - Gilgamesh
Historical Agenda -
Civilization Ability - Epic Quest When you capture a barbarian outpost, you get a tribal village reward.
Leader Ability - Adventures with Enkidu He can declare war on anyone at war with one of his allies without any warmonger penalties. When at war with a common foe, Sumeria and shares pillage rewards and combat xp gains with the closest allied unit within 5 tiles. Can levy City-State military forces at 50% of cost.
Unique Unit - War Cart No penalties to fighting Spearmen or other anti-cavalry units. Extra movement if starting on flat terrain.
Unique Improvement - Ziggurat +Science and if adjacent to a river +Culture. Cannot be built on a hill.
Pre-Order Bonus
Leader - Montezuma I
Historical Agenda -
Civilization Ability - Legend of the Five Suns -Builders can be used to rush the production of Districts.
Leader Ability - Gifts for the Tlatoani - Luxuries give amenities to extra cities. Each different luxury improved in Aztec Territory gives +Combat Strength
Unique Unit - Eagle Warrior - Powerful version of the basic Warrior. Can turn defeated enemies into Builders. (This does not work on Barbarians)
Unique Building - Tlachtli - Build in the Entertainment Complex District. Gives Amenities, Faith, and Great General Points
Pre-Order Information - Is available for everyone who Pre-Orders Civ 6, will be unlocked for everyone else 3 months after release
For the first time in the series you will not be building buildings and wonders in a single city tile, instead you will be building/placing 'districts' on a tile (in a similar vein to Endless Legend). This will require you to defend not just the city center but the whole area.
Housing is a soft cap on the size of your cities you can have more population than housing but that will create unhappiness.
Amenities is the various local factors appeal, luxury resources etc that create happiness for your city
Alhambra +1 military slot, Provides the same defensive bonuses as the Fort improvement. Must: Hills adjacent to an encampment District
Big Ben Doubles current Treasury, +Gold, + Great Merchant Points, Must: Next to river, adjacent to a Commercial District with a Bank
Bolshoi Theatre Awards 2 randomly-chosen free civics when completed. +Great Writer Points per Turn, +Great Musician Points Per Turn, +1 Great Work of Writing Slot, +1 Great Work of Music Slot, Must: be built on flat land adjacent to a Theatre District.
Broadway 1 free random Atomic Era civic Boost. Must: be built on flat land adjacent to a Theater Square district
Chichen Itza +Culture, +Production to Rainforest tiles, Must: built on Rainforest
Cristo Redentor Tourism output in Relics and Holy Cities is not diminished by other civs who have researched The Elightenment. Doubles tourism output of Seaside Resorts across your civilization. +culture, Must: be built on hills.
Colossus of Rhodes +Gold, +Great Admiral Points, + Trade Route output
Colosseum +amenities to all cities within 6 tiles, Must: Flat Land, next to Entertainment Complex
Eiffel Tower +Appeal on each tile of your Civ, Must: on flat land, next to City Centre
Forbidden Palace +1Wildcard Slot, +Culture, Must: On Flat Land, Next to City Centre
Great Library +Science, 2 Great Writing slots, +Research on Ancient and Classical Era Techs, Must: next to Campus with Library
Great Lighthouse +1 Movement for all naval units, +Gold. +Great Admiral points, Must: be built on the coast and adjacent to a harbor district with a lighthouse.
Great Zimbabwe +Gold, +Trade Route Capacity, +Gold for your Trade Route for every Bonus Resource in the City +Great Merchant Points, Must: Next To a Commercial Hub with a Market & A Cattle Resource
Hagia Sophia +Faith, +Great Prophet points, Apostles and Missionaries have one extra charge, Must: next to Holy Site, have founded a Religion
Hanging Gardens of Babylon +growth in all cities, Must: next to River
Hermitage +Great Artist Points per Turn. +4 Great Work of Art Slots, Must: be next to a River
Huey Teocalli -+Amenity from entertainment for each adjacent Lake tile. +Food, +Production for each Lake tile in your empire, Must: be built on a Lake tile adjacent to land. Pre-order Bonus
Mahabodhi Temple of Bodh Gaya +Faith, 2 free Apostles, Must: on Woods, next to Holy Site with Temple, have founded a Religion
Maracanã Stadium
Mont St. Michel +Faith, 2 Relic slots, apostles get Martyr Ability, Must: on Floodplains/Marsh
Oracle of Delphi +Faith, +Culture, Patronage of Great People costs less, Each District in your city produces more Great People Points, Must: on hills
Oxford University +science, 2 free randomly-chosen free technologies +Great Scientist points, + Great Works of Writing slots, Must: on Grasslands or Plains, adjacent to a Campus District with a University.
Petra +Food, +Gold and +Production on all desert tiles for this city (non-Floodplains), Must: Desert or Floodplains without Hills
Potala Palace +1 Diplomatic policy slot. +Culture. +Faith, Must: on a Hill adjacent to a Mountain.
Pyramids +Culture, one free Builder, Builders get extra charge, Must: on Desert/Flood Plains
Ruhr Valley +Production in this city, +Production for Each Mine and Quarry in this city, Must: built along a River, adjacent to an Industrial Zone district with a Factory.
Stonehenge +Faith, Free Great Prophet, Must: on flat land, next to Stone
Sydney Opera House +culture. +Great Musician Points per Turn. +3 Great Work of Music Slots, Must: be built on coast, adjacent to land & a harbor
Terracotta Army +Great General Points, free promotion for all land Units, Archeologists can enter territory without a Open Boarders agreement, Must: on grasslands/plains, next to Encampment with Barracks or Stable
Venetian Arsenal +Great Engineer points, receive a second navel vessel when every you build one in this city, Must: next to Coast, next to Industrial Zone
Districts & Buildings
There will be 12 types of districts, each with a different role and different bonuses with the terrain, limited by population, It looks like you can have 1 district per 3 people
If a resource appears under a district (like oil) you will get access to it, however once oil appears on the map you can't build a district on it
City Centre
Ancient walls Walls around City Centre and Encampment, adds ranged attack, must be defeated before you can take the city
Medieval Walls
Monument +Culture
Water Mill +Food, +Food for Rice and Wheat, +Housing/Production
Aqueduct Brings water from Rivers/Oasis/Mountains to boost population, Cities without access to fresh water get +6 Housing, Cities with access to fresh water get +2, Must: next to City Centre
Aerodome Can store Aircraft, Must: not be built on Hills
Campus Standard bonus next to Mountains, Minor bonus next to Rainforest and adjacent Districts
University +Science, +Housing, +Great Scientist Points
Research Lab
Commercial Hub - Bonuses if built next to Rivers
Market +Gold, +Housing, +Great Merchant points
Stock Exchange
Entertainment Complex
Harbor Major bonus next to Harbors & Rivers, Minor Bonus next to other districts
Lighthouse +Food, +Gold, +Housing, +Citizen Slot, +Great Admiral points
Shipyard +Great Admiral points, +Combat experience for new Naval Units, +Production = to the adjacency bonus of the Harbor district, Must: have already built a Lighthouse
Holy Site +Great Prophet Points, Major Bonus next to Natural Wonders, Standard bonus next to Mountains, Minor bonus next to unimproved Woods and adjacent Districts
Shrine +faith, +Great Prophet points
Temple +Faith, +Citizen Slot, +Great Prophet Points, +Relic Slot, Can Build Apostles
Cathedral +Faith, 1 slot for Religious Art
Gurdwara +Faith, +Food
Meeting House +Faith, +Production
Mosque +Faith. Missionaries and Apostles +1 Spread
Pagoda +Faith, +Housing
Synagogue +Faith
Wat +Faith, +Science
Industrial Zone Standard bonus next to Mine/Quarry, Minor bonus adjacent Districts
Military Encampment +Great General Points, Must: not be next to the City Centre
Barracks +Production, +Housing, +25% production of Melee/Ranged, Must: no Stables in encampment
Military Academy
Stable Must: no Barracks in encampment
Increases Housing
Spaceport Required for the Science Victory
Theater Square +Great Artist points, Standard bonus next to Wonders, Minor bonus adjacent Districts
Broadcast Centre
Campus Research Grants Converts Production into Science. Earn Great Scientist Points upon completion.
Holy Site Prayers Converts Production into Faith. Earn Great Prophet Points upon completion.
Theater Square Festival Converts Production into Culture. Earn Great Artist Points upon completion.
Terrain Buildings
Farm +food, +Housing, adjacency bonus next to other farms
Fishing Boats +food
National Park for Culture victory
Plantation + gold, +housing
Quarry +Production
You can combine certain units together to increase the number of units per tile, this can include more of the support units that use to be their own unit in past games.
You can also combine units of the same type to create armies
Units can embark without the need for transport vessels
The Map
Base Terrain
Coast - +1 Food +1 Commerce +1 Appeal
Deep Ocean -
Desert - No Yields
Grassland -+2 Food
Plains -+1 Food +1 Production
Snow -
Tundra -+1 Food
Terrain Features
Give bonus on top on base tile
Cliffs - +1 Appeal stop Units from Embarking
Floodplains - +2 Food
Hill - +1 Production
Marsh - +1 Food
Mountains -
Oasis - +Food +Fresh Water
Rainforests - +1 Food
River - +1 Appeal +Fresh Water
Woods - +1 Production +1 Appeal
Aluminum, Coal, Horses, Iron, Niter, Oil, Uranium
Citrus, Cocoa, Coffee, Cotton, Diamonds, Dyes, Furs, Gems, Gypsum, Incense, Ivory, Jade, Marble, Mercury, Pearls, Salt, Silk, Silver, Spices, Sugar, Tea, Tobacco, Whales, Truffles, Wine
Bananas, Cattle, Copper, Crabs, Deer, Fish, Rice, Sheep, Stone, Wheat
Cinnamon (Zanzibar), Cloves (Zanzibar), Toys (Great Person)
Natural Wonders
Cliffs of Dover (2 tiles) +culture & +gold
Crater Lake (1 tile) is a lake, +Faith, +Science
Dead Sea (2 tiles) is a lake, +Faith, +Culture, Units that heal adjacent to the lake heal in 1 turn.
Galapagos Islands (2 Tiles) +Science on adjacent tiles
Great Barrier Reef (2 tiles) +Food and +Science
Mount Everest (3 tiles) +Faith to adjacent tiles, Missionaries, Inquisitors & Apostles all ignore movement penalties on Hills
Mount Kilimanjaro (1 tile) provides + Food to adjacent tiles
Pantanal (4 tiles)
Piopiotahi (3 tiles) +Gold, + Culture to adjacent tiles
Torres del Paine (2 tiles)
Tsingy de Bemaraha (1 tile) Provides +Culture and +Science to adjacent tiles
Yosemite (2 tiles) +Gold, +Science to adjacent tiles
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