Civilization 7 Soundtrack/Music discussion

Don't take that as a complaint, though. They wanted this design to reference revolutionary France and I can't think of a more emblematic painting for that than Liberty Leading the People. Is it fair to compare that to Washington Crossing the Delaware?
It must be remembered that this painting that people often associate with "revolutionary France" is actually about the july revolution of 1830 and not the more commonly know revolution of 1789 (leading to the decapitation of louis16, the great terror and all that) which the french celebrate every year.
In comparison Washington Crossing the Delaware painting is not usually mistaken for another event.
I did not know that. Thanks for sharing!
I think the best Modern theme is Mexico still. That one really blew me away. I’ve sort of come around on America and Qing, hoping for France to be the same but I’m not sure how much I’m going to enjoy that same-ish tune for the last two minutes.
Now we wait for Russia's theme to be uploaded onto Youtube. Can anyone recognize the melodies?
Now we wait for Russia's theme to be uploaded onto Youtube. Can anyone recognize the melodies?
So about that…. I’m already setting myself up for disappointment, because the bits that I was able to discern are from… Hymn to Red October, from the movie “The Hunt for Red October”.

So at least part of the theme is taken after a musical piece composed not during the actual Russian Empire (or even USSR at that), not by an actual Russian composer, and not as an actual standalone piece.

Put together with the civ design, and I wish they just went for a clean Russian Empire route with the civ, instead of the awkward mish-mash with USSR that it currently is.
So about that…. I’m already setting myself up for disappointment, because the bits that I was able to discern are from… Hymn to Red October, from the movie “The Hunt for Red October”.

So at least part of the theme is taken after a musical piece composed not during the actual Russian Empire (or even USSR at that), not by an actual Russian composer, and not as an actual standalone piece.

Put together with the civ design, and I wish they just went for a clean Russian Empire route with the civ, instead of the awkward mish-mash with USSR that it currently is.
I am very surprised they didn’t go with a well known Russian classical song, Swan Lake or Night on the bare Mountain would’ve been good choices.
As much as I love Swan Lake, it doesn’t leave much room for… anything in the orchestration department.
Sigh… yup it’s a rehash of a soundtrack from a Hollywood movie about Red October. If more specific titles like “Colonial America” and “Imperial Russia” are less hints about future ages and civs, and more the musical direction given to composers, then… it kind of makes things worse to have Imperial Russian theme based on the very thing that ended it? :devil:
Sigh… yup it’s a rehash of a soundtrack from a Hollywood movie about Red October. If more specific titles like “Colonial America” and “Imperial Russia” are less hints about future ages and civs, and more the musical direction given to composers, then… it kind of makes things worse to have Imperial Russian theme based on the very thing that ended it? :devil:
Are you sure? I'm definitely hearing bits of the 1812 Overture in there.
Are you sure? I'm definitely hearing bits of the 1812 Overture in there.
I’ve linked the OST a few comments earlier. I’ll need to relisten to identify Overture 1812 (they didn’t use its most bombastic part, that’s for sure), but fairly confident that my guessed OST is at least part of the composition and its highlight.
I’ve linked the OST a few comments earlier. I’ll need to relisten to identify Overture 1812 (they didn’t use its most bombastic part, that’s for sure), but fairly confident that my guessed OST is at least part of the composition and its highlight.

You’re not alone in hearing that. What a bizarre choice!
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