Civilization destroyed by ...


Jul 18, 2022

When one civilization has beeen destroyed by other one sometimes reborn again as another civilization in some undiscovered part of the map.
When this is happened? Does it always happen up to some time period of time and after this period stops?
Does this only happened when empire is destroyed by the player or also by AI?
A destroyed civ always respawns as the other of its colour once until some time in the midgame (I’d assume up to 1 AD but it’s just my guess, someone has to correct me). It happens regardless of who kills the civ, an AI or the player.
maybe I'll have fun and let you know.
Therefore, I often do not completely destroy civilization, but leave the worst citiy without the possibility of development.
At least there is control over the civilization. Not searching all map and wasting time and strength to fight when it develops too much.
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There is an mod that allows (almost) unlimited respawns:
but what if the user would like to civilizations not be able reborn even once?
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