Civilization III Corner


Fighting Tyranny
Nov 10, 2009
New Lunar Republic

Hi all! I recently started writing a column for the S&T Times that focuses on our little forum here. Since most of the people who are active here on the Civ3 S&T don't seem to read the Times (since it's in the Civ4 forums), I decided that I should post a link here, and post my Civ3-centered column here as well.

I have a couple of reasons for writing the column:
1) CFC's most posted-in S&T forum ought to be recognized more in a publication focused on the S&T forums.
2) Since our current index is hopelessly out of date, I've been working on making a new one for some time now. This column will simplify the job as I continue to work on it.

Happy Reading!

S&T Times Editions:
1st Edition
2nd Edition
3rd Edition
4th Edition
5th Edition

Civ3 Corner Articles:
1st Column

Welcome all, to the first edition of Civilization III Corner! I am Sparthage: writer, forum-gamer, and CivFanatic. Before I begin, I’ll tell you a little about my CFC experience.

I’ve been on CFC for a couple of years now, but no forum here has captured my attention as much as the Civ3 S&T has. Many of my posts can be found within the forum, and I have read every story posted there since I joined CFC. Some of the best stories and tales of warfare and conquest are hidden within the Civ3 S&T. This column is meant to feature the more recent additions to the Civ3 forum, as well as to dive into the vast numbers of stories contained in the forum’s nine year history.

The Newest Additions
The Renewal by Verarde
Verarde makes his return to the Civ3 S&T with a remake of his earlier tale by the same name, only this time it has pictures!
Realpolitik: Greek Democracy by Princeof Persia
The second Realpolitik forum game for Civilization III comes from Princeof Persia as *drum-roll* Greece!
The Snake in the Grass by dominatr
Covering the Cherokee Nation’s rise to power, dominatr’s writes his war-filled return to Civ3 in the Golden Hordes Mod.

Current Stories
The Sons of Odin by Princeof Persia
The Sons of Odin chronicles the rise to power of the Viking people from their humble beginnings on the Iberian Penninsula.
Blood and Iron: Conquests of the Chancellor by MTB4884
Perhaps the most regularly updated story on CFC, Blood and Iron is an excellent read based on Pax Romana, one of the more popular Civ stories on CFC.
Sengoku: Rise of the Uesugi by HagiaSophia
HagiaSophia makes his debut with a tale that remakes Japanese history in the Sword of the Shogun conquest scenario.
The Conquests by choxorn
After a long hiatus, choxorn returns to Civ3 with a series of tales telling of his adventures in the Conquests scenarios contained in the Civ3 Complete (C3C) package.
Celtic Fury by Sparthage
My own story, in which I tell of the Celts’ rise to world domination through plenty of warfare.
1776 – CCM American Style by M60A3TTS
A long-overdue update revived this popular tale last month as the Americans resume their march to power.
Save the Mongols by tR1cKy
In one of the few current stories that uses Civ3 PTW, tR1cKy attempts to use unorthodox methods to spread the conquered Mongol people as part of the Roman Empire in a comedic fashion.
CCCM (That is, China in CCM) by Elephantium
Elephantium takes his succession game-inspire story off of a hiatus, and resumes his story of Chinese conquests.
I am your slave! by Raliuven (started by BaneFire)
The only current Anarchy game in the Civ3 S&T, Raliuven keeps it entertaining with amusing updates.

The Few, The Proud, the Finished
Nuovo Impero Romano – Italy AoI 4.0 by Taniciusfox
Tanaciusfox is well known in the Civ3 S&T for his many short, but well-written stories. Nuovo Impero Romano is no exception to this, chronicling the rise of a new Roman Empire in the popular Age of Imperialism mod.
Uncharted Territory: Aabraxan Plays Nice by Aabraxan
Aabraxan’s most recent story was played with a twist for him: no warmongering. One of the rare peaceful stories that we see in the Civ3 S&T, and an excellent read.

Featured Story: December
The Vanguard by BasketCase
Rating: 4.5/5
Although it is now long dead, The Vanguard remains near the top of my personal favorites list. Using Star Wars-based characters, BasketCase created a tale similar to WildWeazel’s One More Turn Theater in update fashion. In a One City Challenge, an advanced civilization emerges from the wreckage of a spacecraft and begins to attack the surrounding nations. Full of warfare, political games, and adventures, BasketCase does not disappoint in The Vanguard.

Note to Civ3 S&T Readers: I posted this last week, so it might not be up to date entirely. Newer stories will be mentioned in the next edition.
Thanks for posting this, Sparthage! I remember reading the article on "Celtic Fury" a couple months ago, but I didn't realize that the S&T Times was still continuing.
If you don't mind some nitpicking, The Snake in the Grass seems quite dead, and my story is in PTW, not vanilla.

BTW, nice idea, you should ask a mod to sticky this.
Sorry about that tR1cKy, I should have known that. I'll fix that for you there.

edit: Done.

Welcome to the long-delayed second edition of Civilization III Corner! I'd first like to apologize for not updating this sooner, but as I now have much more free time it should continue on as a monthly column.

Anyways, in the last couple of months the Civ3 S&T has been relatively quiet due to many of the forum's authors being occupied with schoolwork and other issues. However, several stories are expected to be updated within the next month. Thus, I'd encourage the occasional reader to check in at least once per week as the expected updates are posted.

The Newest Additions
Kaiser und Konig und... Iblis?! by Taniciusfox
Taniciusfox explores the Age of Imperialism mod once again, only this time as Austria-Hungary.
CCM 101 by CommandoBob
An excellent introduction to the CCM mod with many tips for the newer players.

Current Stories
Blood and Iron: Conquests of the Chancellor by MTB4884
This daily-updated story features the tale of the German people as they duel their many enemies on their way to world domination.
The Conquests by choxorn
Following the completion of the Mesoamerica scenario, choxorn will be playing the Age of Discovery conquest in this multi-part epic.
Celtic Fury by Sparthage
My own story, in which I tell of the Celts’ rise to world domination through plenty of warfare.
Save the Mongols by tR1cKy
In one of the few current stories that uses Civ3 PTW, tR1cKy attempts to use unorthodox methods to spread the conquered Mongol people as part of the Roman Empire in a comedic fashion.
CCCM (That is, China in CCM) by Elephantium
Elephantium takes his succession game-inspire story off of a hiatus, and resumes his tale of Chinese conquests.
I am your slave! by Raliuven (started by BaneFire)
The only current Anarchy game in the Civ3 S&T, Raliuven keeps it entertaining with amusing updates.
The Renewal by Verarde
An interesting tale on the regrowth of an empire following an apocalyptic event.

The Few, The Proud, the Finished
1776 – CCM American Style by M60A3TTS
After a long time, this tale of American dominance in the CCM mod finally comes to an end.
Viva Mahdiyah - AoI With Mahdists by Taniciusfox
Although technically not a completed game, this story of African resurgence in the AoI mod was well written and entertaining.

Featured Story: February
Pax Romana by Vanadorn
Rating: 5/5
Although there have been no updates to this story since 2008, many Civ3 regulars still hold out hope that it will one day be updated and finished. Why? It is the most-viewed Civ3 story by far and rightfully so. Throughout the tale, the reader will learn of the history of the Roman Empire and its workings. However, this is not a story that one can just sit down and read in a single session. Pax Romana is comparable in length to a novel and has few related screenshots. The story itself has inspired many other writers on CFC, however, and is likely to continue to do so in the future.
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