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[BTS] Civilization IV Live Stream


Deposed Emperor
Mar 25, 2008
One day a week (Tuesday normally) I'll be live streaming a game of Civilization BTS on YouTube. You can also watch after the fact and so can observe all my mistakes, and maybe some triumphs. Here is Part I:

My YouTube channel, where I post retro as well as current gaming stuff, is here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZ-KQWU_LpgascDvW90Gplg
Subscribed. Constructive criticism: that accent makes it hard to make out some words and suggestion - try to make moves little quicker, its kind tedious to listen what Zara Yakob is saying when he meets you:) Also key to good commentary is a good rythm. If your words repeat the same rythm its esier to listen to it. Not trying to make you feel bad, just trying to help you improve^^ I'll watch some your stuff later on youtube.
Subscribed. Constructive criticism: that accent makes it hard to make out some words

If you pay me I'll try & do any accent you want! :lol: But, yeah, I know it's a bit weird to people who aren't from around the north of England.

try to make moves little quicker, its kind tedious to listen what Zara Yakob is saying when he meets you:)

I'll try but I need thinking time!

Also key to good commentary is a good rythm.
Yep but Rhythm & me - I wouldn't get your hopes up! :lol:

Not trying to make you feel bad, just trying to help you improve^^
Say what you want, I don't mind criticism as long as it doesn't waste my time (eg it's just because 'that sucks') if that makes sense so yeah, criticise away.
Keep 'em coming! I'm just now getting back into Civ IV after quite a long break-I used to play at Emperor/Immortal and now I'm finding Monarch challenging enough! It's amazing how quickly you can forget what works!
Keep 'em coming! I'm just now getting back into Civ IV after quite a long break-I used to play at Emperor/Immortal and now I'm finding Monarch challenging enough! It's amazing how quickly you can forget what works!

I know what you mean - I forgot to convert to my religion for about 20 turns! :o :lol:
Subscribed. Constructive criticism: that accent makes it hard to make out some words and suggestion - try to make moves little quicker, its kind tedious to listen what Zara Yakob is saying when he meets you:) Also key to good commentary is a good rythm. If your words repeat the same rythm its esier to listen to it. Not trying to make you feel bad, just trying to help you improve^^ I'll watch some your stuff later on youtube.

Being a Turn Based Strategy, it's sort of hard to simply just play faster. Sometimes it can make things worse. That's just something that comes with experience and not really something one can really control. But it's okay IMO, since I've seen too many playthroughs where people spend 20 minutes at the menu screen talking about something.... So we have that! The videos are to the point for the most part.

Anyhow to OP, I watched a bit of the first part. I don't think going for the first religion is ever worth it, unless you have a high commerce title off the bat and you have mysticism to start with. This is doubly the case when you start with marble right away. You're going to be able to snag a religion anyways, as you may have later realized; oracaling theology through polytheism is kinda fun, since you can grab some wonders along the way.

Also, the area 1n of that cow to the east would be a prime spot for a new city. Not only is it close, it also can share the pig and seafood as needed. It would be good at spitting at workers and settler that you need to expand later on.

Keep up the good work; nice to see people doing let's plays.
For your captured cities, you don't need to get that much infrastructure up until you finish the war, monuments are pointless when you can just build culture, especially in places that don't have any cultural competition anymore; usually getting the first border pop is going to be enough. Maybe get a theater. Temples on a non-spiritual civ probably aren't worth the bother, and definitely not monastaries as his mediocre cities aren't going to be putting out much research and at this point in the game they might go obsolete soon enough. Also, markets and stuff aren't too good when you run high science %, as it goes to science anyways.

In most cases you're better off just building wealth. Or whipping more units and walls

The other thing is that you're going for military science, which I don't think will be a particularly big benefit. Getting a war academy is nice, but you don't really need grenadiers as there won't be any rifleman to counter. You'd be better served heading towards steel or rifling as those will allow you to plow through the rest with ease.

Depending on how many friends Alexander has, you may want to consider suing for peace and regrouping. You can easily finish him off if you can regroup without him running around harassing your cities.
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For your captured cities, you don't need to get that much infrastructure up until you finish the war, monuments are pointless when you can just build culture,

Yep. But heck, I'm just thankful I'm alive I'm so out of practice!

Depending on how many friends Alexander has, you may want to consider suing for peace and regrouping. You can easily finish him off if you can regroup without him running around harassing your cities.

I've done that once so thinking of just finishing him off and/or making him a vassal.

Here is Part X
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You really want to focus on the tech priorities. Military Tradition would have made things a lot easier with Cuirassiers instead of going for Grenadiers. But since you already have grenadiers, there's little point building medieval units. Replaceable parts isn't that great on its own. You go for it to get rifling.If you're not getting rifling, get something else.

Most cities should just build wealth at this point. As it's the 1700s, you absolutely need to focus on modernizing your empire asap or winning will be very hard.

At this point I would actually drop everything and go straight for Astro/Scientific Method and Communism to balance out the economy.
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Hmm, definitely want the universities for oxford at this point if you don't have it yet, and coal plants. Drop everything else and get communism asap above all else.

Machine guns are a good idea, but it can wait a little bit more.
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