Civilization V: Who/What Am I?

Some of these guesses are cracking me up! Noone has guessed it yet, but don't get too sour. You'll get it eventually.
Citrus? I have no idea why it would have anything to do with a philosophical conversation, but it is sour (Lemons & Limes at least, not so much the Oranges from the icon).
These guesses are cracking me up!! Not in a condescending way, but in a "you guys are super clever and humorous" way. No correct answers yet, so clue number three.

1. Let's have a philosophical conversation.

2. Sour.

3. 'Sorry sir, this seat is reserved.'

'For who?'

Coffee House
Coffee House

Yes sir!

1. The 'philosophical conversation' hint was in regards to the great people production (and the caffeine high).

2. Most strong coffees have a sour taste to them (especialy Turkish/Arabic), and I would venture to guess that they were serving the good stuff.

3. The engineer picture was a hint at the specialist slot that the Coffee House has.
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