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[LP] Civilization VI: Leader Pass - Discussion Thread

Also, it's really weird not hearing Sarah's voice(I think that's who narrated the reveals) anymore. That's gonna be missed. :( Even if she didn't pronounce everything correctly, it was still la joy to hear her voice to confirm that yes, new content's here.
Not a single in-game screenshot? :(

Anyway, have to admit Nader Shah might get me playing again. Never thought we'd ever see a post-Achaemenid leader of Persia. Would have preferred a Sassanid myself, but I'll take it. Also unironically pleased that we're presumably getting Cleopatra in Greek clothes. If you're going to choose a Ptolemy for Egypt, live with your choice. :p Have to ask, though, did we really need a persona pack for Victoria? :huh:
A single screenshot!
Really glad I bought of all of Civ6 on Steam recently now that I own an actual gaming PC.

Really interesting stuff here. I'm most excited about Suleiman since the Ottomans are one of my favorite civs and I'm generally interested in all of the new Personas. Can't say I'm super excited about an entire set devoted to just England but I like the thematic division they've set up.
Really like the roster. Looks like the leak was close but not perfect. Which I like since a) it kept some surprises for us and b) I found it really odd to have no Arabian alt in it. Glad we're at least getting a reskin. Although now I'm a bit disappointed by Rome not getting a single alt leader when both China and England will end up with 5 leaders/personas.
They have Eleanor, Victoria, the LP adds two more, who am I missing?
Screenshot from Steam:
Ugh, not more personas. Such a lazy way of doing new content and I really don't care for them. Last time all it did was split existing content up (allocating rough riders to only 1 persona)! And I won't even be able to disable them this time as they'll come packaged with the other leaders, great...
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Now that we have confirmation of the packs and who's in them, let's do some speculating.

Specifically, what the abilities will be now that we have themes established for them. Some will be obvious, but others less so. For Saladin Alt, Ana Nzinga, and Abe Lincoln, we have the theme of Great Negotiators. So they'll probably have Abilities related to Diplomacy. I'll start.

With Ana Nzinga, we have the possibility of better Military through Alliances, since she used the Dutch against the Portuguese in an erstwhile alliance of "My enemy's enemy is my friend."
Seems to me there's a possibility of a little more information on the steam page... At least for us CivFanatics ;-)

Return to rule with the Civilization VI: Leader Pass* and build the greatest empire in history with a huge roster of new and familiar faces. Throughout 6 DLCs that are scheduled for release between November 2022 - March 2023**, we will feature 12 leaders brand new to Civilization VI and 6 new takes on classic Civilization leaders. The Leader Pass encourages you to break out of your comfort zone with new approaches to diplomacy, war, expansion, and more. Each leader arrives with a suite of surprising new or updated abilities alongside inventive new agendas that'll change the way you play over five exciting months of world domination.

The six-part Leader Pass is included at no extra charge for new and existing owners of the Civilization VI Anthology on Steam.

* Base game required to access all Civilization VI Leader Pass content and additional DLC packs required to access certain leaders. Leader Pass is only available on Steam and Epic. On PC, Leader Pass will be available for purchase and is already included as part of the Civilization VI Anthology Edition.

** Estimated release dates, subject to change. Leader Pass content will be automatically delivered in-game as it is released.

The Leader Pass includes:

Pack #1: Great Negotiators Pack
Test your diplomacy skills with the Great Negotiators Pack, including Abraham Lincoln (United States), Queen Mbande Nzinga (Kongo), and Sultan Saladin (Arabia).

Pack #2: Great Commanders Pack
Lead your troops to victory with the Great Commanders Pack, including Tokugawa (Japan), Nader Shah (Persia)***, and Suleiman the Magnificent (Ottoman Empire)****.

Pack #3: Rulers of China Pack
Establish some new dynasties with the Rulers of China Pack, including Yongle, Qin Shi Huang the Unifier, and Wu Zetian.

Pack #4: Rulers of the Sahara Pack
Revisit the cradle of humanity with the Rulers of the Sahara Pack, including Ramses (Egypt), Ptolemaic Cleopatra (Egypt), King Sundiata Keita (Mali)****.

Pack #5: Great Builders Pack
Rebuild the world better than ever with the Great Builders Pack, including Theodora (Byzantines)*****, Sejong (Korea)******, and Ludwig II (Germany).

Pack #6: Ruler of England Pack
Fill out your growing collection of monarchs with the Rulers of England Pack, including Elizabeth I (England), Varangian Harald Hadrada (Norway), and Victoria (England).

*** Requires Persia & Macedon Scenario Pack to play
**** Requires Gathering Storm expansion to play
***** Requires New Frontier Pass and Byzantium & Gaul Pack to play
****** Requires Rise & Fall expansion to play
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