[LP] Civilization VI: Leader Pass - Discussion Thread

Ook so nice announcement... Still must admit to being very disapointed in hearing not a single mention of bug fixes or balance patch... I remain hopeful that the full reveals will include some infos on that, but until then I remain lukewarm

The free part is very nice I must admit !
The other thing would have been an improvement is a Rome alt, like Caesar.
Wow wow wow!
I am here for this!

GN is Great Negotiators
J is presumably the second pack and called so because Japan is in it.

I will be crazy pleased if the Suleman persona is culture oriented.
Also, I'm having to watch my language here because I'm so psyched that Mbande Nzinga is in the first installment. I really expected them to hold off on her for a while.

This also gives us some more clues to run wild about in terms of speculation about LUAs/Agendas. I was already guessing that Lincoln and Mbande Nzinga would have diplomacy/governor centered abilities but I think this is just further evidence towards that. Nader Shah seemed almost certain to have a military focus but Tokugawa was less of a sure thing there.

As for Yongle, Wu Zetian, and Elizabeth, I still have no real idea. All three could go in any number of directions. "Age of Steam" Vicky looks like she'll probably synergize with "Workshop of the World" more than either current English leader, which is nice.

Theodora being a "builder" was far from obvious but could be cool, same with Sejong. Ludwig II was pretty clearly going to be Wonder-focused because, well, it's Ludwig II, but I'm still ultra-psyched to see a Culture-based Germany in a Civ game. I really hope that Ludwig's agenda involves him constantly spending himself to near-bankruptcy (I know, I know, Ludwig's spending was out of his personal treasury, but it's still a huge part of his personality, and could make going to war with him... interesting.)
The pass is FREE if you own all DLC or the Anthology pack! :eek:

Are you guys as happy as me that the leader pass is FREE for the most dedicated fans, ie those with all the DLC? :D

I've got all the DLC but I don't think the pass is free for me since I can't get the Anthology pack :(.

The Anthology pack has two personas. I still can't get those two personas even though I've got the remaining DLC. I'd willingly pay for it, but they're not purchasable, so apparently there's no way for me to get Teddy and Catherine, plus I suspect that means I need to purchase the Leader Pass.
Although now I'm a bit disappointed by Rome not getting a single alt leader when both China and England will end up with 5 leaders/personas.
Me too. I m so negatively surprised from the Rome's new leader absence because in Boesthius video there was Julius Ceasar. He is the only leader of that video that aint coming in game. Huge disappointment, hype wasted :undecide::undecide::undecide:
Also, it's really weird not hearing Sarah's voice(I think that's who narrated the reveals) anymore. That's gonna be missed. :( Even if she didn't pronounce everything correctly, it was still la joy to hear her voice to confirm that yes, new content's here.
100%. I like the new guy's voice, but Sarah was just the voice of new content to me. I'm going to miss her.
Wait. No Caesar
I've got all the DLC but I don't think the pass is free for me since I can't get the Anthology pack :(.

The Anthology pack has two personas. I still can't get those two personas even though I've got the remaining DLC. I'd willingly pay for it, but they're not purchasable, so apparently there's no way for me to get Teddy and Catherine, plus I suspect that means I need to purchase the Leader Pass.
"For Windows PC, if you purchase Civilization VI Anthology (or purchase all of the content that's included in it separately at any time), you'll be eligible to receive the Leader Pass for no additional charge. "
Me too. I m so negatively surprised from the Rome's new leader absence because in Boesthius video there was Julius Ceasar. He is the only leader of that video that aint coming in game. Huge disappointment, hype wasted :undecide::undecide::undecide:
Ah, yes, because one possible Leader from an unproved leak up until this point didn't show up, this is a huge waste of time. :P /s
I've got all the DLC but I don't think the pass is free for me since I can't get the Anthology pack :(.

The Anthology pack has two personas. I still can't get those two personas even though I've got the remaining DLC. I'd willingly pay for it, but they're not purchasable, so apparently there's no way for me to get Teddy and Catherine, plus I suspect that means I need to purchase the Leader Pass.
Yeah people in this thread have mentioned it would be free for people with all the DLCs.... Did I miss something somewhere ? Because all I see in official info is that it would be free for ANTHOLOGY OWNERS... nothing else ???

EDIT: Ok just saw @Nikolai II post.... sorry it seems I DID miss something
Yeah people in this thread have mentioned it would be free for people with all the DLCs.... Did I miss something somewhere ? Because all I see in official info is that it would be free for ANTHOLOGY OWNERS... nothing else ???
"For Windows PC, if you purchase Civilization VI Anthology (or purchase all of the content that's included in it separately at any time), you'll be eligible to receive the Leader Pass for no additional charge. "
I've got all the DLC but I don't think the pass is free for me since I can't get the Anthology pack :(.

The Anthology pack has two personas. I still can't get those two personas even though I've got the remaining DLC. I'd willingly pay for it, but they're not purchasable, so apparently there's no way for me to get Teddy and Catherine, plus I suspect that means I need to purchase the Leader Pass.

Yeah people in this thread have mentioned it would be free for people with all the DLCs.... Did I miss something somewhere ? Because all I see in official info is that it would be free for ANTHOLOGY OWNERS... nothing else ???

"For Windows PC, if you purchase Civilization VI Anthology (or purchase all of the content that's included in it separately at any time), you'll be eligible to receive the Leader Pass for no additional charge."

From https://civilization.com/news/entries/new-leaders-coming-to-civilization-vi/
The fact they're spreading this out over 4+ months is really the best news for those of us who felt the "final" state of the game was lacking. That's a lot of potential base game bug fixes. Very much looking forward to this.
And there's also the fact that they aren't creating any new Civilizations, just new Leaders and Personas, meaning there's more time for them to dedicate to bug fixes and patches.

I'm not holding my breath, but I will be optimistic. :D
"For Windows PC, if you purchase Civilization VI Anthology (or purchase all of the content that's included in it separately at any time), you'll be eligible to receive the Leader Pass for no additional charge. "

Personas aren't purchasable. I've wanted them to be and I was hoping they'd be for a very long time.

So that means there's two items from the Anthology pack which I do not own (you had to buy NFP pass to get the personas, but I got the DLC separately). Hoping it's still free for me despite that.
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